RollandGarros banned for 1 week

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -exec-, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    I could almost agree with you just erase all after countrymates....

    lol voitas there is nothing wrong in being polis, brazilian, american, serbian, hungarian, german,... etc etc, but sometimes one that represents those countries behaves like asess hence if they get shit from the fan in their face it's nobodies but their own mistake and they should suck it up.
  2. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    @exec: Could you please ban ronin, who has done a great job fuckin with this board for the last six months and now, after all those insults, fuck yous and threats is "behaving properly"....

    Such a hipocrasy makes me sick....

    And put demian on the list too...
  3. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    I will just say:
    You are really patetic.
  4. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member


    Have you not been one of the biggest asswipes of the forum for the last few months?

    "FU polish", you said in the other thread, and that's an insult. You also edited your direct insult to RG. The insult which you made after execs deadline..........

    Therefore you should be banned aswell. Same rules to everyone, IMO.

    Asskissing exec might do the trick though. You're trying hard enough, that I must admit.
  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    every1 calm down, pls
  6. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    You weren't calm either when you banned Roland Garros out of personal dislikes, were you? If other forum members don't personally bug you, you don't seem to do anything. Which is fine, as long as you don't do anything to anyone. But you just did.
  7. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    And ban airfax for existing lol;)
  8. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    yes yes, keep on doing your "constructive" posts...

  9. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    its not kosovo here, you cant make ppl shut up because you dont like what they say and it happens you are stronger
    (exec is, so try the way decent forumers :D are already goin)
  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    what you described is named "misuse of power in personal conflicts". :)

    what i see in this situation is simple: violent violation of forum rules. :)
  11. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    You were the bigest sidekick hidden asswipe of the forum. So much for insults...

    Wrong again
    I wrote FU only after one of Poles wrote FU Serbian hence I was provoked.
    RG is bigass antisimitist, persona who doesnt have takt nor brains and everybody know that in here. Furthermore I aplaude to exec for taking action in this and he will have my complete suport in this mater. And lol what execs deadline mand are we in some kind court here.... sorry but youre funy.

    Why do you think I sould be baned? If you think that is good enough reason defending Serebs when atacked by Poles since I am serb then I just laugh in your face.

    I am sorry you are not even amusing in this.
  12. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    lol FU boa ;)
  13. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    What the hell is "the bigest sidekick hidden asswipe"?

    Execs deadline was scary enough for you to edit post....

    Basically it's nothing personal. I just think that after all this whining for forum rules, and after exec actually starts to use them, the rules should be same to everyone. I don't know what the fact that you're a serb has to do with this thing. You're yelling for banning fuckie, applauded for banning RG, and you've been using the exact same language as they have for last few months. Why you shouldn't be banned?

    well, FU you too (and a smilie here, so exec won't be mad at me... :rolleyes: )
  14. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Lol, Ron couldn't make me shut up even in persona...

  15. vojtas

    vojtas Well-Known Member

    I'd bet he could, rumor has it, that he's got some killing farts :rose:
  16. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Wife says the same about me. So it'll be a contest time....

  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    huehuehue TP, I see you've hit on some soft spot there with ronin ;)
    mby someone should compile a small showcase of his "polite" posts from that period and then we'll see what he has to say for himself :)
    Denial is not just a river in Egypt, honey.

    I agree, he made this forum his psychedelic playground for throwing insults on everything and everyone, this was IMHO far worse than any other thing that RG did... (note: subjective opinion, I like RG, I don't like ronin.)

    RG at least is funny
    funny beats pathetic & hypocritic every time

    P.S. exec started something he'll be unable to finish... It'll be fun to watch him struggle though.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2008
  18. vojtas

    vojtas Well-Known Member

    TP stands for toilet paper... :dunno: :D
  19. flygavn

    flygavn Well-Known Member

    Wow, the fellowshio here is amazing.
    I thought this thread was about RollandGarros banned for 1 week
    Ever who he is. I must be getting good at filtering out Bull$%^#, I been here 8yrs or so and I havent noticed him.
    If you start reading stuff that &*(**%. Skip over it, youll get a lot less Pissed off.
    So banned for a week, what from forum?
    Well if a man is moderator he needs to moderat.
  20. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    nah, TP knows what TP stands for :p