One BG american on America and else

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by grobar, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    sorry, for digging up an old thread, but i badly need a change from that WTC explosion. :shuffle:

    lol, people with mental problems go to bulgaria. its quite true :zachot:

    i think this guy did something very brave for an american. yes, Bulgaria (or any other country) may be small but it is still a universe away from anything you'd get in US.
    Yes, there are a lot of immigrant neighbourhoods in US but still - they play by the american rules, they watch the american tv, they would speak english to you (or somebody will). They say 'Hi' and 'please'.

    Its like meeting the tamed wolf in the zoo, versus going to its lair, on its terms.

    You fail to appreciate the huge abyss thats there when you move to another country (and i dont mean UK, Canada or Australia - the latter are most young brits' dreams for exotic 'abroad' to move to, lol).
    A different language comes with entirely different modus of thinking, perceiving the world, or even making jokes. With different reference points - history, music, celebrities, books everyone around has read, etc.
    Bridging this gap requires a great deal of love and enthusiasm of what you are discovering in the foreign culture. I mean simple things - how people express, laugh, how the streets look, the type of relations.
    I think a minority of emigrants have this love, the others just put up with the new environment for whatever other benefits - money, career, spouse etc. - much the same as one puts up with an unexciting job.
    I am saying these things being an emigrant myself. :znaika:

    I think this guy, to decide to face the gap between cultures rather than simply move to chicago or new york - has much more guts than the majority of americans. :@prayer: he says it himself "In the beginning it was hell. I thought all around me are idiots, thieves, all kinds of people i didnt know about, there is not a single person like that in America."
    yes, since he is one out of a million to want to move to a small non-english slighly anarchic country - he is probably nuts. (i am too, actuallly) :kruto:
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  2. By-Tor

    By-Tor Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2002
    Pennsylvania USA
    "I think this guy, to decide to face the gap between cultures rather than simply move to chicago or new york - has much more guts than the majority of americans. he says it himself "In the beginning it was hell. I thought all around me are idiots, thieves, all kinds of people i didnt know about, there is not a single person like that in America."

    Grobar-For all of your obvious education and intelligence, you seem to me to speak here from a very personalised place. Many Americans I have lived amongst all my life, are very gutsy and driven and strong in thier convictions to be decent people, also willing to compete for the sake of providing for thier families wellbeing.
    Guts? ... I'm sure we have a major cultural gap, or perhaps you nor your friend havet lived amongst us long enough to make a judgement as such. You certainly have not the honor of having met my friends and family.
    My self and friends have strolled 'the barrio' and 'the hood' at whiles. Very foriegn culturally, but the same rules apply. Bold in stride but respectfull in tongue. In America a stroll through the next few blocks is a stroll into a different culture. The rules however remain the same. A liberal sprinkling of guts is mandatory.
    I am the product of Lebanese and English immigrants that had plenty of guts. My aquaintances are from many other cultures/tribes. Most of them have guts in spades! I am glad to see the globalization of this world that will put these boundaries and thoughts time :)
    The Ami melting pot leads the way

    Peace and best wishes
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2007
    1 person likes this.
  3. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    "or perhaps you nor your friend havet lived amongst us long enough to make a judgement as such"
    if you mean that guy above, he IS an american. white, middle-class, strictly protestant family, whats more american than that?
    thats why i posted his rants on americans

    dont you confirm my statement here?
    in the barrio it might look mexican, but the rules of engagement are american. it aint like moving to mexico city although it might leave such impression to the american.

    i am not. all these people in NY or London desperately trying to be themselves despite having lost their world and roots arent such a great utopia for me.

    its like a bbq-ued calf at the ranch versus a plastic-wrapped cuts in mcdonalds.

    maybe you do realise that all this turning back to religions, ethnicity, traditions and nationalism is exactly the response of the world to the aggression of western globalisation?

    sorry, was passing by for something else
    Greetings from mad Sofia
  4. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Why is it just "western" globalization?
  5. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    yeah, I know some places in New York that takes guts and some small arms to go 'strolling' through.
  6. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    The West is presumed to be evil in current Western academe. Ironic and illogical, but it seems to be so :)

    Welcome to postmodern insanity. Please leave your traditions of logic, reason and pursuit of truth at the door :) Our universities are now nothing but bastions of clap-trap crap meant to enforce certain accepted politically correct dogma.
  7. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    SEXYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :nono:

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2008
  8. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    McCloud ;) What would you do if a man came at you with a knife, and he wanted to kill you? I don't want to kill you...

    Silly people like you must begin to think. Defense, defense, defense. People like you depress me :( Absolutely without a clue
  9. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    lol Uncles. You're right I need to think more..;) maybe then I would come to an understanding about how wtc7 collapsed at freefall speed..lmfao...

    Somehow, I feel at home when I go to a website like and they've got hundreds of architects and engineers that, like me, are clueless..;)

    oh shit! someones comin at me with a knife! or a boxcutter! :@popcorn:

    I guess there is somethin depressing in finding out that those buildings were rigged to the hilt. Yep.

    Say it with me Uncles, on the count of three..
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2008
  10. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    He who implies things about thermate and the government may well awaken one morning to find his bed rigged with thermate.
  11. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    I have lived here I live all my life. My parents lived here all their lives, my grandparents. I have two great-grandparents from 'out there.' Great great grandparents two of which are from 'outside.' Great-great-great grandparents were immigrants except for one, who was the very first school teacher in the Oregon Territory and born back east, in the then, Colony of the British Americas. I don't know where his people came from becuase he made up a story to explain who he was and where he came from [and the records fail to confirm his story]. Plenty of people did that in the Old Days.
    225 years my family here. Not long, but I don't KNOW or FEEL FOR anywhere else. My ways of thinking, my culture, my outlook are British North America. And we ARE a culture, possibly a civilization. We are alive and vibrant and are winners. New things do not scare us, we do not hide in holes, we try new things, new ideas, we don't live in the past. We don't pine for "The good old days."

    Enjoy the good times, for they won't last. I know this. This time is just MY culture's time in The Light. And it won't last. But I sure like having three meals a day and sleeping warm, indoors.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2008
  12. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    I can only agree with rudeboy's interpretation of the letter.
    Back when I lived in Poland I knew quite a bunch of Canadian and American expatriates, all of whom came to live in Poland for reasons very much like the ones listed by that guy in the article. Surprisingly enough none of them seemed to be completely normal to me, nor do seem so after I changed residence myself.
    IMHO it does not really matter, what country you choose to live in, but it is of utmost importance, what you belive in.
    Brent forgets to mention that, in the early 90s, the westerners were not only a kind of curiosity, but could also take on jobs/salaries, they couldn't have dreamt of in their home Countries, when moving to live in Eastern Europe. Teachers of english, without any educational background, were among those to profit most from that. I personally know a College lecturer in Poland, who has barely passed his GSCEs in the UK. Still he was able to con the system well enough, to get the job, and by finishing one of those correspondence courses, keep it, after his initial lack of skills was uncovered. Just try to teach something at a college level in England, without a degree and teaching experience.

    Americans and Britons alike, were among those mostly profiting people in the eastern economies. Members of the working class, advancing to the upper middle class fortnight.

    Tales of "search for the meaning of life" are as convincing, as are those of the drunken bardwellers, and as colourfull as well. The differences in culture are, and will remain present, the choice will become narrower with the globalisation. But bulshitting people into believing, that there are major differences between people in different Countries is less than credible a tactic to make me belive it. The cultural differences and the differences in the history of nations will make the lifestyles of nations seem different, but up close the people are exactly the same, all over the World.

    You try to tell us, that Bulgaria has existed for over 2.000 years. Or at least, such will be the assumption of a person without the historic knowledge of mine, after reading your post. Can you please explain that to me, since I do only know about three Bulgarian states- first one, medieval (618-1018AD), second, late medieval (1186-1398AD) and third, modern (1908-present). For now, my maths tell me 400+212+100Years of independent existance= less than 800 years of state tradition, 3/4 of it in distant historic past.
  13. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    lol, bible

    ...exodus 22:19,5

    (exodus 22:19 sez that god hates beastiality)
  14. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Re: lol, bible

    Can't fuck a cow, but it is okay to slice it's throat and splash it's blood everywhere. But don't you EAT that blood, that's a sin. Only eat it's muscles and suck it's marrow, mmmmm, good. Chop it's balls off and harness it, master it. Work it to death. Slaughter it's babies. Build an abatoir in your back yard.
    Keep you women in a box out in the shed when they menstruate. Menstruating women are unclean.
    Dinosaurs never existed, they are faked.
    God can suck my cock.
    1 person likes this.
  15. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Gandhi seriously you're weird. When I start talking about deep fried gorilla cocks and one armed chickenfuckers I'm just trying to make some a kid playing with caps..but the stuff you write and your homo avatar is fuckin weird. No hard feelings. You quote redant then start talking about exodus from the bible and bestiality. From the government rigging my bed with thermate to bestiality and the book of exodus...? uhhhh seriously I'd hate to see the results of a rorschach test from you pls stay in your home, don't go to my bar, lmfao.

    Oh man lets get back to Bulgaria. I know a guy from bulgaria he's a realtor. nice guy. His voice mail says things like "if you have an R9 credit rating, please do not leave a message you are hopeless" lmfao.

    I can understand someone wanting to live in Bulgaria..People come to North America to make a buck..That in itself can be get sick of consumerism.. You wake up, go to work to make money..spend money, work some more..A lot of people are leaving California actually..Too much traffic. Got to get on a highway to do anything out there. Bulgaria is nicer for 9 months a year Im sure.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2008
  16. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Yeah, you better stay with her until she breeds.
  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    Re: lol, bible

    Pls. ask if she swallows
  18. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Re: lol, bible

    My personal god swallows.
  19. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    damn, I need to find myself a religion like that...
  20. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.