Spitfire problems? (english)

Discussion in 'Game bugs' started by -exec-, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi again,

    Here is a preliminary diagram to check if all these version listed above are really desired for the game:


    (So far, I have only covered the single-stage variants.)

    Note that the difference between the Spitfire I and II is not particularly big - maybe it would be more interesting to make a pre-Battle-of-Britain Spitfire Ia with +6.25 lbs/sqin WEP and 87 octane fuel?

    (By the way, if we fix the Spitfire I and II, we're going to have to fix the Me 109E along with them, or we'll break the balance early in the RPS.)

    Note that the Spitfire Vc has very different characteristics from the Vb - it doesn't look like much on the speed diagram, but it is extremely powerful down low and will become the field defender #1 in my opinion.

    (The Seafire LIIc is going to be similar, with even more power but also with more weight and drag.)


    Henning (HoHun)
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  2. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    never know what's the difference between spit2a and spit1a (except merlin mark).
    what does your chart display?
  3. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Exec,

    >never know what's the difference between spit2a and spit1a (except merlin mark).

    The Spitfire IIa has a more powerful engine and a little bit more weight. It has a new radiator type and a new propeller type.

    >what does your chart display?

    Speed over altitude.

    Both the Spitfire Ia and the Spitfire IIa are displayed with 100 octane, +12 lbs/sqin and 3000 rpm WEP.

    Here is a new Spitfire I and II comparison. (Curves look a bit different than before because I fixed a typo in the propeller radius :-/

    The Spitfire Ia (+6.25 lbs/sqin) would be good for 1939 to mid-1940. It would make the D.520 a bit more interesting.

    We could also split the Me 109E into the early Me 109E-1 and the Me 109E-4/N, and the E-1 would be more competitive with the D.520 and the Spitfire I, while the E-4/N would be more competitive with the Spitfire II.

    I know we've got to sacrifice another slot for it, but I'd readily give up the Fw 190F-8 to get a new and better early-war plane set. (We can give the F-8 loadouts to the A-8 and won't hardly miss anything.)


    Henning (HoHun)

    Attached Files:

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  4. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2006
  5. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Hi Fatale,

    >The Best of the Breed by Col. "Kit" Carson

    Throw away the complete article, Carson had an axe to grind and didn't even care to research properly, never to mention to argue properly. Complete waste of time even to talk about it.


    Thanks, that's a good one! :)


    Henning (HoHun)
  6. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    iirc, the a, b or c etc. after the mark numeral on spitfires indicate exlusively the wing type, not with make of merlin engine is in it. there were Vbs with tilly plated carburetors & Vcs without them. somewhere i have a spitifre boook with the detail, in lots of other places i have spitfire books without them....
  7. _strafe_

    _strafe_ Well-Known Member