Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем Hans Haupt, 16 янв 2002.

  1. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Platy,

    >Well I do want to read forum if you dont mind, I wouldnt want to ignore everyone else just because of you....

    I'm talking about specific threads.

    >you are almost the only one that claims that it is impossible to ID a plane..

    Could you please refer to a specific quote? That seems a bit too generalized for me to identify with.

    >Oh and btw... ist not foul... I think you mean fool.

    No, I mean "foul" as in "foul play".


    Henning (HoHun)
  2. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    the screenshot i present you is only a frame. with the sequence of frames it was clear that the dot was blinking light grey and blood red, sometimes being half-half. so what WB aircraft is this?


    and remember: you must adjust your screen resolution to 640x480 and only then look at the dot. the way it is now is squished and diminished. and i must add that angelfire reduced my BMP to a damn JPG.. sry for bad quality.

    leter i will post the answer. give them some time to guess.

    and plz, PLZ dont ask me to take a screenshot of every plane in the game! ;)


    [ 20 January 2002: Message edited by: -nicae- ]
  3. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

  4. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member


    this aint workin

    [ 20 January 2002: Message edited by: -nicae- ]
  5. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Nicae,

    >and plz, PLZ dont ask me to take a screenshot of every plane in the game!

    Good thinking! :)

    Actually, I'm afraid someone will have to do that for meaningful results on the identification process. I'll have to start with some aircraft at least - stay tuned!


    Henning (HoHun)
  6. Kutya

    Kutya Banned

    LOL Nicae, yesterday I had the same problem to put a picture from angelfire, so I gave up, and put another pic from another site...
    Cheer up;)


    Kutya [​IMG]
  7. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    lol thx for the morale support kutya :)

    well hohun.. im already going thru some damn problems here as u can see ;)

    there aint nowhere else i can post the pic :(
  8. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

  9. Hans Haupt

    Hans Haupt Well-Known Member

    Hey nicae i think Angelfire shot down the plane of your pic. There is nothing but a green field with a crater on the botton left. Maybe your "dot" crashed there.
  10. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    hmmm maybe! :)
  11. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    those look nothing like in wb.

    dot with red and white is p51
    dot with red and gray is la5
    dot wit gray and white/red is yak
    dot with green is spit
    dot with dark green and yellow is 190a4
    dot with light green is p51b

    light brown is macchi, brown with white is 109f

    all can be seen at d60
  12. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    hohun wing with me and ill tell you what planes far contacts beyond icon range possibly are.
  13. daedal

    daedal Well-Known Member

    Illo, very well said I think.

    This game has its own rules for identification.
    No icons are really needed at all. Blindness doesn't come from the lack of resolution but from the fact that pilots are so accustomed to those neons, that they can't see the planes under them.

    Let us have those d15, no ID and see how good spotters you will be after a few weeks of flying.

    Off-line air attack no icons, only range for colour is a great exercise too.


    316th Sq.
  14. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    Anyway, Hohun is comparing RL to WB, in RL many planes?? lol too much for count!

    In WB we have only some planes all well distinguished from shape and color (mb only US naval planes could give some troubles "F series")
    And anyway all dates have the main airplane more used, if you see a dot green and yellow in 1944 i don't think it's a Ki43...
    The more used planes on arena are the FW190, BF109, YAK, P51D, Spitfires and Ki series, if you aren't able to recognize those planes without ID that's only your problem because here all are able.

    don't take offence

    Think on!

    As nicaee and illo sayd i'm able too to recognize a plane before entering on D30 range.
  15. Odisseo

    Odisseo Well-Known Member

    lol this should figure in another place
    "As nicaee and illo sayd i'm able too to recognize a plane before entering on D30 range."

    forget it :D
  16. Platy

    Platy Well-Known Member

    hehehehehe that depends.. check if mcosta is in the server at that time :p
  17. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    from mcosta you can expect just about anything.. what was his last experience? TnB with 262? lol! :D
  18. Hans Haupt

    Hans Haupt Well-Known Member

    Pls admins, do something.
  19. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    HoHun>To give you an impression, here's a picture I took of a heavy bomber accompanied by a single-seat fighter. I've scaled the resolution down to represent 640 x 480, 90 degree field of view, range 500 m:

    it's a lancaster mk.1 or mk.3 (equal marks) accompanied by a spitfire mk.9.

    the sample a lil incorrect, since in the game you see the picture in dynamics, and pixels coming and going quickly are blured into an unexpectedly sharp picture.

    watching this motion pic during 5-10s, you can recognise it until id-letters level (you may notice where the id is placed, though letters will stay unreadable). you can make it with math, or just rely upon human brain built-in algorythms.
  20. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    currently reading this looong thread.