168 Wish list.....

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -ALW-, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

  2. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    .hmack +/-10 works? I must not have read that in the help file the last time I had access to it.
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    - : left
    + : right
    (no sign) : absolute heading
  4. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Communication/cheating/spies issues I've been wondering about.
    When I used Air Warrior years back, communication was similar to WB we have now but, different in one way that prevented unnecessary espionage. Communication between different countries could ONLY be made on the public channel. No private communication between countries, such as chatting with someone on the Gold side from the Red side.
    This is something that was a standard setting in Air Warrior back in the day. I know there are other vox options out there but, this is one area that should see some discussion in my opinion.
  5. joseh-

    joseh- Well-Known Member

    Agree. This should be disabled.
    Altough today we have Ventrilo and TeamSpeak... An honourable man will never use that artifacts :)
  6. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    how about disabling the whole chat possibility for everyone totally? that would force players to think and play this porked game less and less, so the amount of online plaers would go to 1 to 3 max, which we all wish. But, and all in all force people to use Teamspeak to communicate.
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    "we all wish" ?????

    Not me.
  8. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    I used to spend hours talkin with reuben or antred when we were on different sides. It was FUN. We did not exchange any espionage material, we did just chat.

    You can kill a man with a knife, should we ban the use of all knives just because of that?

    This is not the way to go, I hope.
  9. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    We could just start promoting more team play. I think that's why we have spies. People miss all the things I've heard about epic fights from ver 1.42. If we all managed to work together and keep after a field, even after the opposing team found out, I think the spy stuff would go away and the numbers would come back.

    Here's why I think we should focus more on playing as a group.

    1) Makes it easier to find the fight.
    2) Promotes the social side of the game
    3) Adds a level of challenge to the game.
    4) Gives the newbies some guidance and instruction on how to play.

    All of these things together, I feel, would make the game more attractive. It creates more action, so to speak, which cuts down on the endless hours of flying for nothing and makes it easier for the new guys to get into more dogfights. Getting into more dogfights with the help of more experienced pilots allows the new guys to learn easier, be less frustrated, and have more fun. But most importantly, team play attracts the type of people we need.

    We need people to create the environment I'm writing about, and that can only happen if we start flying as a team. I saw that a lot so far this TOD, and if we keep it up, maybe more of the old flyers will come back and maybe they'll bring in new recruits and we can really start rebuilding FH. I know it's frustrating sometimes with the new guys, and it's been awhile since we were newbies, but there's a lot to learn about this game. The newbies require a little patience and guidance from us all, and eventually, they will learn and become another part of the team, just like us.

    Alw spends a lot of time in the TA, and when available I'll show up, as do others. The reason I mention alw is because I feel that he's there to help people learn the game, and a lot of others seem to view it as more of a shooting gallery. The shooting gallery mentality makes it frustrating for the new guys, and I've seen a lot of new guys show up in the TRAINING arena and get shot up and they leave within 5 minutes. I, too, get frustrated a lot, because I actually use the TA for training purposes. It's a great place to train until some fucktard comes in and starts shooting everything up just because it's fun. I understand that it's something that we traditionally do in the TA, and I'm not trying to discourage that. I'm just asking that if someone says they want to train or that they are the new guy that you stop picking on them. If you go into the TA and want to do nothing but furball, just set it up to where you go to a specified field for that and keep your furball at that field. Let the new guys and people that are working on other things do what they came to the Training Arena for: train.
  10. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I don't like planes that reverse direction in zero time.
    I never did like that and I still don't like it.
  11. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dunno....some people want to ban guns. :@drunk:
  12. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    I think there are differing views on what caused the loss of users. I think it has to do with many things that changed in the flight models. I left for nearly 3 years because the current devs controlling things messed up many aircraft (like the P-38, P-51, Hellcat, 190, 109, 110, and soon to be Tempest, etc) for no other reason than whiners with no test data or documentation as proof of their lame excuses. My hope is that flight models are being corrected to correctly represent real life performance in the next release.

    As for team work, there is an extreme absence of people..no users/pilots, no team. I know what it's like to fly on a server where there are 300-500 users nightly, and up to 700+ on weekends who are paying ,monthly like I was. There were hundreds of users who decided to team up. But, for the most part, even in fighter squads, people would end up doing what they wanted. Fighter squads are few and far in-between on FH. There just aren't enough users who want to take the time. Bomber squadrons are abundant however since it doesn't take much effort or extra skill/experience to climb, aim, drop as compared to dogfighting. We loosely work as a team already which is good enough.

    What I see as PRIMARY problems with the lack of attendance:

    1. Knowledge that this game even exists and free to use.
    2. Ease of software use

    There are thousands of users out there who are using simulators they pay for but, become annoyed by the lameness of the features and cheating. If WBFH is to be brought back into light and ease of use, the website and software downloading/installing should be seamless. One download, working with all Windows operating systems. Right now it seems that many have it working, and working on the latest Windows OS. As for those who would find this game and have interest, those like rickoo who posted some free ads out there about WBFH are helping out. rickoo had absolutely NO IDEA that WBFH existed!! And he used WarBirds for years and quit years ago.
    Hogie's son had about 50 out of 200+ gaming group guys interested in this game but, due to installation problems/issues they quickly lost interest. Not sure what their issues were but, I hope things can be done to remedy it.

    I try to hang out in the TA (Test Arena, as titled by exec) to see if people will show up. I know this is a small thing but, would be nice if that arena could be titled Training Arena so new users would naturally jump in there for instant flight and practice. I know people keep telling some of these new people to "practice offline" but, the modeling offline is MUCH different than the WBFH modeling. It's a harsh surprise after flying offline to arrive in the MA to get slaughtered wondering why the apposing pilots are so fast, quick, maneuverable, and have more to tag team you in seconds after flying for 15+ minutes.
    I have to say that, in TA, it is funny as a WB vet to watch new guys fight each other. Watching an experienced pilot/vet take out a new guy in seconds isn't so much. I'm victim of that but, not to the excess some like to subject in TA and MA. There are some patient fellows out there willing to give some pointers. Myself, I would like to see .attach available for everyone in TA. It would be nice if when someone like myself wants to help a new guy that we can attach, and watch them, and give them tips live in the cockpit. And for the new guy to watch a veteran WB pilot do his thing. :duel:
  13. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Adding my 2 cents:

    We all can discuss what we can do as fellow "member-players".

    However I think the more fundamental problems are something outside of our control.


    The first and foremost requirement is an installation program that is completely "turn key".

    The game needs to be packaged in a way that does not require multiple downloads and compound instructions.

    It needs to be one simple install across the windows platforms; Vista and Windows 7. That is to say, just as it was "easy" to install in Win2000, XP and 98.

    No matter how friendly and co-operative the players are, if people can't install the game, they're not going to play.

    Once there is a solution to the install "complications" then I suggest some more advertising. Maybe a Facebook account and some Youtube videos.

    Place some ads in those WW2 enthusiasts' web pages and bulletin boards?

  14. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    .Attach Yeah. I fly with alw in that ta and i am amazed. he and I have good connex, so I don't see zero second reversals. What I do see is him handling the planes in a manner differently that I do. His words are not good enough. I want to go into his cockpit and see what he is doing.

    I am a marks-man/sharpshooter in real life [was]. I hit my target. Windage? never mind that, anyone can have a shot go off because of wind.
    Ever since I was 7 years old I have never been able to explain how I hit the target. And I do hit it. I am a marksman. I am not bragging.
    I have no way to explain to anyone how I can pull that off, it is in my bones.
    If I had a way for someone to look through the sight as I see it, I could teach many people how to hit a dime at a hundred yards, or a silver dollar at 300...
    But words fail me. [text fails me]
  15. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Would be better for training if someone could .attach to me and then maybe using TS to communicate. Like you said, I'm the same away about dogfighting. The way I dogfight is quite unorthodox and various. The only thing I could come up with to explain or compare is to equate it to martial arts. Fluid movements from one approach to the next, with various options from each approach leading to other options. :D Clear as mud, eh?
  16. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    TS I have. Need the fuckin attach. Then the words you are saying won't just be a song.
  17. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    I think that the attach command should be just like in REAL LIFE;

    Among consenting parties ONLY. PERIOD. Weather you want to be one of the gunners or bombardier or just look over the shoulder of the pilot: One has to ask and the person being asked has to agree.

    What is so complicated with this?

    Personally I don't understand how it could be allowed that anyone can attach to anyone without knowledge of consent.

    Oh well... so much for today's rant...
  18. sufi

    sufi Active Member

    I miss this command for training purposes also, if not in main arena, it should be activated in Training arena, with or without permission...

    I have trained many pilots in this way, especially for Jabo-Raids, how to dive on acks, how to fly maneuvers etc.
    Pls activate it in TA...
  19. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    The problem arose from what I understand, in the main arena. Attach was in MA and TA. People were screaming about cheaters attaching. How did they cheat by attaching? Hmm....private communication between countries? -al--- ?
    Well, I think attaching could be enabled in TA BUT, also in MA too. Worried about cheating?

    Disable "private" communication between countries. chan 100 is always there. :cheers:
  20. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Well, I would not want to see Private communication stopped between countries, I rarely use it but I do like to converse with some of my friends on the other side, and not to give info on my side. But I'm sure that happens with regularity.

    On using the attach command, TA only, Don't think it's a good idea at any time to use in the main arena, period! Reason, many use 2 computers. Training arena Only. Don't need anyone learning my tendancies be it a newbie or a seasoned veteran. let them go in the TA and attach to alw is fine with me.