Sabotage rat cunt. Oh yeah?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by glucose, May 5, 2007.

  1. glucose

    glucose Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Well this fucker I work with kinda pisses me off.
    Comes in late about 1 in 3 days
    Fucks off from the job site for a 15 minute coffee trip and is gone 2 hours again and again, maybe ten times the past year, maybe fifteen, I dunno, I hate counting up grudges. Of course, it is inherent in the whole fucked off deal that I don't rat the fucker out, right? We all know ya ain't supposed to rat.
    Farts around with a certain equippage and causes it, somehow, to malfunction. The farting around may be coincidence, cosmic rays focused using idle, retarded worker as a focus and thereby busting the gizmo.
    but anyways, three times now the gizmo been busted when this worker been anywhere near it. Bust the gizmo and our workload is reduced significantly. Sabotage.
    And too, the worker I got to work with don't like cigarettes, don't like the smell of em, don't like even the idea of them and, in fact, is even religiously opposed to them, such that the worker can't even be in the company of a person who smokes seeing as that person is religiously proscribed or, uh, 'unclean.'

    And fuck, so the other day this coworker of mine says, "You smoke too much."
    And I say, "Yeah, mind your own business."
    Then I hear, "You shouldn't smoke,it is bad for you."
    And I say, "Didn't you just hear what I said?"
    And I hear, "It is very bad to smoke. very bad."

    A N D I L O S T I T .

    And I hollered for a moment and then I went away so I could cool down and so could my co worker.
    Now, it is a real drag that my co worker is a female.

    A big ugly, dumb, uncouth one, but a female nevertheles [I like that word, "nevertheless"].

    So, I can't really confront, like I would like to confront, I just gotta confront with no implied threat, period, which I thought I did, no kiddin.
    I gave her shit, it only lasted about one minute, but you know, shit taking seems likes hours compressed, right? So I am sure the sad retarded horsey faced ugly old villagehag was really, really hating me, after I chewed her out for giving me un-deserved, unrequired lip.

    Later on during the shift, she sabotaged or caused to be gibbled, the certain equippage and implied to one of those "I am a protector of women" types, who happens to be the supervisor, that the thing was busted on my time, intimated, thereby that I busted it. Okay.
    Then she says to the same, "I am a protector of women" guy that I smoke in her space and blow it in her face, laughing, smiling. " I don't smoke within a hundred feet of her. Ever.
    And she says I been slacking, to this guy the supervisor, who frequently washes her feet worshipfully, or something, I can't understand it, she says that. I haven't been. I been just a great worker, fine, really fine, conscientious and everything.
    Wow. Gulp.
    Now I in shit for smoking in the shack, which I havene't ever done.
    I am investigated for sabotaging a gizmo.
    I am being looked at for slacker of the month award.

    Amazing the kind of fighting a chick can do, eh?
    This is really hurting.

    I am whipped and I am stumped. I never had a chickfight before.


    Now, a dude who fucks me:
    Is it okay if I take him outback and kick him around?
    Oh, sure, that is fine.

    But a chick?
    Jeez,do I gotta use poison or razors? What are the rules for chickficghting? How do I do it?
    Is only chick allowed to dump chicks in the river? I mean like, if I dump her in the river, that would be bad, right?
    Okay, so what can I do? I can't even throw something at her, not even something small and light and moslty harmless, like, say, a small rock....

    Is poison okay in a chickfight?
    No, prolly not. Okay.
    Uh, cancer? Oh, there is no way to actually DO a cancer during chickfighting, right? There is no instant breast or uterine cancer punch?
    No. I guess not.

    So how does a guy fight a chick?

    Help me....
  2. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    well the general rule of thumb is you're not supposed to fight a chick, see :)
    but then again, if you'd look up the origin of the term "rule of thumb" you'd get (among others):
    "This has been said to derive from the belief that English law allowed a man to beat his wife with a stick so long as it is was no thicker than his thumb" :)

    I'm sure you'll come up with sth. evil, as you always do :)
  3. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    shag her
  4. --stec

    --stec Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2000
    Poznan, Poland
    Put bisacodyl in her coffee or donuts once in a while. Diuretics may be just as funny.
  5. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    A chick fight is usually all devious and mental. You don't want to do physical harm. Making an example is the name of the game.

    2 ideas.

    Is she married? Have a boyfriend?
    Find a payphone and call him up and ask if she is there. Act dumb: "oh you must be her brother, she mentioned you once or twice during our covert afternoon get-togethers." Then act like something just came up and you have to go. Rinse, repeat a couple of times and then stop.

    If living with parents then call and act like a concerned friend: "use a fake name." Ask if she had seen the doctor for that hidieous VD she contracted from: "name some fake girl name here," and that you hoped they have talked to her about not engaging in bi-sexual prostitution.
  6. glucose

    glucose Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    There is a cultural divide that makes what you suggest impractical. The woman is not only female, but she descends from a pack of heathen devils.
    I wouldn't know how to start a scandal amongst rag clad heathen DP devils. Oh well, all one has to do is stand back and wait and she will wind up being used to walk in front of a car so her tribe of criminals can defraud some auto insurance and buy another house the size of Gaza..
    No one would be impressed if one more DP female dropped off the side of a wharf, except for, of course, the beneficieries of the insurance... And it is way too much work to stuff her into a pizza oven.

    Wait. They don't like pork.
    Maybe I will eat some sliced ham, make sure she knows what it is, eat it with my hands, then I will wander all over the place touching things, breathing on stuff and, and. Hmmm. On the way to work, perhaps I compose a Pork Chanticle to sing while I wander around, in full view, eating some fatty, dripping pork-like substance out of a blood stained paper bag labelled "Caution, religiously proscribed meats and tobacco."
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  7. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    Put spiders in her lunchbox. Return to your childhood days for more ideas of pestering girls!
  8. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    IC, a wanna-be radical attempting to use the race card.
    Which state or country you in?
  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    So this is the same "punjabie" girl of several stories ago? The one that you thought she had some kind of interest in you and was taking those naps?

    Well you can just take some digital pics of her next nap time(s) and start a dossier on her.

    You can tell her that you have seen the light and have quit smoking.
    That you owe it all to her suggestion and that you ahve taken-up this new snack food to help with the transition...that you think is some kind of new potato chip. However it's really those fried pork rinds... "Oops.." you say after she stuffs her face and tells you how great they taste.... " My, so THAT'S the word in Spanish for FRIED PORK, who would have guessed!"

    Of course maybe you got her all wrong and she really does have an interest in you and in her culture this is the only way she can give you the message by showing she is thinking of your well being????

    You could try being her friend.

    You might want to reflect upon why you reacted in that way.

    And.... yeah, smoking is bad, not only for the smoker but anyone around the smoker. It's good only for the industry and the people who sell it.
  10. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Punjab is it.

    Tell her to "STFU" and when you want to hear her voice you will let her know.
    And remind her that should she have a problem with this, you will personally go to the nearest elder, and strictly protest the shame she has caused you!

    Let her tribe/family take care of the problem from there. :dark:
  11. glucose

    glucose Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    What is a radical?
    You might as well have called me a fag or a commie.
    True intolerance isn't funny. It is tragic and you, sir got it. See it all tonight at 5:00 on NBC.
    Yeah, that's right, yeah.

    Race? Looks to me like it is you trying to use the race card. I want you to tell me what race of humans this woman I am raving about is, of. What breed of humans, c'mon, I am sure you know, seeing as my post was so clearly racist.

    Anyone who won't have truck nor trade with me because of my diet, anyone who thinks it is okay to lie about and slander me is worthy of my intolerance, no need for race, why, in fact, a person can piss me off in the dark even, where I don't even have a clue about race. You Saddleborn Steppes Wanderer you. You Assyrian bignose. Celtic freckledballs.

    It is part of my cultural heritage, not a matter of my race, but my culture that makes me a lover of barbecue, an awful but common brand of bottled Pisener beer, hand rolled virginia blend smokes, skidoos, my first Lee Enfield .303 rifle, Tim Horton's Coffee, the word "Eh" and salmon, "ten bucks each, white man."
    Some people think it is okay to saw a goats head off in the back yard.
    I don't.
    But talkin about it sure don't make me radical something. It's all mostly funny. Except the sword thing.The sword thing is not right, man, not right at all.

    Dopers are all the same. So are commies.

    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  12. glucose

    glucose Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Nope. Harkirat is gone away. She said an old Baba was touching her and leering at her and other innappriate stuff. The nice old Baba Singh would never do shit like that and so, uh. Harkirat went away.
    Well said! hear hear!
    All sorts of personal choices are bad or good but they are personal and they are an expression of certain personal freedoms, rights. Intolerance towards a law obiding person isn't good, right? Are you a gun owner? [I think I saw a picture you posted, your dad and you and your brother out hunting????] Do you like it when you get lectured about guns or hunting by gun haters or hunter haters or whatever the fuck they called?
    Listen, there is always someone or some group it is okay to remind they are bad, to constantly attack and belittle, to oppose in public to lampoon, to be intolerant to. Of late it is fat people, cigarette smokers, seal clubbers, long line fishermen, loggers, Jehova's Witnesses, women wearing fur coats, Chicken Farmers, skaters grinding in the town square and and...
    Cruise Missile bases and hydroelectric damn on the Stikine and snowy owls. FUCK. And people are starving and dying of HIV/AIDS in Africa for fucks sake.
    Why must I put up with harrassment?
    What group of people is it currently appropraite to mock and seek and make kneel to your righteous right, kneel. Ya wanna know what it feels like to be in an oppressed group? It is easy, there are many things you can do that are perfectly legal even and you will be discriminated against.
    Scrub the street Jew. Yes, this actually happenned, can you imagine? And passerby used to gather and watch, and I bet most of them were deeply ashamed.
    Imagine going to a penitentury for a year for the offense of having sex. Well, it still happens to Queer Nation, in most of the world, still...

    Okay, I am just smoking, not a 1930s German or a 1950s gay or even a Jehova's Witness [can you imagine what it must be like to have to do that what those folks do? Hard, very hard]

    Imagine a big guy, he wants to go on a flight and they make himpay for two tickets because he sits in two seats, FUCK! Discrimination.

    MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR SMOKERS TO SMOKE CIGARETTES IN PUBLIC. How's that for oppression for you, eh? FUCK.

    How current are you?
    Who you gonna be opposing say, forty years from now? You gonna find out from a list?
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  13. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada

    Usually when a female tries to tell a guy how to do this, how to do that, etc. they are actually pissed off at either their older brother (if they have one) or dad, both of which were usually straonger and dominant over her. Whenever she tells you what to do or how to do it, you should tell her to obey her dad or something along those lines. Quote from the bible the parts that say that a woman is the servant of the man etc. Tell her that your dad told you not to take orders from a woman, and you're not about to let her. It will bug her good.

    Tell her how lousy woman cops are too, that they get hired just to shut up the female population, it's all PR stuff, no one actually takes female cops seriously, no one anywhere in the world.
  14. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    I was refering to female you were on about.
  15. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    As long as you wanna ruin your own health it's ok with me, but when you make me breath that in a public place, say a pub or a bus stop it pisses me off. Wanna smoke? Fine, but do it someplace where it harms only you.
  16. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Yeah, go to Mars, smokers.
  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    I don't give a damn where they go, Mars it may be.
  18. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    Yeah! Down with smokers!

  19. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    ".....MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR SMOKERS TO SMOKE CIGARETTES IN PUBLIC. How's that for oppression for you, eh? FUCK.

    How current are you?
    Who you gonna be opposing say, forty years from now? You gonna find out from a list?
    Knowamsayin? ...."

    Yeah, I know what you're sayin' alright..... I heard it all before;

    When my high school friends started "experimenting" with drugs.... it was ok, they could quit any time, they're in control, they're just checking-out the scene, they're being picked-on for their choices...the others, the squares just don't get it.

    They're expanding their minds..... and then I started going to a few funerals, seems some of them expanded their minds with a 12 gauge or in front of a train, or in some back street shooting alley, or under his car at 3:00AM polishing the driveshaft and making every nut and bolt shiney and forgetting to eat or sleep and puting the parking brake on or shutting the engine off in the garage....or getting blown-up in his car by a hand grenade(lots of leftovers from "Nam in those days and nobody gave a f**k or a rat's a** for nuthin'- know what I'm sayin'?)... for skipping too many payments.....

    Yeah, a year ago last March I go to an old friend's husband's funeral.

    He died of lung cancer at age 57 and never smoked a cig. or anything else in his life.....
    Turns out he worked his 40 years at the newsroom of a certain newspaper, back in the days when all newspapermen and women smoked and not only was it allowed but it was cool. Funny thing at the services there were NO co-workers older than him alive or well enough to be there.

    STOP THE PRESSES and listen-up:

    from Mr. Jagger: "...a man on television comes and tells me how white my shirts can be....but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me..."

    Gil Scott-Heron:

    The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

    You will not be able to stay home, brother.
    You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
    You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
    Skip out for beer during commercials,
    Because the revolution will not be televised.

    The revolution will not be televised.
    The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
    In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.
    The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
    blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John
    Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
    hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.
    The revolution will not be televised.

    The revolution will not be brought to you by the
    Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie
    Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia.
    The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.
    The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.
    The revolution will not make you look five pounds
    thinner, because the revolution will not be televised, Brother.

    There will be no pictures of you and Willie May
    pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run,
    or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance.
    NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
    or report from 29 districts.
    The revolution will not be televised.

    There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
    brothers in the instant replay.
    There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
    brothers in the instant replay.
    There will be no pictures of Whitney Young being
    run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process.
    There will be no slow motion or still life of Roy
    Wilkens strolling through Watts in a Red, Black and
    Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
    For just the proper occasion.

    Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville
    Junction will no longer be so damned relevant, and
    women will not care if Dick finally gets down with
    Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people
    will be in the street looking for a brighter day.
    The revolution will not be televised.

    There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock
    news and no pictures of hairy armed women
    liberationists and Jackie Onassis blowing her nose.
    The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,
    Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom
    Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth.
    The revolution will not be televised.

    The revolution will not be right back after a message
    bbout a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
    You will not have to worry about a dove in your
    bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.
    The revolution will not go better with Coke.
    The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.
    The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

    The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,
    will not be televised, will not be televised.
    The revolution will be no re-run brothers;
    The revolution will be live.

    and most important:


    From the 1968 release "Steppenwolf"
    Steppenwolf Cover

    Words and music by Hoyt Axton

    You know I've smoked a lot of grass
    O' Lord, I've popped a lot of pills
    But I never touched nothin'
    That my spirit could kill
    You know, I've seen a lot of people walkin' 'round
    With tombstones in their eyes
    But the pusher don't care
    Ah, if you live or if you die

    God damn, The Pusher
    God damn, I say The Pusher
    I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man

    You know the dealer, the dealer is a man
    With the love grass in his hand
    Oh but the pusher is a monster
    Good God, he's not a natural man
    The dealer for a nickel
    Lord, will sell you lots of sweet dreams
    Ah, but the pusher ruin your body
    Lord, he'll leave your, he'll leave your mind to scream

    God damn, The Pusher
    God damn, God damn the Pusher
    I said God damn, God, God damn The Pusher man

    Well, now if I were the president of this land
    You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man
    I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
    Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun

    God damn The Pusher
    Gad damn The Pusher
    I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man

    © Irving Music Inc. (BMI)

    and as far as I'm concerned, yes Reynolds, Philip Morris and many others big corporations are pushers and merchants of death...oh so legal.....but just another, higher form of killing and for their profit only....

    And just for the record:

    I have no such photo of me hunting and I have never hunted nor killed game animals. If I ever do it would be only to eat it.

    Also if you wish to smoke, go right ahead, just do it on your own time and in your own space. Take your drugs of choice but make sure they stay IN YOU and not in the air I BREATHE !
    I believe you have the right to do whatever you want in your own house and it should be nobody else's business except those other who live in that house with you.

    May you acknowledge those demons or those reasons why you smoke or take those drugs or course of actions and may you prevail.

    Nobody's Fault But Mine

    Nobody's fault but mine (X 2)
    Trying to save my soul tonight
    It's nobody's fault but mine

    Devil he told me to roll (X2)
    How to roll the log tonight
    Nobody's fault but mine

    Brother he showed me the gong?
    Brother he showed me the ding dong ding dong
    How to roll, the log tonight
    Oh, it's nobody's fault but mine

    Got a monkey on my back. (X 2)
    Gonna change my ways tonight
    Nobody's fault but mine

    I will get down rollin' tonight
    Nobody's fault
    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  20. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Smoke all you want. However, as soon as there are other people around you you better damn well make sure none of them have anything against breathing in the stench of your cig smoke.