Is it cheating ?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by --q---, Aug 29, 2006.


Is flying 2 or more planes simultaneously by single person a cheating ?

  1. Yes and should be banned.

  2. No and should not be banned.

  3. I have no opinion or Q is a woodpeker.

  1. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    having two puters i'd try to drive 88 and 52 simultaneously.
    may be i'd even try to drive 88 and 109 simultaneously.

    some of soviet players managed up to three crafts, two buffs and one cargo.
  2. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2002
    Queensland's Southern Capital
    I think you need to chill out and take a look at what you have said. Specifically...the warbirds software (the front-end) is provided, at least until recently, free of charge by the original developers. Which means that no-one who uses this software is stealing it. Even subsequent versions (WB3 & WB2004) were provided free of charge as downloads from the IEN website, and WB2006 can be downloaded free by signing up with TotalSims.

    The server software may or may not be a different story, but to me it is inconsequential since WBFH is not stealing my business from the original developers. I would not be paying them to play if WBFH did not exist, so they are missing out on payment because WBFH does exist.

    Oh...for the record, I actually bought my first version (2.60) of Warbirds on CDRom. It wasn't until I got an internet connection that I discovered I could have got it for free.

    regards, Oz
  3. Maletin

    Maletin Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2001
    in your opinion it is even more unfair to have friends?
    because squadrons get more advantages with less problems, i won't ban them.
  4. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    So everyone here is blatantly honest and the issues we have do not stem from a lack of honor? Yes? Is that what you're all inferring?


    Denial ain't just a big river in Egypt, ladies.
  5. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    maletin who said anythin about friends? this game should be about teamplay and teamplay should be - imo - promoted
    and forbidding such activities (multiply aircraft controlled by one person) would encourage teamplay, since u need at least one more person to cap a field right?
    since u can drive buff and taxi yourself, teamplay is history more and more

    i know sometimes its hard to call ju, nobody helps etc
    but thats the point where squaddies come with help, that also encourages crating squads, cooperating and planning actions

    wb is all about teamplay, or should be..
  6. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Oh come on, it's not like because he's driving 2 planes he'll automatically be twice as effective. He has to split up his attention between those 2 planes. If he wants to put in the extra effort to get things done, why not? I really doubt something like this would take the fun out of the game for any of us.
  7. Rainer

    Rainer Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    What about the effect on multipliers? For the point hounds out there, do you think they would like someone from their own country robbing them of points because they're tying to be 'more efficient'?

    Seriously, flying 2 planes from different computers from the same location is against the SPIRIT of the game. Not to mention, there are MANY pilots who log in, check the roster, and fly for whichever side has fewer pilots. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....what if, just WHAT IF, there are only 4 reds actually flying but all 4 have 2 planes (or more) in the air versus 6 actual single plane flying Golds. Then one of these ambiguous pilots logs on, sees the numbers, then decides to fly Gold because he thinks they're at a disadvantage. 2 Reds leave, and all of a sudden you're outnumbered almost 2-1.

    If 2 planes per person, or more is allowed, then do away with commandos. I thought that's why commandos were around in the 1st place, to help capture fields with a minimal amount of help from your countrymen.

    And by the way, commandos are usually (at least in THIS country) HIGHLY trained and very specialized soldiers. It doesn't take 409809342 shots from 200 yards to hit a God damned hangar with a fucking mortar round. Does anyone REALLY think tail gunners were more accurate than commandos? In ANY fucking war?:rtfm:
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2006
  8. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    As I understand your statement, YES more than one plane per nick is cheating IMHO.

    I understand that in the game Aces High one player can fly three a buf formation, all three planes the same. The player takes the lead plane and the other two follow. If lead plane gets shot down, automatically player transfers to second plane and then to last plane. All three planes drop bombs at the lead's control.
    That makes sense and I think would be pretty cool as it would be more like what bombers do.....

    I agree that something should be done about those who use more than one computer, more than one plane, more than one side.
    It is an unfare advantange for those with only one computer and joystick.
    I cannot believe it does not take up extra bandwidth on the server even though it might be very slightly taxing for the server, certainly it does not help.

    Rather than ban the player/IP/MAC address, perhaps a public announcement can be made as to the player and the location of those two planes?
    Maybe all the points collected by player get removed. Maybe the second plane just crashes.

    More disturbing is the player using two computers, one for each side.

    THAT is nearly the lowest of the low.

    One other thing about Aces High; If memory serves there is a time limit as to changing sides. Not sure but a side change can take place only once a day or so. At least the one account/nick.

    Something should be done to discourage this kind of behavoir.
  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    You should have drank less tea or played strip poker.
  10. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    I agree, hardly any honor around FH online game players.

    I disagree where you say the software was stolen.

    The WB user/player side software was FREE. You could download and play offline for free.
    Now as I read all those nasty WB to FH letters I recall the the guys at FH
    WROTE and REWROTE all the server software in Linux and NOT in C++ or C or whatever it was written originally.
    This is not just some lightweight job or translation. NOT a no brainer.
    This took A HELL of a LOT of WORK.
    Under the US copyright laws that was COMPLETELY legal.

    Now I'm not sure how far socialism goes in modern Russia but I'm betting that electricity and computer hardware of the server kind is not free.

    So somebody, somewhere is paying the power bill and got some computers running.
    Just for THAT we should thank the FH crew everytime we log-on.

    This is why cheating is a double insult because there is no "paid lawmen" that can dish-out justice 24/7 here.

    These cheaters take advantage of "no trail"/no repercussion. Their account cannot be charged/penalized or cancelled.

    If there was a way to make a donation, of money or equipment to improve the service and block cheating and ban the cheaters permanently, I'd step right up and do what I could do.
  11. --q---

    --q--- Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2004
    Pruszcz Gdanski - Poland
    I think that it was rewriten in C++ or C actualy. ... C++ and C are programming languages available on all OSes as far as I know.
  12. --q---

    --q--- Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2004
    Pruszcz Gdanski - Poland
    Now I know why Russians are refering to each other in plural. In english there is no plural for YOU, but in russian and polish there is and russians are using the plural to talk to each other, at least in formal way. :mafia:

    But more things get clear to me. Now I know why some strange settings are aplyed on the server e.g. max radar alt, high accuracy of ottos and exceptional accuracy of high alt bombing. All of them ease the job of single person capturing fields using multiple accounts, most if not all of them can be set by admins. Now it appeares that the BIG FUCKEN COINCIDENCE is that some if not all admins aprove this shit :mad:
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2006
  13. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002

    Yeah. Looseleaf, Linux is an operating system. C / C++ are programming languages. Totally different things.
  14. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    multiple computer users might be the only chance to have more players in FH :D
  15. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    lookie at ur license agreemint:
    now lookie at this:
    and it isnt like serveur in russia has 'immunity' from usa law:
    it is agreed by clickin 'yes' on license agreement at install

    i may be from xarlan 4591 in the imellian system under diffrent type of law altogether

    but if i click 'yes' on license at install of warbirds then i enter into venue of usa law
  16. mixer

    mixer Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2002
    I guess player can fly on 2 account simultaneously but only for one side.

    Player is doing 2 different works together, that's not so easy... I have to note, that 2nd account usually is used for Li2/Ju52 which aren't insteresting for flying if we are talking about the fun. That's usually for arena, if you are asking for Bus and nobody is able to take it, because everyone is busy with more interesting things. But this is normal :)

    Most players use 2 different PC for Buff and Li2/Ju52. But this "unnoticed attack style" is not the solution for everyone, e.g. I like have fun on FH and I like have fun fighting and spoofing with enemy. This "unnoticed raids" aren't for me. I call them "fighting with ground targets" and "challenge for the luck". That's not interesting to me. I like cons, jeeps and more fun :) Each player at arena have his fun. Some others players like furball only, etc..

    Sometimes 2 different PC is using for Li2/Ju52 and Jabo. But there an an rule, that 1st PC is using for Li2/Ju52. For that Bus who nobody wanna to take :) But I see no reasons to take away to possibility to have backup or primary Li2/Ju52 just because of fighting for "illusive justice".

    Now I have the another problem: some of these 2-PC players were catched on spying or orserving enemy side. E.g. they can fly buff/Li2 for friendly side, but for 2..4 minutes some of them are switching to enemy side to "observe the situation from other side". After checking enemy side they are switching back to right side. But only changing server code can to put an end to that dirty things for sure...

    Q, if you have any proposition to arena setup please form the polls on the settings and when the majority of community be pro the settings, admins will change it easy. Current radar alt give the possibility to have fun for lone attackers and for cooperative attackers and for furballers. I guess it's the optimal sollution to meet the wishes off all three groups.
  17. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    If someone can fly plane at the same time, let them. It's not so easy as it sounds...


  18. --q---

    --q--- Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2004
    Pruszcz Gdanski - Poland
    Not true in my opinion. Cooperative attackers will do fine without max radar alt, the same with furballers. So it realy supports lone attackers exclusivly. But now its nice to know that it actualy can be a single player. WTG.

    I have a nice idea. It actualy can be turned into a turnament. We get a map and two players with unlimited accounts fighting against each other. They have like 1h of time and try to capture as many fields as they can. Recapin alowed. After few matches we will have a winner that will be awarded an admin account :cheers: .
  19. mixer

    mixer Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2002
    Yes, you are right, cooperative attackers can work without max radar alt limitation. But they works better with it.

    Yes, you are right, the lone attackers get more benefits with max radar alt. But... try compare how many benefits have furballers and cooperative attackers vs only one benefit for lone attackers.

    If someone gets the fun by lone attacks at FH, we have no remove that fun, just because it's unhistorical or so. Furballing is unhistorical and absolutely nonsensical thing as well.
    The side with Li2 wins :)
  20. --q---

    --q--- Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2004
    Pruszcz Gdanski - Poland
    Furballing is not quite unhistorical. German pilots often reported big unorganised clouds of Russian fighters, especially at the beginning of German-Russian war. But even if furballing is unhistorical it just does not justify adding another unhistorical thing. Same as if someone cheats it does not justify someone else's cheating.

    More important thing is that lone attacking with multiple accounts is simply unfair. It is reserved to those fortunate to have few computers at their disposal. To put it in another words if U are reach, the life is easier to you even in virtual world.

    I believe that the game rules should promote cooperative actions, as they were promoted by real air combat rules. Max radar alt and allowing 2 or more account flying simultanously is simply just the opposite.

    So to put it all together we lose realism, we lose fairness of the game, we lose the need for cooperative actions in exchange for the sake of fun for very very few fortunate people with 2 or more computers and with questionable moral standards.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006