New game fh il2...

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by demian, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. Ziomek

    Ziomek Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Me163 is still there , remove pls
  2. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
  3. spaceb

    spaceb Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2001
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    You guys should make a guide or something explaining how to make it work.
  4. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    It's simple spaceb.
    Install IL2FB 4.09b
    Install the 20090210 version of the mod (clicking "no" wheen asked if the installer should delete other detected mods [otherwise it will delete itself]).
    Install the 20090301 patch over it (you must first select a folder to unzip it, the folder must be different than your IL2FB folder for the patch to install properly).
    Run the game and enjoy (join the server via "multiplayer" - "join server" option).
  5. skycpt

    skycpt Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    Anyone have a working link to get 4.08m upgraded to 4.09? I have all the other patches and mods just need to get that one.

  6. skycpt

    skycpt Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Chicago, IL
  7. flygavn

    flygavn Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2005
    Re: Complete IL2 CD's and all expansion packs - Make me and offer...I'll take it.

    :fly2: IL2....I tried it again, loaded all the new expansion packs and updates etc. Finaly figured out the crash to desktop and at last got on line.

    Unfortunitly it was worst then I remember, I dont see the attraction. Very pretty to watch, but I experance more realism and enjoyment when I was a kid sitting behind the big box fan we had and going burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...pugggggu yaaaaaaannnnn.

    If upgrading your computer, let IL2 be the last reason to do so. :fly2:
  8. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    Agree 100%
  9. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    I don't even find it particularly pretty to look at. Unless you have a cluster of supercomputers at home and can afford to crank up all settings to the max, Il-2 looks pretty bland. Oh, and have I mentioned that it has the most pitiful P-38 I've ever flown in any computer game (I know I have, but I'll say it again ... and again .... and again :D). And the interface sucks too. Il-2's chat feature is a sad joke compared to Warbirds radio channels, very cumbersome to use. Can't zoom the map properly either (unless I just haven't found out yet how).
  10. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Everyone seems to think that warbirds is a better "game" than il2.
  11. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Time for another poll?
  12. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    No need poll imho, both games are available, tabahost as well...
    so, everyone can play what he likes:fly2:
  13. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    if you come to il2 fh you can take revenge on me for all those years in wb for free :D
  14. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    What do you mean, for free? :p

    And I've already tried it. Didn't like it much (did it show from post?).
  15. skycpt

    skycpt Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    Well for those of us on the West side of the Atlantic it wont matter much anyway. Server has 400ms ping minimum. Perhaps because it is still in beta testing mode admins are using the ping requirements. As a point of reference I am in Chicago area of USA and ping times to IL2FH servers averaged to be 410-600

    The freehost mod will render any play other than connecting to the IL2FH server inoperable, so if you enjoy offline, lan or online at other servers you need a separate install. So after 4 hours of setup time, clean install of game, update to 4.08m, update to 4.09b1m, add 4.09b1m skins, update to IL2FH 20090210, update to IL2FH 20090301, add mto3 map, add mto2 map.

    I was able to connect to the server, get into the cockpit, start to crank an engine before getting kicked and learning about the 400ms ping restriction.

    "Your ping exceeds 400ms"
    "SkyCpt is idle and has been kicked"

    4 tries, same results.
  16. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2001
    fast switch

    hi skycpt,

    for betas, testing, mods or like that:
    'il-2' has a simple file-structure. to switch between, fe., 4.08, 4.09b and 4.09b-fh just create anywhere three folders with some easy to remember names for the versions. the folders should contain from the related installation:

    files.sfs, il2_core.dll, il2_corep4.dll, il2fb.exe (mg_snd.dll, mg_snd_sse.dll)

    files.sfs, il2_core.dll, il2_corep4.dll, il2fb.exe (mg_snd.dll, mg_snd_sse.dll)

    files.sfs, il2fb.exe (wrapper.dll, 'MODS'-folder)

    if you want to switch back or forth, just replace these files inside your 'Il-2 Sturmovik 1946'-folder. the 'mg_snd.dll' and 'mg_snd_sse.dll' give sometimes problems for the beta-version, so maybe you don't want to use them at all (i don't, so i have put them in brackets). the 'wrapper.dll' and 'MODS'-folder could probably also just stay in the 'Il-2 Sturmovik 1946'-folder... just not to lose them (in case of an upgrade of 'Il-2 FH' don't forget to replace the new files in the switch-folder as well).

    in case, you have already overwritten the '4.08' or '4.09b' files, they can be found at 'M4T' or other sites, as included in some 'switcher'-tools (which all do the same: they replace the files by a bat-command, instead manually)
  17. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    Well, comparing only 45mb basic install for wb fh, and 3600mb plus add-ons
    for il2 fh, and for what:)?
    So u can see your joystick in cockpit moving around:)?
    Being able to zoom ur gunsight on target:)?
    "Looook, i have bullet holes all over my canopy":)))!
    "Flaps combat"....zzzz..."flaps take off"...zzzz...."flaps combat"...zzz..
    I bet ppl like antred will switch to il2 as soon as they notice how many il2 variants there:)
    Not to mention those problems with install-uninstall-reinstall...
    Just because admins wont work on wb, doesn't mean wb fh has no potential,
    and what to offer in the future.
    Il2 story is for those who like to buy new saitek models of joys , with peddals,
    who like to build own mechanical cockpits around pc, because they think it will
    make them feel like in real ww2 combat:)
    I remember some very skillful and very Funny guys who flew on wb fh in 2D
    mode, with mouse, or using ASD keys for rudders ..
    Now ppl even use track head movement programs, fly through clouds, and above all, they have chance to fly in those uber russian planes..
    The funniest thing about il2 and ppl who took part in making this modification,
    either by giving ideas, modifying maps, or whatever, they do not use same excuse as they used when was question about fh wb problems. Back then , u could hear from ppl this:" Do not push admins so much, time has passed, life is going on, they have wives ,kids, they do not have time to spend on resolving problems in a "game"..
    Now all those ppl hurry to tell Barmal what to do next, how to fix this, how to make that , offering endless help for , i guess, "not game".
    In wb fh there was a rule concerning nights, and some other improvements,
    everything was adjusted so one could play with old pc,in 2d mode, u know socialism. Now, some other team made modification on new game ,which requires new pc , and great part of those old socialists washed their hands of old ideas, and went to take part in making new .Why to bother with still pink cockpits on new graphic cards,with game that is not dead yet, when u can
    be wise ass and give some advices in making something new?
    Few years already we r listening how wb is old game, old old old , dead dead dead. Guess what, it is not dead yet.
    But some ppl are, like our friend exec who transformed from "always nervous admin" to il2 wannabe.Full of enthusiasm, can u imagine , he is now very friendly creature, always there to help.. Well, i'm happy that he lost his burden,and i'm glad that he could go back to his youth with new flight and damage model in il2, plus all those magnificent graphics:)
    WB FH , still, Rules.:director:
  18. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    News flash: it IS possible to write posts without insulting other people
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  19. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    i mean, you wont find bigger noob there than i am, i cant tweak my stick to feel it right so i cant aim, i stall all the time and i see shit cause of my gfx

    and answering previous post, yes, il2 has very annoying interface, but you can view chat on the screen and you can zoom map with mouse clicks

    anyway yes this platform give sa lot annoying things
    still i miss playing so bad i log in once in a while anyway, but wb is dead (cant run it on my os anyway) and theres no real alternative
    i tried ah again and again fed up with it before half of my trial time expired
    tt was fun, but its situaion is even worse than wb... yeah.. if you have any ideas just let me know :D
  20. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2001
    after reading demian's post, i don't know, why he ever went away from hercules-grafics monochrome games...

    il-2 offers grafical advancements to warbirds, which for sure give more immersion to game-play. pinpointing to that as if it were the only difference is polemic.

    let aside how exact the modelling represents the real-life counterparts (i am for sure not the one to have enough knowledge) - which will always be a point of discussion, no matter the simulation - il-2 has a lot more variables included than warbirds. by that, at least all planes, even the subvariants, have very distinct characteristics.
    there is no complex engine management in warbirds, not at all. there are no superchargers, prop-pitch, radiators, overheat-damage, like in il-2.
    there is bombing with adjusting altitude, deviation, airspeed in warbirds.
    there is no realistic torque modelled in warbirds, no detailed damage-model, no mw-50 injection or nitro or boost or combinations.
    i like the netcode of il-2, which still suffers from individual lag, but a lot less than warbird (my impression), including the collision detection (although sometimes breathtaking over 200m, but in general makes sense).
    i like the possibilities for individualisation, like skinning and map-making.
    i like the expanded offline-mode with it's campaigns (sometimes), which is absent in warbirds. i never had fun to fly alone on a map in warbirds... just for flying.
    as a flight-simulator, warbirds can't stand the comparison with il-2! the same goes for 1vs1-combat... no way.

    i find warbirds still a lot more fun as a multiplayer (mostly due to the kind work of freehost), which doesn't necessarily mean the same as online-game... freehost has changed warbirds to a long-year-enjoyment and i am very happy to see, that the concept is perhaps taken over to il-2.
    i find it very natural, that efforts are more on the side of an old, but still very worthwhile simulator like il-2 than on a totally outdated, and in every aspesct less offering, engine like warbirds. thx for all the years of warbirds-fh (and for still keeping it up) and thx in advance for letting me in as guest on il-2 fh!

    hi redant,

    as i said above, i have no real clue about 'correctness' of flight-models. i am also quite a bad shot in dogfighting il-2... i am more fancy of peaceful racing :)
    however, over time i have checked some game-data with rl-testings and more often than not i find them according (for good tracking in il-2 there are some devicelink-tools, which collect a lot of flight-data offline and even make graphs). of course this doesn't mean, that the 'behaviour' of a plane must be correct if the corner-data are.
    having said that, why do you think, the p-38 is especially bad modelled in il-2? the only (general) concern i heard of so far is that the recovery-flaps incorretly work more like dive-breaks (personally i can't see anything else than a long range escort in such a heavy plane - but for that it does surprisingly well as a fighter in il-2).
    anyway, what i wanted to say is, that you should try again. by all means, if you like the p-38 as a plane, you won't find more to fly it than il-2. my guess would be, that stick-settings might be a reason for your disappointment - it took me ages to enjoy a 190, and only after i eventually changed some sliders.