Something that's been irking me about RED tactics

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем Red Ant, 20 апр 2007.

  1. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
    Hey ronin, old chap, how's it goin'?
  2. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    5 янв 2005
    worse and worse it seems
  3. gryphon

    gryphon Well-Known Member

    23 авг 2003
    ussaly what i find the most anoying is 30- 10 reds 28 red planes will go light to vulch. 1 will have rocs and kill jeeps but not help close field. leaving the hvy 1 bomb short of closing field. :) of course it not always that sever but not far off often. what i dont understand is spits so populer a plane. carries 2-250s that can make or brk a raid as for jeep kill or pop hit. and no one takes em....... yea i know u want to vulch and bombs no good for that. but consider this. bombs will increase your dive spead. so there a benifit unlesss u get into a turnfight, and are easily jetisened. so why not take them just in case?????

    the other is li issue. need li. do i have li? li plz. do we have li?
    okay sure theres the spy issue so u like to stay mute but aleast pm the person who called for it so he donst keep spaming and we get the other great red headack. 5 li at a field that pops with no fighter and no hvys. since everyone thought jeeze no ones gonna li guess i better....
  4. gryphon

    gryphon Well-Known Member

    23 авг 2003
    oh and yea mcloud goes nutz sometimes. i almost put him in startup for permi squelch after he was having a fit spamming in radio qwestion mad that 12 wasnt closing. and omw hvy gold capped 5 i diverted there to make sure they didnt mass luanch from there to take 15 wile reds were playing at 12. all i asked was time 5 and if bw who followed me was hvy so i knew what to do..... this got me squelched and called a asshole..........

    well this asshole closed 5 killed jeep 5 and fought 2 zeros low in p51 alone since bw went to 2 for somereason,downing one and wounding the other utill 12 was captured and reds came inmass, . so i guess this asshole didnt need any hlp blocking golds as reds vulched and mcloud went mad at 12.
  5. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Redant you should move to my town and try to order a pizza from any pizza joint in the phone book. You will end up dealing with a paki, cuz the only 2 things that paki's in Canada know how to do is drive cabs and fuck up pizza orders.

    This is what happens:

    Pizza guy: Hello?

    Redant: "Hi, I'd like to order a medium pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and green peppers."

    Pizza guy: "You want cab? you are at airport?"

    Redant: "No, I want to order a pizza"

    Pizza guy: "Why you call this number?!!!"

    Redant: "I called this number because I want to order a pizza"

    Pizza guy: "you want to order pizza?"

    Redant: "Yeah!"

    Pizza guy: "Ok what you want on pizza?"

    Redant: "I'll take a medium pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and green peppers"

    Pizza guy: "You want panzerotti with mushrooms?"

    Redant: "No, I want a medium pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and green peppers"

    Pizza guy: "OK I make for you. When you will pick up?"

    Redant: "No, I want you to deliver it please"

    Pizza guy: "Deliver pizza?"

    Redant: "Yes, that's right, I need it delivered"

    Pizza guy: "You want me deliver pizza?"

    Redant: "YEP"

    Pizza guy: "OK I deliver pizza for you, 30 minutes. It always fresh! It always hot!"

    Redant: "Good, I'll be waiting."

    Pizza guy: "You waiting? Why you wait?"

    Redant: "I'll be waiting for the pizza"

    Pizza guy: "You want cab ride? You waiting at airport?"

    Redant: "No, I am waiting for the pizza"

    Pizza guy: "You want pizza, right?"

    Redant: "Yeah!"

    Pizza guy: "OK I make pizza for you, then I bring to you."

    Redant: "You want my address?"

    Pizza guy: "Yes address please"

    Redant: "OK, it's 45 maple street, just north of Elm street."

    Pizza guy: "OK, I bring pizza to you. Bye-Bye"

    Redant: "Wait! How much is it?"

    Pizza guy: "For what? Pizza?"

    Redant: "Yeah"

    Pizza guy: "Pizza is 10 dalla for small, 15 dalla for medium, 20 dalla for large"

    Redant: "No, I mean how much is the one I ordered, the medium pizza with 3 toppings"

    Pizza guy: "Toppings are 75 cents each"

    Redant: "So the pizza I ordered is gonna cost $17.25 right?"

    Pizza guy: "Yes! Yes! Price $17.25! how you know this? You order here before?"

    Redant: "Ok, That's fine, I'll be waiting for the pizza to be delivered."

    Pizza guy: "You want pizza delivered?"

    Redant: "Yeah, I do , remember?"

    Pizza guy: "OK, I put pizza in oven. I cook for you, then bring to you. I deliver hot and fresh!"

    Redant: "OK, you do that, Bye-bye"

    Pizza guy: "OK bye-bye!"

    30 minutes later the "pizza" shows up. The only problem is that it is a panzerotti with mushrooms and green peppers, that's it. It's not a pizza.

    Next, the phone rings. It sounds a lot like the paki guy that took your order. He asks if you called for a cab. you look on your call display, and it is the same number for the pizza joint. He is the same guy that took your order for the pizza.
    Последнее редактирование: 19 авг 2007
  6. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
  7. gryphon

    gryphon Well-Known Member

    23 авг 2003
    lol mcloud. that true story? and that day 12 did sound like that in radio
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    That was a fictional story I concocted about the difficulty in not calling the aforementioned pizza paki a fuckin retard. The names bear no similarity to persons living or dead. (except Redant and the pizza paki) lmao

    Here's another funny story, cracks me right up, sounds like my dad after a long hot summer day yakkin on the phone to some fuckin paki that tried to fix his roof or his car or sent him a cab instead of a pizza, oh shit I'm startin' to laugh, this is bringing back memories...:D :D

    roofing retards
    Последнее редактирование: 3 май 2007
  9. glucose

    glucose Well-Known Member

    21 сен 2006

    I am, right now, conducting research about where I can go next year where there aren't any of those people. I am pretty tired of that.
    I am not at in the mood to explain, suffice to say there are 1.25 BILLION there and the flood gates have been opened by a bunch of Liberals in Ottawa and we ain't gonna remain a European People for much longer.
    You see me playing word games and insulting Euros, but it isn't really meant. You guys ain't heathen's, Euro's don't arrive here stinking and shit coloured, penny pinching, cheap ass retards and do not EVER carry swords on public transit and DON'T EXPECT LEGISLATION ALLOWING IT, either.
    Последнее редактирование: 3 май 2007
  10. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    2 мар 2005
    Simply wait until their numbers are large enough, and liberal legislation is at the right temprature, then you will get a repeat of the 600s, (Africa) 700s, then 900s (Persia, Inidia, Panjab, Northern Indus river valley), then you get to watch the revised march back into the EU; wait that march is already taking place. Hope the Spanish are ready for a future redux again. ;)
    (1212 Las Navas de Tolosa & 1462 Gibraltar.)

    Reconquista isn't a joke to Islam, it's historical fact.
    It is only a joke to those who Liberalize, and wish to see history repeated.

    Isn't history fun. :cool: