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Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by heartc, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen, dear Russians,

    almost 8 years ago, I made this last post to this forum:

    I'm posting today to renounce what I said there as far as it concerned your national interests, which was no and should have been no business of mine, and which was, on top of that, mislead, and thereby demonstrate to you that even the biggest fool - or the one who has been most lied to, if you will - can learn.

    In these eight years, I kept thinking, and reading, and - maybe most importantly - watching (not by the TV-set, mind you - I threw it out the window a few years ago, which was probably the most important step). And other than in the past, I will try and make this comment rather short:

    As far as I can help it - and I am not alone in that - the self proclaimed "elite", today owning the traitors to Deutschland in Berlin, will not succeed in dragging our peoples, that is, Germans and Russians, into yet another senseless confrontation, in which none of our Nations ever gained anything of value from, but only suffered great bloodshed, to our mutual detriment and to the great gain and amusement of this "elite".

    And with the Vodka I have at hand here, if you allow: To Europe! - and to the REAL freedom of our peoples, the freedom of our forebears, which never was and will not ever be up for grabs to the money changers and dove sellers.

    With Respect
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  2. Krok-

    Krok- Well-Known Member

  3. mikel-

    mikel- FH Beta Tester

    Hi heartc,

    I am Just curious, have your views or interpretation of the Georgia events changed in any way or you are just saying the argument about Georgia is not worth the confrontation between Germany and Russia?

  4. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

  5. -Kazel

    -Kazel FH Developer

    I congratulate! You very courageous person.

  6. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

  7. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Yeah ww2 was dumb. Ukrainian girls and german girls are both hot. You can all come to Canada anytime.
  8. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    I can't help but notice that during your absence I have somehow overtaken you, age-wise. :(
  9. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member


    BTW, the rat faces that in reality formulate US foreign policy - and not just US policy - don't even hide much of anything. It's just that most people won't hear it, because it's not on national TV "news service". So, if you're German, happen to read this and wonder why Mr. Putin is "evil" and dangerous in German news media, and the "government" of occupied Germany is putting sanctions on Russia, just take a look at this for example - Mr. George Friedmann, chairman of a US "Think Tank":

    Some highlights:

    "The primordeal interest of the United States, over which for a century we have fought wars - the First [World War], Second [WW], the Cold War, has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that that doesn't happen."

    "Das Hauptinteresse der Vereinigten Staaten, wegen dem wir seit einem Jahrhundert Kriege geführt haben - den 1. Weltkrieg, den 2. Weltkrieg, den Kalten Krieg - war die Beziehung zwischen Deutschland und Russland, weil sie vereint die einzige Macht sind, die uns bedrohen könnte und um sicherzustellen, dass dies nicht passiert."

    "The way the British managed to make certain that no European power could build a fleet, was to make sure the Europeans were at each other's throat. The policy that I would recommend is the one that Ronald Reagan adopted toward Iran and Iraq: He funded both sides, so they would fight each other, and not fight us. This was cynical, it was certainly not moral - it worked."

    "Die Vorgehensweise, mit der es den Briten gelang, dass keine (Kontinental-) Europäische Macht eine Flotte bauen konnte, war es, sicherzustellen, dass die (Kontinental-) Europäer sich gegenseitig an die Kehle gingen. Die Politik, die ich empfehlen würde, ist die, die Ronald Reagan aufnahm in Bezug auf Iran und Irak: Er finanzierte beide Seiten, sodass sie gegeneinander kämpften und nicht gegen uns. Das war zynisch, es war sicherlich nicht moralisch - es funktionierte."

    "For the United States, the primordeal fear is German capital, German technology, Russian natural rescources, Russian manpower as the only combination that has for centuries scared the hell out of the United States."

    "Für die Vereinigten Staaten ist die größte Angst - dass deutsches Kapital, deutsche Technologie, die russischen Rohstoffe, die russische Arbeitskraft als die einzige Kombination, die seit Jahrhunderten die Vereinigten Staaten in Angst versetzt hat."

    Well, fuck you, Mr. Friedmann.

    @antred: Haha. Well, time is relative.
    No, in reality, it has something to do with a topic from way back when. I can't find it now anymore. It had something to do with a tactical advantage for me to appear younger in that discussion than I really was at that point (so I made it appear like I was 4 years old). And alcohol, possibly. But I can't say for sure. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  10. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    BTW, Red Ant, I see mcgru- might also have taken part in that discussion back then and was seemingly even more astute (or intoxicated) than me. :cheers:
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  11. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    BTW, since it might seem I'm scathing the US per se here - I am not. I'm scathing another force beyond it, which is corrupting it since long, and which is also corrupting all her vasal states accordingly, including Germany. The people of the US are under the same spell that most other people are existing under today, and the US of today is not the Union that was founded and envisioned by her founding fathers, as the following quotes will testify:

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

    (The last US President that tried to do that - take away the authority to print money from a private bank - the FED - and give it back to the government - was John F. Kennedy. I think we all know about his car ride in Dallas shortly after. Very similarily, the popular Austrian candidate for chancellery, Jörg Haider***, had a fatal car accident after proclaiming: "The Banks are a giant mafia."***)

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” –Thomas Jefferson

    “… The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.” -Thomas Jefferson

    “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -James Madison

    "Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs." -Thomas Jefferson

    On the Press:

    "From forty years' experience of the wretched guess-work of the newspapers of what is not done in open daylight, and of their falsehood even as to that, I rarely think them worth reading, and almost never worth notice." --Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 1816.

    "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day." --Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 1807

    "As for what is not true, you will always find abundance in the newspapers." --Thomas Jefferson to Barnabas Bidwell, 1806

    Pro-Tip: The banks - via corporatism - own the newspapers in the so called "free market" environment.

    ***Jörg Haider:

    Translation of the first 56 seconds:

    "What we need is protection from ruinous (financial) products, because in reality the banks are a giant mafia that has poisoned the whole world, with those products, by propagating them out of America (to the rest of the world) and now no one wants to take responsibility for it.
    The burden will again end up on the simple man - he will lose jobs, he will lose his income - the fine gentlemen will certainly not suffer from it."

    Bankster: "It's not THE banks, it's not THE banks."

    Haider: "All are part of it, all are part of it. In Deutschland, Deutsche Bank, in Austria, the Raiffeisenbank, and that's already a huge part, then Bank Austria...[he gets interrupted] dear Gentlemen, I have listened (didn't interrupt you) when you were talking..."

    Politicians like Haider are today called "populists". Like being popular with the people is a bad thing. Yeah, it's a bad thing, because reality is so much more complicated than simple minded Haider put it, isn't grateful that we will take care of that complicated reality for you, while laughing all the way to the bank.

    EDIT: The rat faces are really stupid. Just to prove how everything I said is true, the video got tanked. I put in an alternate link. The truth is on the move similar to a flow of lava and it can't be stopped.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  12. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Who is controlling Germany and, arguably, Europe -- the fat Frau M. Viel spass, maenner!
  13. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member


    Congratulations, America.





    Seth Rich



    Never forget, never forgive.


    And now, America, please don't let me look like an ass again but go and let something good come out of all this, for once (since Thomas Jefferson).

    Make America Great Again.

    God Bless.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  14. Krok-

    Krok- Well-Known Member

  15. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Condoleesa Rice - let she be the next 2020 black+woman president of USA! :D
  16. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Hahaha. I will rather have death.
