Basic WB strategy thread

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Higgns, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Higgns

    Higgns Well-Known Member

    This thread is for the pilots who trade 4 medium fields and one cv for an unsuccessful attempt a small field that has no strategic importance.

    1. Get your head out of your ass, use some basic deductive reasoning, and anticipate your opponent's next move.

    This way every single move by the opponent isn't a shocking surprise.

    2. If there is a cv near, kill it.

    If you don't kill it and suddenly find fields closing that are nowhere near enemy fields, then rest assured that your not killing the cv is what caused this.

    3. If a large or medium field is almost closed, finish it before running off to attempt closing of worthless small field with 4x50.

    4. If a field is closed for 2000 seconds, troop it.

    Field 18/27 will still be waiting later on for your unsuccessful attempt to close it with jabo.

    5. If you are trooping a field that is closed for a long time, don't fly straight toward it from most obvious field or all you end up doing is feeding enemy fighter score.

    One successful and landed mission is much more rewarding than 14 one-way failures.

    6. If a high buff has told you he is headed toward a certain field, don't decide to stupidly fly there and parade around in dar range with a sign that says "hey enemy, we are about to attack this field" and certainly don't drop your 4 little baby 50kg on the hanger causing close time of 283 seconds.

    Many excellent strategists are in wfree but they always seem to be on the side with higher numbers meaning you have 12 strategists vs 5 clueless pilots who have been making same mistakes over and over every single day since 2001 yet still haven't learned from them.

    Feel free to add some basic strategy bits of your own that all wbfree pilots should know and maybe the arenas will be more exciting than bulldozing reset after reset with little or no that boring stuff for offline flying.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  2. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Dear Higgins,
    if you want a good cooperation, do it with your squad and stop screaming in MA about noobs and idiots who cap a small field and lost 2 bigs. This situation was in MA what i remember and always will be, because some ppl have a different view how to play and enjoy this game.
    Everybody (except a few newbies) knows that is nonsence to kill hng with 100kg bomb, everybody knows that enemy cv near the field is very dangerous, everybody knows that is much better to close a fields with ruined eco, (etc, etc) but... who cares ;)

    Just a game...
  3. Asmumy

    Asmumy Well-Known Member

    I almost cried
  4. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

  5. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    Funtom, no problem with people who do what they want to do .
    Problem is with people who expect help, and dont help.
    People who fly light near hvy fighters and Li2 , and then li2 gets more kills, or hvy fighter gets more kills than light fighter. That is problem.
    I like hunters, I like when hunter is hunting wherever he wants , but kills something. What I dont like is when I fly hvy or buff or Li2, there are 5 cons and 5 friendlies, and then I get more kills than 5 friendlies together.
    That is real problem.
    Many guys in arena want to fly light sometimes, even Higgns, but often they cant. If they do fly light, they will lose fields for take offs. Its easy for hunters to take off from fields they didnt cap . They didnt participate. So if you dont participate in some action, what right you have to take off from that field later?
    I have no problem with people who miss targets, or crash li2, because they at least tried. I have problems with people who want to fly light near action field, and then die with no con killed. That is problem, because that guy could bring bombs and be more useful. Ok , mb its their choice, but then dont ask " Where are cons" other pilots...I dont like flying Li2 any more than you or any other guy does, but i do it for us , to have field to take off from.
    How many times you came to arena with only 2-3 fields for your side?
  6. Higgns

    Higgns Well-Known Member

    I'm cool with not going after fields and people can play as they wish.

    The guys who want to do "something other than capturing" should not be asking for li2 to be sent to a field they have no chance of closing.

    If they are asking for li2, then they are capturing.

    If they are capturing, they should at least bring proper tools to succeed.

    This thread is about some basic strategy and not funtom slinging shit.

    Add your strategy funtom and maybe some pilots can learn your valued wisdom.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  7. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    higgns, these are basically good advices for "territory folks".
    what would you do with "dogfight folks"?
  8. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    1. Whatever.

    2. Ok, but is the CV going to respawn in the middle of a bunch of enemy land bases?

    3. I actually agree here. Keep the 4x50 kg for jeep at med/lg field.

    4. You have 30+ min to take care of that. Don't be such a try hard.

    5. Some is, some ain't. You can do it with proper support.

    6. They may be doing this as a FU, and that's exactly the way I percieve this kind of action. Who knows? Maybe they are stupid. But seriously, triggering alarm at a base that a high alt buff is attacking just so you can attack another field with players = ros - 2 and say nothing about where you truly intend to attack even after the buff is shot down is pretty fucking retarded. Even then, why would you do something like that and ruin the buff pilot's game when you can go do your beggar's canyon run at some other field and have just as much fun?
  9. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Man, I am here ~8-9 years, I flew a lot of jabo missions, a lot of buff missions with RLY good pilots, so now I am quite bored. Our missions were fast, quiet and without loses (it was the main goal), not like 99% of missions in MA now. I am not against this "hooray style", if it is funny for somebody- great, but not for me, so I don't fly it. I am not helping and I don't expect a help.

    In these days I bring sometimes hvy too, but not so often, for me is not important number of resets and who won the war. For me is important just:
    - laughing Boa
    - angry Bumbrle
    - 27 Turks on my 6 (when i am red)
    - Ant's sister
  10. Higgns

    Higgns Well-Known Member

    True Funtom......I'm not a fan of watching a bomber at 4km drop it's bombs on a field and then dive straight down into ack or selfbomb or watch a typhoon pilot die 34 times to take out 7 ships.

    Much of the "bad behavior" seen in the arena is because people don't want to invest the time required to perform a successful mission that includes RTB.

    Concerning CV action.......

    If you fly high enough, ack cannot shoot you.

    Sure the limit is higher than it used to be concerning 88mm but you can still take out the entire group with one b24 mission (8x1600) or two he177 missions from just over the 88 ack limit.

    It is easy to cut out a piece of paper the proper length for how far ahead you should release bombs to score hits from high altitude and you can even compute the ship speed (in case someone hit cv and slowed it down) by length of the wake.

    Just make sure you use the same zoom in the bomb sight every time.

    Be aware that destroying certain ships or coming in a lower altitudes will cause the group to perform evasive turns which means you could drop 4 perfectly computed bombs and miss with 3 of them when the first ship blown up triggers evasives from cv group.

    Also be aware that a blown up ship near the front of the cv group could trigger a ship near the rear to drastically speed up to take the place of the destroyed ship at the front.

    Again, you can probably figure out the relationship between wake length and ship speed and score hits anyway.

    It seems DD all die with a good 500kg bomb hit but not sure if smaller bombs can kill them with a single hit.

    A CA will most likely survive a single 500kg bomb hit with 4% capacity left so you have the choice of dropping two or dropping one 500kg and two 50kg to complete kill......this depends on your chosen loadout and you can always come back with 50kg on next mission to finish ca.

    If you notice the enemy will soon take your cv, you can launch a heavy buff in anticipation of the captured cv showing at the port where it spawns.

    One of the most rewarding missions I have ever landed was recapturing the entire fleet in the port only 5 minutes after it was captured by the enemy with a single buff sortie.

    Of course, if you believe the enemy has launched a buff to destroy the fleet in the port before it starts moving again, then you might want to stop short of killing the last ship and launch a bomber buster fighter with lots of fuel to kill the waiting buff.........Letez is very good at this.

    CV busting missions, if landed, are huge points missions (if you care about points) and I've seen over 100,000 points awarded depending on arena population and plane selection.

    Another thing about cv.......learn the patterns so you're not surprised when 22 comes under attack an hour and a half after enemy has taken cv5.

    The cv group is also very fast which means you can lose it easily if you don't know where it might be going.

    Entering and leaving over and over to find cv is a dweeb move and a lot less rewarding than finding them yourself and you will eventually find them through performing long range missions anyway.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  11. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    Dear Higgns,
    Please don’t underestimate the role of small fields in the war strategy.
    If you now Russian/French history, you must remember about Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.
    The victory of Russian troops on the small field “Borodino” was exchanged for capturing of Moscow by the French. Of course, it was not been the capital of Russia those days, but non the less it was considered the Heart of Russia.
    And you must also know what the final of Napoleon’s invasion was.
  12. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    I would set up purple color just for fighters. They wouldnt have chance to cap fields, nor to fly anything other than fighters. Once they lose all starting fields,
    they can fuck off for the rest of tod:fly2:

    I dont like that style, but we are forced to do it. Cvs reupping near big fields.
    We dotn have enough of menpower; I would rather dogfight, but im forced to fly buff, hvy , then li2; Just dont watch it as "boa killed by acks again" , watch it as 10 people in boa ...We are forced to die 10 times in cv , because alternative to that is reds capping big field. I prefer to die then.

    The best time on fh I ever had is flying with ghosts on some far far far away missions, 2-3 buffs, 1 hvy plus li2 ... That was the best .
    But I must say , I have fun even now , when 3-4 of us destroy the shit out of some field, having 4-5 cons who only defend. So we get killed over and over again , but if we manage to win , that is great feeling.:@prayer:
    Its like in real war, sometimes is just brute force on force, and who persists, wins:)

    Very true now since buffs are available on small fields. I do hate smalls, I hate losing time on smalls, but I have to say Noisul is one of the most persistent people on fh. He just starts and goes to closed field, until he caps it.:@prayer:
  13. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Higgns I used to play this game for about 4 hours a day, going through some serious frustration just trying to get a basic raid to an opponents field going, even when we had a big numerical advantage.

    It is certainly true that some people are here to win the war by capturing fields, others are just into killing cons with light fighters..etc..different people, different reasons for playing...
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  14. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Last TOD, gold had a very effective strat. They drop a lot of bombs on a base, close it, and cap the base with Li.

    Red strat was fly 3 missions at most to a field, maybe drop a couple of bombs, cry on ch100/101 for help 10 minutes after you started bombing for 20 min, spam ch100 about not getting help for 30 min, spam ch100 with FU REDS! for an hour, then make a post about not ever getting help on forums.

    Every now and then, gold would adopt red strat, but gold overcame this and continued with the strat of win.
  15. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    Yes, the gold "strat" very much effective.
    Day and night they bomb, close and capture the red fields. They dont sleep, eat, go to school and to kindergarden. They only close and capture fields.
    They dont fuck even! Only bomb, close and capture red fields.
    I think they are not ppl.
    They are just robots. The robots, which can only bomb, close and capture red fields. Of course, they cannot fuck in human way... But sometimes, they must have rest to oil their gear. And then we, reds, can bomb, close and capture the gold fields. And fuck them in very human way. And that's our "strat" of the win.
    WTG! :turret:
  16. tazman88

    tazman88 Well-Known Member

    translation: people in MA could cooperate more

    Is this new? no
  17. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    It Just happened that way ...
    Last tod more experienced pilots were on gold side, ghosts were absent 70% of time, some of red buffers were flying gold ....happens.
    Reds simply dont have any strong sqd , Turks are always gold, ghosts change sides...Much more fun is to fly gold , atmosphere is different, people more relaxed... On red side there are plenty of hard core non stop negative players, they can fuck up fun for other pilots..

    Feel free to skip this subject if you feel sleepy.
    Leave us to talk about what we want to talk about.
  18. casper1

    casper1 Well-Known Member

    I know you will find this hard to believe but I do agree with your strategy tips and as a squad we use to practice this quite often. I have been playing on FH for so many years and have seen many changes in the game and the people who play. When I first started playing here there was an average of 50 to 70 players, day or night and I remember seeing over 100 in the MA at one time for awhile. You better believe that strategy was everything to capture a field and I have seen many good players work it to perfection.

    As time went on and changes made, people started quiting. Attitudes and the type of play changed. Cheats, spys, and switching sides became the norm and even more people dropped out. I can not tell you how frustrating it is to plan a "mission", climb for an hour or so in your buff only to have a 110 at 6500 KM shoot you and your squad down. To counter this we attempted to rely only on our squad to close and cap. Yes, that is ashame because it defeats the "Red" or "Gold" team play strategy.

    It's not that we don't know good stategy from bad, it is simply the fact that we don't take things as serious as we used to. When I come into the arena, I want to joke around with my friends and just do the best I can. If you want to see good stategy, watch the Turks send two 110's to a small or medium field, kill a cpl targets and see the red channel buffer light up with "golds at f3". All reds up in light spitfires to kill the 110's and meanwhile a cpl of Turks in HE177's are closing and capping a big red field with no resistance.

    We have learned a lot from the TGR but it still comes down to numbers. If enough of our squad is in the arena, you will see some good stategy. If not, and we have to rely on outside help, you will see some shit stategy.
  19. Higgns

    Higgns Well-Known Member

    Ghosts have great strategy and teamwork and can quickly run them map regardless of who else might be on.

    They all already know most any strategy that could possibly end up in a thread like this one.

    Thanks for contributing to the thread.
  20. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    the best teamwork is in TGR in these times, great cooperation of buffs+jabo/jeepkillers