
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by vasco, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Польские вымираты радуются, что Руина стремительно вымирает? Реальность же такова, что без западных поставок война не продлится и двух недель. А пока что весь мир смотрит на дебилов, умирающих за США:

  2. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Remind me, what was the previous empire to invade Afghanistan?
    And I don't mean the Britons here.

    BTW - we're well aware Ukraine would find it hard to fight the invasion of Nazi Russia, if it was not supported.
    But it is supported.

    BTW - Poland just got invited by Boeing to buy some larger aircraft, namely the F-15EX Eagle IIs.
    How are the supplies to your VVS going?
    The official data list only 2 Su-57 delivered in 2022... and no other aircraft.
    We're due to receive our first F-35s next year.
  3. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Британская империя там была, Британская. Если вы дебил в истории не разбираетесь, то и не позорьтесь здесь со своими высерами.

    И да - поддерживаете украинских нацистов (которые нацисты даже по определению Конгресса США) - значит вы тоже нацисты. И вас по Уставу ООН можно и нужно устранять всеми силами.
  4. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Article 2 section 4 of UN Charter you moron.
    You've violated it in 2014, then in 2022 (and previously in Georgia, Syria, Afghanistan).

    RuSSia deserves no better than what it is going to get.
    The Russian bear will soon be raped by Chinese panda... the West won't be too enthusiastic about that, still - it prefers partially hostile, but predictable China run by technocrats, than openly hostile RuSSia, run by nazi lunatics. Got a ticket for fare dodging (on a bus) last week. I bought the ticket in my bank's app, and then the app went down (together with the entire website of the bank) for over 2 hours. Russian hackers to blame (massive DDOS attack aimed at 2 Polish banks). I will get my ticket back (minus the administrative charge), yet there remains a question - am I at war with RuSSia to be targeted, and harmed, by RuSSian hackers? Is my (Dutch) bank at war with it? Switched buying tickets to my other (French) bank app.
  5. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    I think that the Ukrainians will not surrender until the Western (American) cash is finished. But consider, too, that Ukraine(TM) is a weird, new nation/country. But damn, so many people dying.

    This issue really can be considered over many centuries. Here's the most important way to look at the conflict: who is paying for everything? War needs a lot of money, and my country is financing/giving it all to Ukraine. I know that any questioning of the financing will be seen as pro_Russian, but that's a fact. The USA is financing a proxy war against Russia, to keep Western Europe within the sphere of USA influence. The Russians are not innocent, the Ukros are not innocent... The collective West and the collective East are not innocent.

    Whatever the casus belli, everyone needs to chill before everything escalates.
  6. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Еще раз --- придурка ты увидишь в зеркале, американский презерватив:


    Слышать от польского вымирата это просто смешно. Поляки успешно размножались только когда ими управляли русские. Это касается и XIX века и XX. Как только польские мужики начинают сосать американский и/или немецкий хуй - это очень плохо сказывается на фертильности польских баб. Они резко перестают рожать - ведь пидоры не размножаются. Поэтому у вас два пути - вымирать и дальше посасывая американский хуй. Или вернуться к нам и стать нормальными людьми. Но польские пидерасты-нацисты предпочтут вымирание разумеется.
  7. isaev

    isaev Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007

    (DJ Shadow - Nobody Speak feat. Run The Jewels)
  8. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Being a native Pole, with wife of Polish/Ruthenian origins I beg to disagree.
    The term nation was not coined until late in the 18th (or even 19th century), Ukrainians could not have a nation state, being - first - part of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (read about the Cossack Uprising of 1648, which - in my opinion - led to the demise of both the Polish state, and the question of Ukrainian statehood within the borders of the commonwealth).
    Ukraine is not new.
    Ruthenia (or Kiev Rus) was here long before Russia came to existence (as one of the Duchies separating from the former one) - it was just unfortunate to have two expansionist neighbours - Russia and Poland/Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  9. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    WTG Повітряні сили Збройних сил України!
    First Moskva, and now Minsk (and possibly Rostov na Donu).
  10. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    And I'm of Prussian and Swedish ancestry, so I want practical solutions. And I was raised in the Cold War. Honestly, I think that we all need to be less emotional about geopolitics and more realistic. Modern mindsets are too... vacillating, let's say, and not as capable of making field decisions. I say stop it all now. Just as my grandfather and his army's enemies benefitted when WW1 ceased in the East. Then I think the Poles attacked eastward, or something...
  11. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Up to 20,000 people are feared dead in Libya’s devastated east, authorities said Thursday. In Derna, the worst-hit city, most of the survivors have fled.
    И вот очередное массовое убийство европейскими нацистами. Ни одно западное СМИ не напишет про реальную причину - что плотины последний раз обслуживались при Каддафи, которого убили и развязали гражданскую войну европейские страны. И за все эти годы плотины обветшали и не выдержали потока вод. И в этом твари вы все виноваты коллективно. На вашей совести 20к+ жертв мирных жителей.
  12. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Если дедушка был нацист, то какова вероятность, что внучка будет не нацисткой? Она же любит своего дедушку-нациста? И папу с мамо слушалась. А те, воспитанные нацистами, что могли своему ребенку дать?

  13. pakman

    pakman Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2002
    St.-Petersburg, Russia
    А пусть за них Сиа вступится. Украинцы, всё ж...
  14. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    This is disgusting.
    russia attacked Ukraine driven by imperial ambitions. They killed thousands of civilians, including kids, directly targeting homes.They abducted Ukrainian children, throwing them into russian families.
    They performed mass tortures against civilians. Mass graves in Irpin with tortured civilians, hands tied behind their back, kids as well.
    So not being emotional about it can only be possible if you're a Z monster. Or a frozen piece of turd.
  15. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    А какими амбициями руководствуются румыны участвуя в нападениях на другие страны? Типа подмахивать хозяину легко и приятно? Так все равно расплата наступит.
  16. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Scandalul „azilelor groazei”
    Demisia vine după dezvăluirile mass-media privind azilele din Voluntari, unde zeci de bătrâni și persoane cu afecțiuni ar fi fost agresate și înfometate.

    Centrul de Resurse Juridice ar fi făcut mai multe sesizări, inclusiv la nivelul ministerului Muncii, cu privire la situația din azilele din Voluntari, însă cu toate acestea centrele au continuat să funcționeze.

    Mai mult, ministru ar fi retras dreptul ONG-ului de a face controale la astfel de centre, potrivit CRJ.

    Totul a pornit de la o investigație de presă publicată la începutul anului de Buletin de București și Centrul de Investigații Media, care arăta tratamentul la care erau supuse persoanele din mai multe azile din Voluntari.

    Ulterior, pe 4 iulie, DIICOT a făcut percheziții, 26 de persoane fiind anchetate, acesta fiind și momentul în care scandalul a luat amploare.

    DNA a intrat pe fir
    În paralel, DNA a demarat o investigație privind posibile fapte de corupție cu privire la funcționarea acestor centre.

    Potrivit surselor „Adevărul”, procurorii DNA fac, joi, percheziții într-un dosar de corupție, la Agenția Județeană de Plăți și Inspecție Socială Ilfov (AJPIS), din subordinea Ministerului Muncii, fiind vizați funcționari publici în cazul „azilelor groazei”.

    Funcționarii vizați ar fi anunțat conducerea centrului "Armonia" privind efectuarea unor controale. Mai mult, aceștia ar fi instruit conducerea centrului cu privire la modalitatea în care să ascundă diferite nereguli. Ulterior, în urma controalelor nu s-ar fi depistat probleme, autorizaţia de funcţionare a azilului fiind prelungita recent, la începutul lunii iunie, potrivit informaţiilor Adevărul.

    Şefa Agenției Județeană de Plăți și Inspecție Socială Ilfov (AJPIS) a demisionat în urmă cu câteva zile. Demisii au fost şi în cadrul altor instituţii cu atribuţii în domeniu, printre care DSP Ilfov, IPJ Ilfov, Poliţia Locală Voluntari.

    Anchetele jurnalistice prezentate de publicaţiile menţionate au plasat-o şi pe Gabriela Firea în apropierea unor persoane cu legături cu centrele vizate, una fiind chiar sora ministrului, care ar fi activat o perioadă în zona de asistenţă socială din judeţul Ilfov şi chiar din Voluntari, iar celalaltă consiliera acesteia, Ligia Gheorghe, care a făcut parte din conducerea asociaţiei care coordona unul dintre centre. Ministrul susţine că nu avea cunoştinţă despre cum funcţionau azilele.

    Şi cel care administrează oraşul Voluntari, primarul Florentin Pandele, soţul Gabrielei Firea, susţine că nu avea informaţii despre centre, deşi investigaţiile jurnalistice au arătat că instituţiile din subordinea acestuia ar fi fost sesizate.
    -Shai- likes this.
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Idiotic ruZZian reflex: "whenever they say something bad about us, we say something bad about them in return".
    The difference is that the text you quoted is written by Romanians. So the Romanian media, the Romanian civil society and the Romanian justice system acted in order to save people from abuses. Not only that you can't do it in ruZZia, but you take pleasure at seeing Ukrainians being killed by your troops.
    So fuck off.
  18. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Если вы воображаете, что тот факт, что вы написали про свои домашние Освенцимы как-то вас делает невиновным в преступлениях против человечности, то нет. Дедушка - нацист, убивал беспомощных евреев и цыган. Внучок - убивает беспомощных дедушек. В основе своей это все равно остается тот самый европейский нацизм.
  19. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    жаба сливается вместе с остальными?
  20. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    That's true, I am a disgusting person. That's the curse of accepting the human condition.

    You think that I prefer one side in the conflict, but I think I am trying to reduce suffering in toto.

    Perhaps I am naiive, I don't know.

    But I am emotional about it all. I know all about this war and what has happened, because I read widely from many sources. True, I have certain biases. Innate biases are always top of mind and one does one's best to look at all sides of the arguments and facts. One's got to maintain objectivity until one is stung (by a bee or other hurtful insect) in the ass.

    The American Empire thinks that it has been stung (by Russia questioning the Zelensky regime), and it thinks that it can hit Russia, China, BRICS, etc. with some very hard punches. To all of our leaders, it's like a game. To the people/soldiers... it is suffering.

    For the people and soldiers, always suffering.