Russia-Georgia-Ottesia News Explanations PLEASE?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by looseleaf, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    i banned him not because of alternative view, but because he keeps throwing hatred without any intention to prove his quite serious statements by facts.
    as a moderator i consider this behaviour as unacceptable in this topic.
  2. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    ok, it's your forum ;)
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    under "cnn propaganda" term he means western anti-russian mass media, not exactly cnn. this is a stable term in russian forums born due to some anti-russian statements of cnn, and quickly became a cliché.
  4. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    i think its funny that russians win their war in a week, but it takes superpower USA a decade to lose one.
  5. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    It's nice that Russia is propaganda-free. That it's only problem of USA & friends. :)
  6. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Wikipedia is a very good source as always:
    if you are suspicious about bias of the article just check the discussion page where all the flaming goes on.

    thats true also about all other contemporary conflicts i have checked on Wiki.
    You might want to read for example about the Georgian civil war in the 90s.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  7. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member


    from newssite:
    22:35 (today) Saakashvili calmed the citizens of Tbilisi
    In his opinion, nothing threatens Tbilisi well until tomorrow.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  8. tpak

    tpak Well-Known Member

    Nice one, Grobar. I really think that this article (wikipedia's concerning 080808 war) is the golden mean.
  9. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Yeah, but they're stealing Iraqui oil in the meantime, so they can beat China in basketball for decades.
  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    since it is in russian, i post a summary - personages (and corpses) are duplicating that may hue to dishonest infowar.

    but even if it is really dishonest reporters, it would not define who allowed blood to bleed in this war.
  11. hardy

    hardy Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  12. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by that??
  13. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Why hasn't someone put a muzzle on Bush? USA invades Iraq, and that's ok, but Russia goes into Georgia to defend itself and they can't do that?

    Anyway, the fighting has started. The time for negotiations is over as far as I'm concerned. Considering the Bush Doctrine, it may be time to start doing everything you wanted to do in life, especially if the U.S. ever gets involved in this. Maybe this is just my utter lack of faith in the CnC, but this may be the beginning of something far worse depending on the next few moves in the conflict.
  14. -Kazel

    -Kazel FH Developer

    Funtom... Exec not from Russia... what u say now?
  15. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  16. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Who do you think lost that war, "rolland"?

    General Electric? Bell helicopter? United Technologies? Lockheed? Armalite? Reamington-Peters? General Dynamics?
    FMC? Grumman? Boeing? Colt? Rockwell?

    Nope, they did NOT lose that war. Those and some others won.
    Some 55,000 of my friends lost that war and maybe a million Viet Namese, maybe more.

    War is a Racket.
  17. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    (If the wiki is right, beats me, I usually don't trust it...)
    "The full independence of South Ossetia was supported by 99% of South Ossetia's civil population according to the South Ossetian independence referendum with 95.2% of the population participating in the referendum.[44]

    That must've been a really fair and legimite voting. I guess they used the old albanian way to vote....
    (some sources state that about 1/3 of people in S-O well, was, georgian. I don't think they would've voted for indepence.)

    (wiki again...)
    "Before the Georgian-Ossetian conflict roughly two-thirds of the population of South Ossetia was Ossetian and 25-30% was Georgian. The present composition of the population is unknown, although according to some estimates there were 45,000 ethnic Ossetians and 17,500 ethnic Georgians in South Ossetia in 2007.[40] By August 2008 more than 70% of the South Ossetia citizens had Russian citizenship."

    The South Ossetian separatist government is dependent on Russia. It is funded by Moscow, which supplies two thirds of their annual budget and the Russian state-controlled gas company Gazprom has made investments worth hundreds of millions of dollars in South Ossetia.[37] Furthermore, many of the residents of South Ossetia are Russian citizens holding Russian passports: according to the BBC, "more than half of South Ossetia's 70,000 citizens are said to have taken up Moscow's offer of a Russian passport."[45][33] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claims 90% of South Ossetia residents possess them. Russia has argued this justifies intervention to protect its citizens, within its peacekeeping mission.[35

    Oil again...

    Why haven't Russia recognized South Ossetian indepence yet? They acclaimed in -91. Even Russia (as part of UN) considers S-O a part of Georgia.

    @redant: I do agree that the world should be consistent how the "new countries" are delt with.
  18. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    you americas sure are a clever bunch
  19. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

  20. Relict

    Relict Well-Known Member