Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Funtom, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    nobody scream "warper" because of rockets ;)
  2. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Ha! I can't ever log onto the server to fly anyway. :shuffle:
  3. ganjab

    ganjab Well-Known Member

    hi Alw

    what ip you used?
    current ip is
  4. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

  5. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Bf-109K-4 > P-51D, Tempest, La-7, et. al. at arena alt, where arena alt <<< 20k ft.

    Nobody flies high enough around here anyway.
  6. Cabron

    Cabron Well-Known Member

    I would hope all that demand realism out of the flight models intend to fly these realistic flight models in a realistic fashion.

    22 one way typhoon missions to take the cv fleet is not the least bit realistic.
  7. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    Max speed of fastest planes sea level wep on.
    Ла-7 — 610 kmh.
    TempestV — 609 kmh
    FW-190D9 — 602 kmh
    F4U-4 — 595 kmh
    109K4(g10) — 595kmh
    P-51D — 588 kmh
    Spit XIV — 581 kmh
    La-5fn — 580 kmh
    F4U-1D — 572 kmh
    FW-190A8 — 568 kmh
  8. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    odious red hordes could be stopped only by http://luft46.volga.ru/luft46.html
    for entire war luftwhinners could break out after any porked merge, so they just cannot imagine what means to stand and fight.
  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    agree. but that's server-scoring feature to be solved, not fhl1.68.
  11. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010
  12. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    V-1650-7 vs V-1650-3?
  13. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    dew to spitfireperformance b-15-NA had V-1650-7 and was even slower than P-51b with V-1650-3 at sea level.
    Also there are 371mph for B-5-NA (V-1650-7 too).
    And overall there are disperce of about 15 mph for similar mustangs but from different reports. :)
    And 368mph is a bit more than middle of different results, so it looks quite ok for B and D to have very close or similar speeds near 590 kmh.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010
  14. thug

    thug Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see the B25H fixed.

    It can't climb at all, even after dropping bombs, and its 75mm has been neutered.

    And I saw in another post that the F4Us are being changed back to the 2.77 settings. Do the same for the P38 and FM2 and I'll marry your sister exec if she wants to come to the US.
  15. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    P-38 of ien is ufo. favorite plane of ien's chief...

    i will pass to fas your message about 25h climb rate.
    as for 75mm, it's a server DM, not client FHL
  16. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Do you know that the P-38 in IEN's Warbirds 3 currently performs worse than the P-38 in FH? :)
    They're about equal in speed and climb, but FH's Lightning turns faaaar better at the low end of the speed regime (140 - 150 mph IAS).
  17. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    devs made that because of english report/1942: the only way for lightning1 to escape from 190 is tight spiral climb.
  18. Cabron

    Cabron Well-Known Member

    Yes, I do know that there are some fast gold planes but you can't turn them at all.........which is a byproduct the sacrifices required to achieve those speeds.

    What I see are either thick wing planes going unbelievably fast or thin wing planes being able to turn with a spitfire.

    I understand some of this will be fixed so I am crossing my fingers for 1.68 since I fly whatever color has the low roster......or....the side who's planeset isn't full of planes I fly only very rarely because I feel them unfair to my opponent.

    That's why you rarely see me in a KI84, LA7, Tempest, Typhoon, F4U....etc but rather in the earliest version of the spitfire I can find or a yak7 or a KI44 or even a zero in late war.
  19. joseh-

    joseh- Well-Known Member

    Did u test it on WB2010?
    IMO at TH the f*ckin P-38 (all versions) is master über and it is exactly the same that came from iEN. I think it's much better the way P-38 FH is. Mb I'm wrong, I'm not a P-38 ace.. :rolleyes:
  20. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    No idea about TH. Nobody ever goes there anyway, plus I could never get a ping better than 500 millisecs. :rolleyes: