Bil... uh, Rudeboy found work...

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by rudeboy, May 19, 2007.

  1. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Took a couple days off, got drunk one time [the evening following The Telling Of The Boss To [deleted].
    Then had one day for a hangover. Then the next day was a Monday. I got on the phone, called three places, got three interviews and went to the first interview on Tuesday. Was hired immediately [first try....] and went to work on Wednesday.
    MEDICAL PREMIUMS PAID after six months [no, stupid yankees, Health Care is NOT free in Canada and I don't know why your fuckin newspapers [pharma-money] keep stating that it IS, becuase it fuckin isn't, otherwise I wouldn't have to pay 175 dollars a month!!! Just so my son and I can go visit a medical doctor once every two or so years??????? grrrrrr].
    Okay, yeah, what was I sayin? Oh, yeah, and DENTAL PREMIUMS paid for after 6 months.
    Past five years I have been showing off my teeth whenever I want to warn a Bad Guy to get the fuck away from me:
    I am scared and angry. You think I am just a Small, burly [but small] angry and scared guy?
    Notice the nose, look carefully. Notice the nose appears to have been smashed several times?
    No effect, still want to scare and anger me?
    Okay, stage two:
    And the bad guy, whoever he is, stops in his tracks and submits to my will. becuase a smashed nose is no big deal until an aggressor notices ALL THE MISSING TEETH too!
    Now I am gonna, in about eight months or a year,have nice pearly white teeth x 28, instead of chipped and yellowing 23 teeth.
    Young ladies won't get frightened and run when I smile and
    Bad guys will think I am Peewee herman.
    Maybe I can ask the dentist to just clean and repar the remaining teeth, so I willstill have those nice, Mutually Assured Destruction Teeth to show off....
    Nah. Even the cat has been avoiding me. This has gone to far. I am a nice guy, actually [just don't show me any more pictures of horse's erect penises - I got so upset a chomped down on an absessed tooth and my niegbours all went into a hush, for an hour. And when I showed myself out the door, later, they all clapped their hands. I guess they thought I had survived whatever horrors were in that basement suite with the "My guns aren't registered" signs all around the place.
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Hey not bad, 1 day to get your jolly's out, one day to sober up, then a job!

    Seriously, how did you get three interviews just like that? Were they jobs advertised in the paper? What's the story? Seems things are better in BC than here...

    P.S. Don't let that long scary thing on the other thread upset you...I was just tryin to warn you about the horrors of ranchwork.
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    - that guy must be a hero! look at all his scars. let's talk to him!
    - we'd better find one who inflicted these scars.
    /seven samurai/
  4. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    The one who broke it the first time is a nice, middle class, balding fellow with 4 kids and wife and dog and old car and house payments and wouldn't hurt a fly. But in 8th grade, he was a fuckin serbian cowboy with balls THIS big.

    The second to break it was a towel bar over a toilet I passed out on my nose to smashed one time, remember the story? The one where I awoke in a big red plasma and platelets blob that looked like a big pink and red fried egg with me in the red red yoke part and it had all come from my nose as I lay there senseless, having almost bled to death from the nose part of me?.....???
    I mean, um biles awoke in a red plasma and platelets blob...

    Bye bye.
    [at work right now and using a fuckin FRENCH keyboard, arrgh]
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  5. Eddiev

    Eddiev Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2003
    São Paulo - Brazil
    Here at my country, a good part of our employers pay the half part of our health care. I'm one of those people who pay just R$ 61 (about U$30) ;)

    BTW, you don't have any Public Health Care in Canada?
  6. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Sure it is public health care, but everyone pays. This is where some people have their symantics funny, see?:
    Have you ever used a public telephone? Well, here, maybe not there, a public telephone is a synonym for payphone.
    In my town there are ten or more [not sure] public swimming pools. It costs a dollar to go swimming, but the swimming is public.
    There is public transit. Which are busses and trains. No one rides for free, if you want to ride for free, there are thses ugly policemen who will take you away, take your photograph and have you summoned to expalin to a judge why you thought you could do that. nd if you tell the judge that you thought you didn't have to pay becuase it is public transit, why, then, the gavel will go down and you will get to hand over $275.00 [Canadian$] as a fine for commiting a criminal or civil offence the name of which I don't remember. It is something like
    Section 127 a ... c
    Anyone procuring transportation in a B.C. Rapid Transit Miracle Mile Skytrain Subway Toll Rode without paying will be subject to, apon conviction a fine of not less than $275.00 and not more than 5 Years in a Provincial Penitentury blah blah blah. Yep, free Public transport.
    And try getting in to see a doctor without a card you are paying 175 a month for. Try faking your way in, or tryto tell the medical receptionist that you haven't any money and someone told you Public Health Is Free.
    The receptionist will tell you that, yes, indeed, there is a Public Health Office down there, down that road there, with a Public Health Nurse - which is a Nurse with a bachelors Degree in Public Health, NO DOCTOR ON STAFF!!!! - Disease Control, Public Prophilasis - and all you're gonna get there is a Tuberculosis test and they will look at your cock to see if you have gonorrhea and then offer you a stay in a rehab clinic so you can kick your crack habit, your speed habit or your prostitution activities [I am sorry to have to tell you but you are HIV Positive].
    Public Health isn't health care, not here. It is disease control and it is about control of diseases and that is all. A prostitute can get a free abortion and a junkie can pick up some methadone. Yeah, taxes pay for that too, but NO ONE IN THE MIDDLE CLASSES EVER GOES TO A PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE - British Columbia Ministry Of Health.
    Public Health Resourse, here, are for Street People the same as Public Health Resources are set up in the USA or Mexico. Needle Marks on your arm will be like your ticket in. Yep. No needle marks? Then go see a [and pay for seeing] a Medical Doctor, like EVERYONE ELSE DOES.
    TANSTAFL, you morons!
    There are public roads.
    One day there is no road and then, voila! the next day there is a road there, JUST LIKE MAGIC, and it IS FREE!!!!! YES, no one had to make the road, no one has to mainain it, it IS FREE. FREE. FREE.

    Ask a Brit about Public Health Care. Ask any Brit who was an adult in the sixties and seventies. Ask that person if Public Health Care is free?
    What a laugh.

    BC is booming right now. There is a lot happenning and there are nowhere near enough workers. We are busy as bees here building things for rich people. Convention Centres, Ski Resorts, Toll Roads [and their bridges] and many many restaraunts [for those rich people who will flock to the olympics in 2010], gambling casinos and portable toilets [there ARE no public washrooms in British Columbia. NONE. Not one. Never have been].
    Feel ffree to come to work in BC, Macloud, but don't plan to stay forever, becuase the economy here is entirely dependent on Yanks, Japs and Chinks and we are always ready to suck their cocks, feed them, bring them into our gambling halls, let themwatch the olympics and wait for them to have ups and downs in their own economies SO WE CAN GO BROKE. Which British Columbia does about every ten to fifteen years. A flurry of activity and all sorts of pretty things go up and then there will be an interval of starvation, street homelessness, widespread diseases, hunger and anger. Then we go from a Right Wing government to a left wing one and then wait ten or fifteen years and then go through the same bullshit.
    This is called Boom and Bust and it is everything about the CON JOB we have been handed in Western Canada.

    [oh, and back on the FREE thing. I bet you didn't know a canadian worker pays at least half of his wages to THE TAX MAN. yes, more than 50%. yes. And this is EVERYONE who works, not just rich people. It has been many years since our taxes, both concealed [supply side] and apparent [value added taxes, these appear on your sales reciept... you know, you buy 300 bucks worth of groceries at the market and it costs $342 [Provincial Sales Tax + Federal Sales Tax + 300]. Only one thing keeps me from going violent over this fleecing of The Public and it is the following:
    My tax dollars have NEVER paid for an aircraft carrier, a nuclear ballsistic missile or an organization of parasitic NAZI pigs called the D.E.A., Mexican Cops, Aid For Israel or a Protective Screen Around Cuba]
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  7. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    they probably realise that maintaining and building so many motorways and congested roads [havent seen Canada but UK is crazy, there is not a square foot outside the national parks* that is not in view of asphalt] is far more expensive to the state than setting up a good, comprehensive and cheap (subsidised) public transport. [as it is in former communist countries for example**]
    but if one switches from traffic jams to packed trains and trolleybuses, then the car business will go down, the petrol business will go down, the road-construction business will go down, etc. etc.
    a lot of money will stop flowing around. how one's gonna keep on the investment bonds repay rates, then? or the drudgery of one's population?
    its a crooked economy. yet they [UK] talk so much about becoming green and ecological, blah. only poor countries can be green. and its not their choice.

    *actually, the national parks are also largerly covered with asphalt, and traffic-jammed during the weekend. how do you get "europe's most visited national park" otherwise? - squeeze it between three millional cities and make lots of parking lots.

    **not for long, since EU's financing priority is always roads! the FIRST few billions of aid it gives to new countries is to lay themselves with asphalt

    have you tried saving? [not in canadian currency]

    what are they used for then? :confused:
    Last edited: May 22, 2007
  8. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Some countries have currency based on a Gold Standard. Other have currency based on a Silver Standard. Some country's currencys are based on Agricultural Commodities.
    Canada's Currency seems to be based on OTHER PEOPLE'S CURRENCIES.
    We are like a tapeworm: entirely dependant on the health of the host.
    Read: Exporting Nation

    Oh and, um, roads, congestion?

    What the fuck?
    I just looked at some numbers so they make sense tome instead of just bein some inane and somewhat insulting lampoon. Ya know, ya can't just rant, sometimes ya gotta read the stuff too, else ya getsucked in and purchase the fuckin vacuum cleaner after saying, Sure, comeon in, I will listen to your sales pitch for that free candle and those glass things, sure. And ya wind up with a fuckin three thousand dollar fuckin vacuum when yer livingin a place with three chairs at the table , a bucket and some soap, and ya thinkin, "fuck, how come I got this fuckin three grand fuckin vacuum?
    Anyway, what was I sayin? Oh,yeah, this:
    U.k area / Canada area
    U.K's size expressed as a decimal of canada's size
    Mondo penis envy, this is like fuckin Texas jokes, only, well, more lame:


    Fuck me. That is, like, uh, 1/40

    Why the fuck do I feel so hemmed in all the fuckin time then?

    To my right, 6000 ft peaks
    To my left, 8000 ft peaks
    To the south of me, war
    North, more fuckin mountains.

    So, UK is like, mostly more flat and stuff than here, right?
    So the highways, or, uh, motorways, ya only need to plough through neighbourhoods and farms, in order to make em, right? Unlike here,where you gotta smash through fuckin mountain ranges the size of fuckin Germany?? And then, ya only gettin some fuckin avalanche cocsucker thing, like fuckin Rogers pass, any you idjits ever drove through Roger's fuckin pass?

    I just blew this huge fantastic doobie and in two hours I gotta go to work, oh fuck.

    Last edited: May 22, 2007
  9. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Hunting the Grizzly Bear in Rogers Pass.
    Sensible hunters don't like to get within a mile of a fuckin grizzly. So they use these things to hunt bears:


    Actually, they is artillery barrage of the snow. They are bombarding some snow, over there, ya can't see it. Shootin at it, with that fuckin cannon looking thing there. Yeah. canadians do that shit in the bush sometimes.
    Which is, to the un-initiated, stupid, right? I mean, why the fuck are these almost yankee looking guys in totally wrong camo, shooting snow?
    Well, it arouses snowsnakes, and iceworms to a fury
    and tourists pay fifty bucks each to watch.
    Last edited: May 22, 2007
  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    imho they provoke little avalanches to remove snow from peaks, and therefore to prevent really troublesome big avalanches. no?
  11. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    right on, you win a lollipop einstein :D
  12. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Concentrated application of firepower at a critical point in the something or other I forget the rest.
  13. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted]

  14. jotaceTOGA

    jotaceTOGA Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2003
    Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

    I don´t know the rainbow´s collors because I am not gay. Can anyone in this forum helps me?
  15. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    what came first:

    the rainbow or the gay?
  16. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005