Wrong modeled planes

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем Funtom, 27 ноя 2010.

  1. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Range for Ki-44IIc is 1300km.
    For Me-109E4 660km.
    For Spit IXc 690km.
    But in the arena could be Ki-44 in the air only ~50% of Spit IX's time.
    And 109E? This plane is in the same category with P51D ...
    So imo Ki-44 is wrong, Spit9 ok and 109E wrong.

    I had 2 sorties with He177 yesterday. We talked a lot about speeds, climbs, controls, but pls check their ottos too. In these sorties my ottos called the enemies, but they were not shooting to them. Enemy on d4-5, otto knows about him and nothing, no shooting. And all ottos were ok. 2nd sortie- the same. With all others problems is this plane unflyable. Imo the best adept for the free slot.
  2. joseh-

    joseh- Well-Known Member

    I actually lost the numbers of how many times it was wrote here and nothing has been done. I have to agree, again. :(
  3. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    The question is if admins can do something with that, if they can recognize and fix this problem. This bug is rly weird.
  4. joseh-

    joseh- Well-Known Member

    There were some posts here in the forum, dunno if 1.68 Errors or something like that, that we stated it. If I'm not wrong, Boa or someone else said that the only REALLY effective ottos of the day are on the Pe-2, Pe-8. The Pe-2's ottos are even better and fast-reacting than that of B-17. Dunno where it is now :(

    If nothing can be done with 177's ottos, then I tend to agree that it is the best adept for the free slot.
  5. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    What is this "free slot" thing about?
  6. allpay

    allpay Well-Known Member

    Roster is getting better with fh 1.68 altough no polish attend yet. But need to fix these bugs also squad join problem and new maps needing.
  7. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

  8. joseh-

    joseh- Well-Known Member

    I spend too much time talking about He-177 and forgot this completely. I agree with Ki-44 being too outranged. As an interceptor, I take off and reach ~5km and I don't have much fuel to return or to start dogfighting.
  9. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant