NEW PERFORMANCE CHARTS - challenge for FH developers

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by RedBull, Nov 20, 2002.

  1. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    :deal: Managed got many performance charts for planes which still are not on FH RPS. I would like challenge developers or everyone who can do anything for new planes on FH for notice:

    Have more 80 performance charts for different Australian, British, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Soviet, Sweden, U.S. and minor nation (Finnish, Yugoslavian, Czechoslovak, Holland, Belgian) types.

    There are (beside other) so swet types as for example:

    Arado Ar234
    Bf109 B2,C1,D1,H1
    Bristol Blenheim I
    CA-12 Boomerang
    Dewoitine D.520
    Do 17,217
    Douglas DB-7
    Fairey Firefly
    Fiat G.50, G.55
    FW 190 A6,A9
    Handley-Page Halifax
    He 111
    He 219
    Henschel 129
    Kawasaki Ki102
    Marcel Bloch 152
    Morane-Saulnier MS.406
    Reggiane Re 2000-2005

    and many others...

    All charts are in adobe pdf format file.
    Would be good some of these types add in FH, i mean. If i can aprove myself wish - would like some of french planes (as D.520), we still have not anyone on FH.

    What do you think about, are these charts usable? Will someone start develop some of them? If i will can, will help anyone by my technical library.


    heres one example of chart, He219 UHU:
  2. breedr

    breedr FH Developer

    Is it from some game?
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    yeah, i bounced these sheets searching something important. must be some wargame.
  4. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester


    if only the FM's etc could be modified by typing: "+0.5 dmg"

    greetze, Zembla
  5. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    d520 model already done. some others also. you can search for the pics in screenshots forum.
  6. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Hex Based IGoYouGo Airial Combat! LOL

    The chart looks familiar. Avalon Hill perhaps? We don't have hexes in WB...

    Imagine a flight model with:

    60 degree freedom of movement!


    Break break!

    (huh? Break 60 or 120 degrees? Shall I climb to the next hex? Hey, there are clouds in that hex! Be careful, there is ack in the City Hex!)

    Maybe I make a Steel Panthers Mod? Call it,
    Steel Panthers AIR war!
    Sell your joystick!
    Retrograde movement time, kids!
    Just IMAGINE the aircraft are high, never mind the hexes, just imagine the armor facing. WATCH out for that BIG mountain, it's hex may not LOOK high, but it IS, turn your TEXT messages on, no, the forest does not slow your movemnt unless you are flying THROUGH it. Wait.... Um, HEY, you ARE flying through it!
    Let's go back to the previous saved game, I will send my turn tomorrow.

    Let's try it with four players next time.
  7. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    lol! im in :)
  8. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Im bit disappointed by replies here. Cool and distant. No professional interest...

    Noone answered to my questions:

    if these charts are usable for FH development and if anyone want introduce to.
    If coeficients which are in charts can be implemented into FH fm. (my personal opinion is - yes, its technical question only)

    Well, srry about my enterprise. Bad place for more investigation here.

    to breedr: looks its from game source which never released. I still dont know more details, but waiting answer by one person from u.s. who should worked directly on it.
  9. breedr

    breedr FH Developer

    Can you show such chart for some well known plane? Would be inetesting to compare.
  10. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Don't read this

    Sorry, dude. Not meant to insult your intent. We all know you meant well.

    This is my experience with game design from analogue into machine:

    Added modifiers are terrible. MULTIPLIERS are much better. It appears the modifiers from a base line according to the chart you showed are ADDED.

    What I mean is:

    If at alt 1 speed = x
    and alt 2 speed = x + 1
    And alt 3 speed = x + 3

    how can one solve for alt = 4?

    As far as I know, WB Flight model is FORCE based.
    Force Modelled flight model. Inertia. Velocity. Vectors.
    Forces are multipliers, not added to a base figure but applied as a numerator or denominator.
    WB flight envelope is not determined by consulting a database. It is not table based.
    It is determined, on the fly, so to speak, a series of very complicated equations, and I will bet you dimes to dollars the only place you will find SUMS in that equation are as parts of quotients and other mathematical words I can't remember.

    Velocity is not determined by adding and subtracting from a base, it is gotten by multiplying forces.

    drag increases exponentially as speed increases, it isn't added to, it is multiplied by (insert fancy math symbol here)

    Okay. I have stumped myself. I shouldn't have smoked all that POT in high school!!!

    Keep up the good work, okay?

    Go take a peek at some of the algorythms used in modern force based flight models and you will probably see things a lot clearly than I have explained ;)

    Hey, design dudes, I didn't say it correctly, right?

    ps, what game are the tables from? I am a board games fanatic and would love it if I could view them, if you put them on a site somewhere (beware the Avalon Hill Lawyers... I mean, Hasbro Lawyers).
    I really really want to get my hands on a decent set of charts and tables, and I don't care if they are added Modifiers or multipliers.... Weapons of the era of D'Guberval. French 18th and 19th century artillery and musketry and those of their opponents. I play "Nappys" or Napoleonic Wargames.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2002
  11. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    here are some three known for compare:



  12. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    im no historian, but i found that 109E-1 had either 4xMG17, or 2xMG17+2xMG/FF. nothing about 4xMG17+1xMG/FF. maybe they made some sort of average, since both versions were available?