Lebanon versus Israel:

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by ronin, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Ah yes. Multiculturalism sure was a fuckin great idea, eh?
    What the fuck is a 'Muslim-American?'
    Wasn't Mohammed Ali one of those?

    Muslim-Americans shooting Jewish-Americans.
    Far sexier headlines than yer average run of the mill Black On Black Crime reporting.

    I am wondering what is next.
    Ukranian-Americans shooting Russian-Americans
    "They invaded my homeland!" Said Ralph Waldo Staschuk, of N.Y, N.Y. When this reporter asked if he could name the Capitol City of Ukraine, Ralph began screaming, "You talkin to me? Hey, You Talkin To Me? HEY. YOU TALKIN TO ME? You fuckin nigger!" He was led away in cuffs.

    Hey, USA:
    What say youse and wees get together, huck all the heathens we can find into the ocean, burn down ALL Walmarts and nuke Al Salvadore. Then, come Christmas, we can all sing the same songs...
  2. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    What the fuck is an 'American'?
    (no offence ment)
  3. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I'm down. Wanna get drunk first? Wait, that was a dumb question......I have a novel idea, let's do this sober....nah, fuck it. Why you pickin' on Al? And should we sing these Christmas songs in Canada? Where we won't offend anyone? I'm assuming you mean true Christmas songs, songs about Christmas. Not about Xmas. And Reindeer. And snow. Why the fuck would a Canadian want to sing a song about snow? Oh yeah, it's summer.....you probably actually miss it right about now. Hot enough for ya?

    Peace & Hair Grease
  4. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    These days I'm thinking that multi-subculturalism is the way to go. I think every person on this forum, from so so many nations will understand. There can be cultural differences in a nation, but all of them should be based on a common, shared cultural foundation. For example, the cat that went crazy in Seattle, or even the one who went crazy in my town -- they felt alienated enough to identify themselves and act not as citizens of the USA, but as confused members of some foreign society.

    I am 100% for controlled, rational immigration to the USA. That's what made us.

    The United States accepts more immigrants than any other nation in the world. But we used to have controlled immigration, and now it's degenerated into a madhouse. Common sense dictates some control, at the very least to ensure that those coming here do so for the right reasons.

    When my pops got here he spoke no English, but when the US declared war on Germany, his loyalties were to the USA. He decided. My family used to send packages of food to our German relatives, and honored their heritage, but they did so as new Americans, even if they couldn't speak English. Of course they learned English as time went on.

    I even wore Lederhosen as a child, but I was American. Still have those Lederhosen in my closet, but can't quite fit into them now ;) And so, this is I like to think, an example of multi-subculturalism. On a continuum of cultural identification, new immigrants must choose to adopt their new land's culture or leave.


    Thesis, antithesis, synthesis (Marx, Engels, et al).

    But pay attention, and you will find plenty of such reporting. Dig beyond the headlines. Watch what's happening in New Orleans...

    That would not happen, because Ukranians and Russians moving to America tend to share knowledge of a common language (Russian), and their differences dissipate when thrown into our society. They are farther from the origins of their conflicts and tend to group together. Look at Brighton Beach, in New York. Or the many Spanish-speaking people from Mexico and South America who are the fastest-growing population in the USA. Or modern Detroit, where persons of Middle-eastern descent settle.

    No, we just need to control immigration and slow down that growing antithetic stage/condition. There's no need for violence. :)
  5. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    lets all stand in line to throw our guns in a blast furnace

    i will stand @ end of line...
  6. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
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  7. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Well, I was pretty tanked up when I wrote that. But I think Biles was joking about deportations and stuff.
  8. TS

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
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    In each joke there is 50% of true.
    All what you wrote was ok but., I don't know why I have feeling, with all those terorist actions like killin' kids and inocent people all over the globe... i don't know man. The latest treat was that atempt to bomb down CN tower in Toronto and god know what else.... Fukin fanatics....
    Honorable soldier will go and fight soldier not civilians...
  9. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    I was jokin too.
    Seems when we got sucked into a sales pitch given us by military 'philosophers' we also allowed this shit to happen. The minute it became 'okay' for entire people's to be counted as combatants, that was when terrorism became enabled.

    I don't think there is a hell of a difference between area bombing and terror bombing except in their respective destructive radii.

    My people aprticipated whole-heartedly in the destruction of many nieghbourhoods, towns, villages, markets, schools and hospitals. We are reaping what we have sown.

    In Northern Ireland there was an amnesty offered to militants. That may not have been just, but it seems to have slowed or stopped The Troubles and allowed political thinkers to wrestle with very real problems.

    There are a lot of people in my nation who are very vocal about yanks and their foriegn adventures, including intrusions into Our Way. But we haven't and never would advocate attacking yanks. We argue, we talk. And we are close enough culturally that we can see the other's point of view simply by reading it. There are no filters possible when we have free communications between our nations.

    I thank my lucky stars the Giant Power next to my nation has a culture so similar to my own that we can argue in peace.

    Are there two countries anywhere else in the world who have lived without war between them as long as Canada and the USA have? I may be wrong, but I would guess
  10. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    You guys have great fuckin' beer and lotsa walleyes (even if I have to eat most of them before I come back home.)

    Oh, BTW, thanks for Pam Anderson (B4 all the plastic surgery) - look WTF we did to her!!! :(

    Peace & Hair Grease
  11. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    No shit. Her tits are rock solid and are competing for space with her arm pits. If you look closely, you can see vulva like folds of skin between tits and arm pits.

    And while we are at it, her lips keep gettin closer and closer to her nose.

    Now Rita MacNeil, THERE is a REAL woman!
  12. achtun

    achtun Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2001
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    it's hard to belive that in 2006 a country attacks another and kills their civilians and the world keeps watching without doing anything, and the un council is blocked because of the veto of the USA that is blocking even the resolution against the killing of 4 UN members. When terrorists attack all antions even the majority of the islamic countries support this kind of resolutions against the violence. US not.This is the image of the democracy we give in middle west: irak, israel and US. Great!

    i bet they are crazy for kicking mubarak, the saudi family and the ayatolahs and become demcracies soon!

    it's so hard to belive that it's happening today.... i feel so ashamed of living in this world an not stopping this as many others felt during other huge agressions which time has proved to be war crimes, brutality and no sense violence

    how many civilians have to die because of the kidnapping of 2 soldiers by a terrorist grouo? What is the link between the terrorists and the porro lebanese? Why israel has 10.000+ people in their prisons that many associations proved to be innocents? Why they can make "selective killings" and the other can't qhen they are supposed to be the democratic country and the others are suposed to be the animals?

    When you have a power and you use it, ytou have to use it for evereything. US is reponsible for this, as being the first power in the world and permiting israel go ahead with this genocide against the population and the infrastructures of south lebanon, where noone will want to live and will be settled by jewish. US is responsible of blocking a cease fire, responsible of not using the power it has to make a resolution against israel and send the un troops there. But even if this didn't happen, at last could not block the powers that care about the killing of innocents in any side and not boicot the UN actions.

    Maybe we, the ones who are not from US or Israel, were not touched by God's finger and we are not the "choosen" nations. But if he had the chance to stop this, we would, the smallest african nation to the most developed in europe

    i allways wonder: this kind of "counter terrorists" movements taken by US and Israel really want to fight terrorism? They only aim to make more terrorists in places where they were not. Thax to them we have 100 times more terrorists than 5 years ago. Why they want to make more terrorists? In stead of making the islamic poulation reject them we push them to suipport them and i cant blame them! If i where from a islamic country and saw how the west allows israel do what they want i'd be fucking pissed off! And ins tead of driving me to democratic positions, they drive me to wars! Perfect! That's the way to fight terrorism!!! Tell me when u klill the last terrorist, cause i'm afraid the sons of their sons will be still looking after kill all of us.

    Thax for making the world safer. And ask the first taxi to mars, cause i don't see how this is gonna a help.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2006
  13. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    damn amerikans for bomb hospitals and schools in irak

    saddam was crazy man and sometimes accidently build bunker under hospital and school

    cia should have know that saddam was crazy and not bomb these place

    was innocent mistake that bunker under hospital

    and now in lebanon

    IDF forces attak schools hospitals and mosques

    cant they see that israeli oppression has prevent the hizbollah from learn to read and write?

    hizbollah cant read that sign says 'hospital' or 'school' or 'mosque' when they go to store weapons or find shelter

    israel - stop make innocent lives pay for innocent mistakes of the hizbollah!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2006
  14. achtun

    achtun Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2001
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    if you say that the fault of the dath of those innocents is of hezbolla i must think that u are a fanatic. hezbollah is a terrorist group that kills civilians without a reason and should be in prison. But the bombs over a building where innoecnt people lives has no justification. Firstly because is hasrd to belive that there where attacks comming frm there (as they said in irak after Jose COuso killing and was proved to be a lie) and second, if terrorists are in that place you use troops to evacuate it or surround it, not bombing it. There are thousends of things to do but lkilling 30 child.

    If for you is an excuse, you are not fair in this debate.
  15. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    It's funny (peculiar) to me that this guys avatar is the symbol of the democratic party.
  16. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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  17. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    There ya go! Roll her in flour and fuck the wet spot......
  18. achtun

    achtun Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2001
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    this special doneky is a simbol of Catalonia (AKA Ruc Catalá), like the 9/11 BTW. But if want to know it, i think that the democrat party is pathetic, and many other adjectives that for respect i'll be skipping.
  19. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Democrats and republicans are the same. Yankees don't think so.
    If 11/9 had happenned while democrats were 'in power' do you think the USA would have shouted 'uncle?'
    FDR was a democrat.
    Wilson was too.
    Kennedy was.
    Johnson was.
    War leaders, whether against their will or not.

    Ack this is a painful and only part list.
    Only people who can actually perceive a difference between the two halves of the political exactlythesamething thing are yankees.
    A left winger there is similar to a right winger in many parts of the world.

    For instance, my government is supposedly 'right wing,' yet they are far to the left of republicans and, it is arguable, they are to the left of US Democrats.

    I think these wars are the US people either manipulated or thoughtful on their own. If the foriegn adventures the USA performs were too painful for The People, you can be assured they would stop. That has happenned and independant of the incumbant.

    The USA isn't one to take great risks in war, unless those risks are run on the other side, see, there is no chance a stratiegic bomber's load will ever be mistakenly dropped on a hospital in New York. Hasn't ever happenned and if it did, well, the USA would refrain from that type of weapons delivery.

    Maybe some day they will become aware of the fact news editors and warmongers can easily be the same people and paid and financed by people claiming to be Friends Of The People. Maybe some day the USA will exclaim, "Aw fuck the world," and pull it's head into it's [nuclear] shell.
    They have pulled their heads into their shells before - and that act in itself happenned coincedentally or concurrent with the rise of fascism and stalinsim, two things we needed the USA to help us with. And we didn't have that help. And we got the shit beat out of us for a good long while, especially the fascist attempt at world domination. Stalin was too busy chewing at his own neck to be much of a threat to anyone outside his domain. Then the fascisti attacked the bear.

    Fcuk. I am not sure we would all be better off with the balance of power the way it has been in the past:
    The evil British Empire.
    The evil Russian Empire.
    The evil japanese Empire.
    The evil [and laughable] Italian Empire.
    The evil belgian Empire.
    The evil French empire.
    etc etc

    Fuck em all.

    all of em.

    I just want to work on my tan.
  20. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    herr doktor: achtun the tumor has embed itself in ur liver we need carve much of ur liver to remove tumor

    achtun: no! nothign can justify killing innocent body part!


    herr computer techniker: achtun the virus has embed itself in windows file we need do reinstall

    achtun: no! nothing can justify wiping innocent files!


    herr IDF soldier: achtun the hizbollah has embed itself in civilan population and now in school using kids as lookouts and human sandbags we need destroy school to kill terrorist

    achtun: no! nothnig can justify killing the children!


    achtun if u in building and terrorist run in you stay in building?

    what kind of person u think would?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006