I have switched to Another flavour of GNU/Linux

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezzey, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have a new [second-hand] PC. I thought "Why not" and I have ditched my [for 9 years now] Manjaro OS over to Mint.
    I used to run Mint as my daily driver and then I switched to Manjaro... And now, Just For Fun have switched back.
    SO FAR the first two games+Steam [edit, 1] have failed. They didn't used to fail while using Manjaro. Just failed with Mint [so far].
    I do not know why AND I do not feel like trying to find-out either. I may or may not fiddle with Manjaro, BUT I really don't care about gaming anyway [I am almost 62 now and I have grown up/old. I really want my OS to work, as a regular Desk-top and I really do NOT require Kid-Stuff. BUT I remember The Days, those are good memories.
    I am gonna fiddle a little with THIS OS and if I get to THREE fails I am gonna switch back to What I Know Best [NOT MS Crapolla, Don't be silly]
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2022
    Flk likes this.
  2. Flk

    Flk Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2002
    I also recently bought a used PC. It is slightly, but noticeably, more powerful than my old one.
    Today I play Doom 2016 :)
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  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have changed my mind. I like most about Manjaro is it's base. And that is what I am back to. [it is an Arch Linux... It is really simple!]
    I am not getting any younger these days and I want a OS that JUST WORKS....
  4. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2000
    Everybody wants something that just works. People are very diverse in objectives and priorities, which means that very few are willing to waste time on fiddling around with something to make it work. Like we did back in the day. That's why Apple is a trillion(s) dollar(s) company. Even if it overcharges. There is value to be captured in the most surprising ways. After all, as crazy as it may seem, some people actually enjoy working in accounting. lol! :D
  5. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    When I was in my 20s I spent a lot of time and effort to learn about measuring the earth.
    I was learning bit by bit the art of architecture and industrial design.
    And that trade was not computerized everything was done with fractions and decimals and algebra and trigonometry and geography and even that stuff series of no use when being realistic like to mile high towers and crazy shit like that.
    I was amazed to know that there was a way for humans to figure out all that stuff out just by using fractions and arithmetic and tables and the law of cosines and minutes and seconds in that weird kind of geography where hey circle is divided into 100 and how to close a property line and there were no computers for any of that and I thought hey that’s amazing!
    Yeah there was some Greek about 4000 years ago who figured out pie and he was using fractions and tables and measuring crap with sticks and stones and that guy figured it out and it was around that time I thought holy fuck I don’t have to do that crap.
    And I was learning much of the methods that those old fucking Greeks were using and then about 12 years ago computers got good enough that I didn’t have to do fucking Egyptian hieroglyphs anymore…
    Call Greg and supposedly the Yankees and all of their children are teaching all of their children how to do shit with computers now and they don’t get to know the fundamentals either and I really didn’t but I came close.
    I wonder what the fuck mankind is going to do when we run out of electricity and we have to use tables and charts and fractions and the law of cosines…
    And not databases and fast processor‘s.
    Bleah! I am glad I am getting old.
    If I had had to use that caveman hieroglyph reading bullshit that I have described above I would’ve gone insane 20 years ago.
    I was too young and too ignorant to know that I am well suited with using hammers and rakes and shovels…
    And that I am not suited at all or suitable at all to fiddle around with computers except to play with like I do right now.
    OldUncles likes this.
  6. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    I wonder what the fuck mankind is going to do when we run out of electricity and we have to use tables and charts and fractions and the law of cosines…
    And not databases and fast processor‘s.

    Imagine absolute silence. Silence defined as no human tech-generated sound, signal, etc. So person-to-person speaking is allowed. It's not too difficult to whack much of the telecom infrastructure, unfortunately.

    It's gonna become very quiet. I'm glad that I'm old. Wouldn't want to grow up in this era.
    hezzey likes this.
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    A friend of mine, playing in a rock band in club concerts, says it's an absolute disaster whenever a big band like Metallica comes here, because, for weeks before and after, the public ignores the concerts of small local bands. It's not only corporation vs small business, but also boring overplayed but intensely marketed songs of the famous bands vs new, everchanging songs of a local musical community.
    Think of Homer vs Dan Brown.
    OldUncles likes this.
  8. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    That's a very interesting story, really. And sad.

    Oh. Oh! Homer vs Dan Brown. That's a good one :)
  9. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    during all of my life i had visited 3-4 (non-filarmonic) concerts. local bands are not interesting to me at all - their level is too low to listen and especially pay for it.
    if Metallica visit Tomsk (or nearby Novosibirsk), i'll pay up to 100 bucks for a ticket.
    Full football stadium stores ~20-30 thousands people. 2-3 mln bucks for a 1 place in a tour - seems like it is too small for Hetfield ...
    OldUncles likes this.
  10. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I quit listening to live music at about the same time that smoking (of anything) became unfashionable indoors.
    I live in a little apartment suite and I have headphones and a Internet service and if I want to I can connect and smoke (anything )at/in home.
    It depresses me a little bit when I try to calculate with my fingers and toes how many of the huge bands that I saw back in the day.
    I saw this band (link below) with a handful of my friends we were in jr college, all guys.
    I think and of course we were all out of our fucking minds on various substances and I don’t think that any of my friends knew anything about that band except for it’s radio hits.
    I do so remember when Rick Wakeman appeared and he was dressed like God just like in the video and I don’t think any of my friends knew who the fuck he was he was just another band member.
    I knew Who he was my fine uncle who was a and is a musician had introduced me to Rick Wakeman before me and my friends went to see the band…
    Never mind
  11. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I personally don't go to Metallica-like concerts. And I don't go to local/national bands.
    But they have their public, the smaller bands. And I guess it's similar to everything else - once you get into it a bit, you notice a lot of nice stuff.