
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by vasco, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Canada is as relevant for Poland, as Mongolia is.
    They can show painted clowns, or former Nazis wherever they want - We will be more concerned about the million of bloodthirsty Nazis just behind our northern border (and another 145 millions a bit further away), than about one senile Nazi living somewhere on the other (western) hemisphere.

    To tell you the truth Canada is also irrelevant for the entire EU - they're not even in the top 10 of our trade partners.
  2. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    не-не-не, сказок нам рассказывать не надо. Ваша недострана также как и Руина сосет финансы у других стран, в том числе и у Канады. Так что важна-важна.
    И вопрос то был не в важности,а в том, что вам прям золотой дождь устроили на лицо когда вы уничижительно попросили бандеровскую сволочь выдать.Так сказать указали на ваше место в мире G7 - и ваше место оказалось у параши.
  3. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    We don't receive any funding from Canada.
    We do not receive almost any funding from EU (at the moment) either, due to our Russia-friendly government, who fucked up the rule of law.
    The latter is going to change soon, as we held elections last Sunday, and we're about to fuck off the greedy traitors, and replace them with opposition (I know, something unseen in Russia for over 25 years now - still a change in the ruling coalition is normal here).
    As far as extradition proceedings are concerned - could you give me some more details about that?
    Did Poland attempt to extradite that senile Nazi?

    We've never attempted to punish your KGB and GPU agents responsible for war crimes in Poland... and we should have, as some of them still lived after your pig paradise collapsed in 1991.
  4. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    я гляжу польские рагули такие же пиздливые как свидомиты...

    "Germany thus remains the largest net contributor, ahead of France, which last year paid out €10.0 billion euros more than it received in returns. Italy ranks third with a net contribution of 3.9 billion euros. As in the previous year, Poland is the largest net recipient with 11.9 billion euros (2021: 12.9 billion euros). Romania and Hungary are far behind with 5.6 and 4.4 billion euros respectively."

    "replace them with opposition" --- а в чем разница в сортах говна? Разве Польша перестанет сосать деньги из ЕС? Или может Польша прекратит поддерживать бандеровцев на Украине? Или польские солдаты перестанут умирать на Украине?

    "punish your KGB and GPU" - Лех Валенса, как всем известно, был агентом госбезопасности. Так что 1991 год это был результат работы агентов КГБ. А вы дурачки верили, что вы все сами сделали...
  5. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Something huge is happening in the Rep of Moldova.
    The chief of Moldavian Orthodox Church under Moscow Patriarchate wrote a letter to Kiril to criticise his policy of supporting the war and being Kremlin's arm, and of wanting to russify Moldova, disregarding the Latin roots of Moldavians.
    Also much more in his letter towards Kiril.

    Both Romanian translation and Russian original are in the link.Ă-trimisă-de-Mitropolitul-Vladimir-Patriarhului-Kirill-”Lumea-Rusă”-este-străină-valorilor-noastre-naționale.htm

    It's a fucking earthquake, 1848 again.

    PS Also criticises Kiril for his support of the aggression against the Ukrainians and calls the Ukrainians "[our] brothers in belief/religion" ("fraţi în credinţă", in the Romanian translation).
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
  6. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Nice meeting you. LOL

    The usual ruZZian reaction: you deny others their own identity, you want them to embrace the identity you want for them.
    Fuck off.
  8. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    румынские рагули в силу природного невежества не в курсе, что Молдавское княжество, образованное в 1359 году было
    а) православным
    б) на половину состояло из славян
    в) в документах той эпохи фигурировали термины "посадник", "воеводаты", "кнезы"
    г) после оккупации Австрийской империей была проведена перепись, где русинами себя объявили 2/3 населения, а валахами 1/3
    д) Поскольку помещики в основном были валахами, а крестьяне русинами началась эмиграция русинов в Российскую империю. В 1774-1815 гг переселилось 36 034 человека. В результате вытеснения русинов из Австро-Венгерской империи в 1887 году в герцогстве Буковина из 627 786 человек, русинами себя называли только 42% населения. Правда румынами (молдованами) себя считали только 32% населения
    Так что смотрите на картинку и понимайте как нам смешно от ваши националистических бредней...
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    The same as Ukraine and the Ukrainian languages don't exist.
    You started a bloody war over this, remember.
    Your country is making up identities for others in order to dominate them.
    So fuck off.

    So wtf is your rave about orthodoxy?
    Most of the Romanians are orthodox. You don't have a monopoly on it, nor is yours the most important church.
    Do you even know where it originates? WFT is in your head?
  10. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Это у вас от врожденной рагульской тупости. Украинский язык сконструирован искусственно Грушевским. В начале XX века никто в Киеве и не слышал от таком языке. Малоросские диалекты же сильно варьировались от деревни к деревне, что впрочем не удивительно, чему пример остров Новая Гвинея где существует 800 языков.



    Romanians are orthodox --- если вы не понимаете о чем речь, то лучше молчать - сойдете за умного. Неважно кто там какой веры - важно то, что в Молдавском княжестве половина населения были славяне, а вовсе не потомки римлян или уж тем более германских племен.
    lilija and -Shai- like this.
  11. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    You are mistaking DNA for culture, fuckface.
  12. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Культура? Какая именно? Румынская в Молдавии? Я вас рагуль опять разочарую...

    В 1711 году молдавский господарь Дмитрий Кантемир в Яссах присягнул на верность России.

    По Бухарестскому миру 1812 года, разгромив османов в войне 1806–1812 годов, Порта уступала Российской империи восточную часть Молдавского княжества – Пруто-Днестровское междуречье (Бессарабия).

    После Русско-турецкой войны 1828–1829 годов оставшаяся под властью Турции часть Молдавии и Валахия получили большую автономию и попали в сферу влияния России. Русские провели ряд прогрессивных реформ, которые способствовали созданию нового государства – Румынии.

    В 1859 году молдавские земли объединились с Валахией в одно государство, с 1862 года создана Румыния. Разгромив Турцию в 1877–1878 годах, Россия вернула Южную Бессарабию. В Европе Румыния была признана как независимое государство.
    Т.е. турецкую культур-мультур видим. Русскую культуру тоже видим. Где тут романская культура? В какой месте она обнаруживается? В том, что в Буковине австрийцы были? Так они вам не культуру принесли, а оккупацию. Вы оккупацию за культуру принимаете? Ну так это рабская психология - лизать руку хозяина, когда он тебя бьет.
  13. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    But to be accurate, -frog-, the current Russian government is really neither NAZI nor fascist -- at least if following proper definitions. It's definitely not NAZI, because real NAZIs hated all slavs. And it's "fascist" only in the sense that there is a connection between the government and industrial, and some many cultural priorities. I don't want to sound like a relativist, but that's a common thing.

    The Russian government is nothing like the fascist German Reich in ideology.

    The Russians did re-occupy some of the post-Cold War Ukrainian regions, that's true. But they did own Crimea, for example, it going back to the 1780s.
  14. isaev

    isaev Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
  15. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Ever heard of Ustashe?
    Croatians fighting alongside Hitler.
    Or the Slovak republic, led by Rev. Tiso - ally of Third Reich.
    The Nazis did not hate all Slavs.
    Generally speaking there are some indications that Hitler initially wanted Poland to become a satellite state of the Third Reich and its ally. It did not happen for two two reasons - one general, and one personal. The general reason is that UK and France finally realized (after Hitler took Czechoslovakia) what Hitler was up to, and promised to aid Poland (which boosted anti-German sentiments in Poland). The personal is that our foreign minister, Józef Beck, was of German origin and due to that, did everything to demonstrate the opposite, that he was "Turbo-Polish".

    Since the coup d'etat of May 1926 Poland more closely resembled the Third Reich, than any of the "western democracies".
    We were ruled by autocracy, the elections after 1934 were no longer free, opposition was persecuted and its members sent to a camp located in Bereza Kartuska (which had similar survival ratios than that of German Dachau camp). The far right was on the rise, there were "bench ghettos" on Polish universities (with Polish and German students prohibiting the Jewish students from occupying the "more prestigious" benches).

    As late as March 1939 it would seem that Poland will join Germany, instead of fighting it.

    No free elections - check,
    No freedom of speech - check,
    Camps for "wrongthinkers" - check,
    Nationalistic resentiments - check,
    Propaganda dehumanizing the opponents - check (Jews were depicted as cockroaches in German Nazi cartoons, Russian Nazi cartoonists depict Ukrainians as pigs),
    Fight for "Lebensraum" - check
    Economic policy that concentrates major branches of industry in hands of of a bunch of industrialists, closely linking them to the political system - check

    Was Crimea Russian or Tatar prior to 1780?
  16. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Was Crimea Russian or Tatar prior to 1780? ---- это потому что вы рагуль необразованный. Крым был захвачен Золотой Ордой. Отделился от нее ровно тогда же когда и Москва, мало того - брат первого Гирея сидел в это время в Москве и деньги сосал из русских царей. Очень долго Крым был союзником Москвы, пока не попал под влияние, а потом и оккупацию Османской империи. Но фишка в том, что Крым это территория улуса Джучи, на который имеют право чингизиды. А один из чингизидов сидел на московском престоле, поэтому Крым по всем правам принаждежит Москве, как правоприемнице улуса Джучи. А вот Гиреи - чингизиды, ветвь Тукатимуридов, но прав у них править Крымом не больше, чем у московского престола, но сильно меньше прав править улусом Джучи. Поэтому Крым или ордынский может быть или русский. И никаких руинцев, которых никогда и не было в природе до конца XIX века.
    lilija and rgreat like this.
  17. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Sure, when the Germans were winning they hated -- at least in the official, idealogical context-- slavs. But as the war went on and their losses increased, the Germans needed soldiers. They began to enlist men from all over the world. General Vlasov's guys?

    Because the people living between Poland and Prussia were a racial mix, I guess. The so-called corridor and all that.

    BTW, today I recalled something that we were taught in university about the "Polish king/leader" issue. I can't remember the date nor persons involved, but the narrative was something like "the Poles had such difficulty electing a leader, they needed to choose a person completely unknown. As a stranger or an outsider, the guy had no strong opposition." And that person won easily. Because today when the American House of Representatives chose a speaker, the guy approved was unknown to most.

    Well, no offense, but Poles and Ukrainians (borders, borders, they change with the historical tides) did not distinguish themselves regarding protection of the Jews in WW2. And my own family was not exactly innocent, so I can't throw stones in a glass house.

    If that's true, I need to go back and revisit my Western understanding of 1939.
  18. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Да-да, поляки с радостью бы побежали впереди Германии, как шавка Гитлера (или точнее гиена Европы) на Москву. Вот только немцы поляков за людей не считали. А поляки себя воображали равными европейцам, хотя по сути такие же недочеловеки для европейцев, как русские или буряты или китайцы или папуасы.

  19. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    And that's why Goering repeatedly visited president Mościcki?
    (these two guys even hunted together, and Goering sent Mościcki a 4x4 Mercedes as a personal gift)

    Your narrative is inconsistent here.
    You repeatedly posted images of Polish officials meeting high ranking officials of the Third Reich, but now claim they did not want to ally us.

    Hitler did not hate Poles, in fact he even fought alongside some Polish comrades in the First World War.
    He hated Jews, and Russians.

    What he did to Poland is frequently attributed to the fact, that we opposed Germany, instead of joining it.
    Hitler had a Roman-like approach to other nations.
    Those nations that were fighting the Third Reich to the bitter end were subjected to brutal occupation (see Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece), those who signed truce (France, Denmark, the Netherlands) or did not put up a fight (Czechoslovakia) were occupied more "mildly".
  20. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    I thought that I will not live long enough to see a sane Russian, but there're still some:

    I guess he'll be enjoying black bread near the coast of White Sea, and not white bread on the coast of Black Sea next week.