Welcome to Brazil!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by pirake, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Asmumy

    Asmumy Well-Known Member

    This world cup and Olympic games could be much better if Brazil had a serious administration and society.

    I am not pessimist, I'm realist ;)
    We do not care about infrastructure, and brotherhood spirit shows up only in world cups and olympic games.

    Those events will not be a disgrace, everything will be ok.
    But our problems in government and society will be back as soon as games ends.

    These problems the guy talk about in video are true. Bad infrastructure, corruption, public security and many other. That's what make us a third world country.

    Maybe in 2014 and 2016 we do not see it. But now and after...

    Anyway, GO BRAZIL! Because there is nowhere in the world like your homeland, where you're always welcome and can feel a part of ;)
  2. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member



    Oooh, I gotta go now.

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  3. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member


    That play was a work of genious. The guy who scores is a real ball handler. A natural.
    I think I am gonna start to watch a lot more of football. Hockey goes too fast, I can hardly see what is happening.
    Football has class.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2011
  4. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    So to speak. :D

    Also, that pin-up is a safety hazard. Anything that gives wood > 40% is a safety hazard.
  5. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Hey biles I was watching that exact same clip yesterday. I was going to post it..anyway check out the ball handling at 0:43. the guy actually puts his foot on top of the ball and passes it to his other foot WHILE HE IS RUNNING. I was a rep soccer player as a kid/adolescent. This guy is very fucking good. This type of ball handling is way advanced, yeah biles you noticed this too.

    PS wtg Brazil. i want anderson silva to fight against some british guy. I am tired of listening to british people and the way they talk like they are the best at whatever. I think I have made 400 bucks on Silvas last 3 fights. bet on Silva to win. Im serious, he is a natural.

  6. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Say Hez... WTF MAN???? "www.shemale-porn-galls.com/galls/sarina/sexy_lingerie_pic/8.jpg"

    SHEMALE PORN ??????????????? THAT'S A DUDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean FUCK ! F U C K !!!! :eek:

    :D I just KNEW there was somethin' wrong with that ass.......
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
  7. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    What, yankee, do your polls tell you, is a dude this decade?
    Is this movie star a dude?:
    [If you don't recognize her, DON'T look at the fuckin URL, just LOOK the picture. I wish the picture was bigger, I assure you, there isn't anything wrong with her ass, not dressed in sack cloth..... like that... nope]


    Fuck, I like this old broad. I wonder if there is anything wrong w... NO, I don't even want to think any more ab
    why look for trouble?

    THE little sweety I posted image of, above, is NO DUDE .
    [which do I mean? (Which sweety?: stfu LL)]

    How about this Queen? Would you grab her and go for a roll?

    How would you know until you you ask, or brush her on the dance floor.....
    10 percent.

    Listen, Meryl Streep I would fuck. And if she has a cock [I have had my suspicions for decades now] I would go for a roll with her just so I could, forever ever, say to myself, quietly, or others, in secret, but proudly, Yeah, Meryl Streep, yeah, I rolled him in the hay a couple times now. Real nice dude. And clean? Oooh, so clean I t

    Anyway, yeah, I would fuck meryl streep. And maybe, I would fuck the girl in the other picture.... I don't know. I never met her. [I wonder how clean she is, I don't like dirty]. I think she is great. I always have. Merryl Streep I mean.
    But the tranny girl is pretty too, and, come on, yeah, maybe.....
    still, I gotta get a sniff, same as I would with a babymaking women. [they are fuckin trouble those things]
    MerylStreep looks like a fuckin dude.....

    So, what the fuck is the point in exposing a HIDDEN HAIKU-LIKE AH SO!! [which you just did] You would have done better by me, if you were more thoughtful, which I don't think you are [this time], even though you imply [constantly, non fuckin stop, man] how much a fuckin smarty you are. Some sort of urge, you have, it is like the thrusting lusty mounting a boar cannot help but do when he is stifled on the farm.
    You could not resist the urge to release your professorial tension as it were, it was a BIG one lodged inside? :ass:And you went and enlightened everyone else in here. Your Smarty Rank is lowered a notch or two.
    I would really like it if you could UN-WRITE what you wrote, as my subtle, oblique jab-haha was WAY better and more poetically justifiable, apropos and in tempo and MORE THOUGHTFUL [less thoughtless, or less, uh, blurting....] than yours, which was not.

    What is the difference between a dude and a 'somethin' wrong with that ass.'
    Nuthin. Really.
    Oooh, you must not have a wife that has declined so sadly that she looks like hell, a caricature of what she was, a monster who never let herself fit her own stature the way she should of with pride, instead, goes out all clowned up, looking like a bird.
    I have fucked many women who, no matter the angle I wanted to see em, had somethin' wrong with that ass

    Hey, I am a dude. I know it. I assume you are a dude.
    When I see pretty ladies, I know the are pretty, but I don't know anything much else. It takes TIME to find out. Having showed interest, sometimes it is possible that what interests is worthy of something more than a dismissive implication by The Great Judging Loftily, LooseLeaf.?
    What is good?
    What is real?
    What is fun?
    Who says?
    What is art?
    Earlier some bastard showed a painting that A Hitler made. That was supposed to make some sort of point. I didn't get it.
    In the states, you guys are running around observing, classifying and recording behavior, believing you know about MAN and then call any aspect at the moment, according to the polls, a condition, a syndrome, a cluster of signs, or an izm. You assume, you presume everyone else the same prejudices.
    Nobody would have cared, if you hadn't showed some interest.
    You don't know who OR WHAT anyone else is. It is a picture.
    That you announce the URL and it is supposed to invalidate the beauty of the girl in the picture?
    No, really...
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    LL i was surprised a while back when hez said he liked trannies. he's not kidding. he does.

    I was kinda crushed really.
  9. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I look forward to ALL the stuff you put in here, Mac. Don't you go gettin haten on me, okay? You don't strike me as that kinda guy but you do strike me as one who has had to walk around actin 24 hours a day. And the part you actin ain't the part you want.
    I think you are that mad Dog Killer that has been bumpin off dogs in the nighbourhood you got into .
    Beware, those profiler types, they will track you down if you keep bumpin off dogs.
    Hey, do you fuck those dogs while you strangle them?
    I would be let down.
    So don't be that guy. And if you are, don't admit it here.

    Hey, so what?
    I like fishin.
    I really like aviation.
    Horticulture [the kind that goes into your yard, not the kind that feeds hill people]... I like that.
    I am really turned on by all sorts of things and some people too.
    I don't dig poo.
    I don't enjoy pain.
    Restraint would not subdue me, it would bring on s heart attack during my Life-Or_Death struggle to free myself.
    I don't like hair of a man. I don't like smell of smegma. Beards. As bad as beards, are whiskers.
    I like birdwatching, but unfortunately I can't get out as much as I could.
    Ever since I learned how, I have really really enjoyed -asms [only those kind]. So I liked to incorporate my enjoyment of a good -asm with my other personal aspects that I enjoy. Isn't it, then, right and proper to feast and fuck?
    And writin about it here, in the anonymous net? Fuck.
    I wouldn't show up in a dress at Christmas time in a gown. Danny showed up once in a rig.. [who is Danny? Never mind]
    He is still a very handsome man, dear Danny [Rick, his Man-man ain't]. Ever since I got an good look at his up-kilt.....
    I have been haunted.
    Now, I am 53 and it is time to discover some things, some sport, I have denied myself and others have me.

    I am not gonna quit fishin, the lake is only a mile from here. And I can go.
    And I wore my kilt there a couple times now, and am getting up the nerve to flaunt.

    I look pretty good in my rig.

    YOU KNOW half what i do here is bullshit and the other half invention. I don't look any worse than
    John Lithgow

    Even when I am all dressed up...


    Don't worry about me, Mac. I have took years to create this persona. I will try not to let you down.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
  10. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Hey Hez, Chill-out. I love yah, man. I'm only having some fun here. That's what it's all about.

    Actually I thought you were pulling a fast one on us; showing some tranny shot and our poor little friend mumbles "turnng japanese" on some ... shall we say.. "misrepresentation"... Well I thought that it would be a little fun to show the source of the pics. After all it is public knowledge...and YES as a matter of fact I was checking it out myself to maybe take a look around from whence it came.. maybe I might find something nice there...

    So I don't think any differently or less of you. I thought it was really funny and you were playing a trick on us. I think you make a valid point.

    However , NO, Meryl Streep is a fine actress, one of the best, but she is not my cup of tea. She is not a woman I would do, famous or not... unless it was near closing and the bartender said those sad, sad words... "Last Call".. then maybe I would consider it , but I would take a look around the bar and give the waitress a try.

    No , I am not married and never been. No kids either. so you are way ahead of me in that department.

    But please don't lecture me about women. Hell YES I'm picky and damned picky. I've been around the block a few times.

    If you want to know any details I'll PM you.

    And seriously, I did not want to cause you any embarrassment. That was not my intent, I really thought it was very clever and funny as hell what you did.

    Peace Bro.

    and if you want I will delete it.

  11. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I was not serious either.

    Sometimes my bullshit needs better wording, and the mood escapes.
    I love trannies.
    And rainbow trout. Certain things trannies do well at and some things trout do well and seldom the twain meet, unless you take er campin, eh?
    And your uncovering of said URL ahah was nothing but deflatin a punch line that coulda shoulda come later.
    Premature... poorly timed, off tempo, out of the rhythm with the theme I was shaping.... an AH SO or AHAH should assume a gist of my grasp not out of reach of yourn, eh?
    fuck that is some fancy doubletalk there.... haiku moment again, fuck.
    I just know it.
    Teh words get all mxied up

    No....... really...
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
  12. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    No doubt about it, I gotta get a new watch!

    (next time I will PM first as not to blow the punch line!)

  13. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Fuck...

    Hez, I need to send you a group of trannies to wall to wall council your ass. At least "she" didn't turn around on us. Twisted bastard. LOL.