Lets Be Real......

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Allsop, May 30, 2004.

  1. Allsop

    Allsop Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2004
    U.S.A. Washington State
    undefined :znaika: I just wanted to make a little comment on a problom Ive been having. Im asking anyone that reads these forums, to please read this carfully. The past 2 weeks, have been fun, but frustrating. Ive noticed a sudden spike of individuals that think madly ripping on thier joystick "stick stirrirs" and think it is a good manoover :nono: . And I ask that people that do this, stop! I understand sometimes you want to live, but meet your attacker half way, I mean, how many of us could fly and have good control in a black out, or push a plane much beyond its abilitys?To the point where the plane will even stall and spin madly untill enough speed is built to recover. Which leads to a little excessive :turret: on a stalled or madly jerking plane.

    Nothing makes me more angry than someone who cant make a real manoover, so If you do, or know someone who does like flying with the randomness of stirring a pot of soup, to stop. Because It is just ridiculous :)
    Lets all just get along :cheers: and fly respectivly.
  2. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    what do you want? That I drop gears and fly straight for you to get a clear shot?:rolleyes: This is nevertheless a game, or simulation, if you will. IMHO if the game allowes it, one can fly plane however he will. And to be real, just how many times fighters shooted at bombers or each others drom D4-D10??
    I'm just asking for some reasoning for all these demands...

    airfax :cheers:
  3. Kutya

    Kutya Banned

    Oct 30, 2001
  4. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    To be true, AH have settled the problem by disabling controls for a while. WBFH developers have no acces to client sources, so, they have no opportunily to fight this "way of shitting" by normal means. But, I guess, there is an option to do some "splining" on server side.
  5. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    There is a Russian saying for "pilots" like that: "Cannot shit -- don't torment your asshole". If their hands feel the kind of unrest, let them browse porn web pages and apply their quaky fingers elsewhere...
  6. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Yeah- stick jerkers are annoying...

    And sprayers are funny... since the FH team decreased the damage done at over d5 by some sorts of bullets, there's much fun in landing a 32x20 shot Spitfire (undamaged structures, only some holes) with 2-3 kills made with less than 16x20.... only difference... i shoot from d2 and less... oponent shot from d7 :D
  7. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    i dont get the whole 'jerking' problem...
    if someone makes uncontrolled, undefined, rediculous maneuver then whats the problem? he spins, he loses E, he loses fight;
    mb publish the list of allowed manuevers? so we all know who is 'stick jerker' and who isnt?
    and that control limitation in AH is just a joke; btw u can turn it off.. its just for begginers to avoid spin, afair;

    anyway, my point is - if someone is 'jerkin' he loses his speed and alt, so i say - whats the problem then?
    but if someone is just tryin to avoid being hit and he is good in it.. why not?
  8. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Not true, spuint.

    When i used to fly, if I was in say, 2 v 1s or 3 v 1s that I knew i couldn't maneuver fight in (say like i was a 109 vs 2 or 3 spits or P39s, who knows...), if they got on my tail, I used to do crazy maneuvers while saving E, letting them both fly over, pull up and blast the fuck out of them.

    It worked a lot, too.
  9. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Cause not everyone has a 60-80ms connect which means that if they're trying to stickjerk they're causing microwarps which often lead them towards gaining advantage?

    C'mon- try to squelch your connect to 350-500ms (with mailclient + communicator + a slow download f.ex.) and invite a squaddie to TA... than let him try hit you while you're stickjerkin' (using rapid but not to E-costly manouvers in opposite directions)- I'll wish him luck, cause nothing more can help you shoot a warping and rapidly moving all over the screen con.

    There's no problem with stickjerking when your opponent's connect is decent (in range of 100~150ms) but when it's much higher...
  10. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    but thats my point afi - if u do this right ur just hard to kill right? that means it wasnt just 'stick jerkin' but good evasivness;
    if it was just jerkin, then its their fault they couldnt do anything about it..

    @frog, thats connection issue, not the flyin style;
    warps and lags are part of this game, we cant do nothing about that; but if avoiding hits has nothin to do with warps on demand, then its all ok, no matter what is he doin with his stick there..
    u want ppl to fly straight because u have better ping than him and u see microwarps? thats nonsense;
  11. Allsop

    Allsop Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2004
    U.S.A. Washington State
    No, its not okay to stir stick just to become "avasive". If everyone did this, could you imagine what a furball would look like? A bunch of gliching flyers spraying wildly praying for kills. Kinda sounds familiar already right? Well, just imagine if everyone just thought it was okay to do something equal to button mashing for a nintendo game. Its just random, no skill, no thought, no good. So if you want to be a weenie in flight, I cant stop you, but dont promote it as "an avasive action to avoid hits" most pilots are better than that.
  12. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    This wouldnt be such a big deal without the warp effect...as for being real, i have read books by more than one RL pilot who did something similar as a last ditch survival effort (& it worked), nothing wrong with doing anything to survive...it's better than alt-f4 or pulling out your NIC
  13. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    i dont furball
    i watch furballs from big altitude and for couple of seconds;
    i see cons i pass for couple of seconds;
    i see them burn;
    no jerkin can save them

    seems like an easy kill
    i say - let them jerk!

    every way to avoid hits is good
    if u missed, and no warps were involved, that means it was good whenever u like it or not
  14. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    AH developers think different. Stick-jerkers suckers lose control of their plane for several seconds for that kind of behaviour.

    Why? Easy -- in real life that would make a target of you. In real life planes do not warp, they have inertia and first they need to rotate about the mass center in responce to stick-push or stick-pull movement. That exposes plane's belly or cockpit to gunfire for a fracture of a second. If the attacker is an experienced pilot with nimble reaction -- you are down or dead. In the game, on the contrary, client software "fucks up" the movement information if it changes too often (more than 2 times per second). So, it, for example, transmits reaction to "push", misses "pull", again transmits "push", then, suddenly transmits 2 "pulls" in a row... Should I explain, how does it look like from the attacker side?

    That's why stick-jerkers must die.
  15. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    but they are dying already!
  16. strafe

    strafe Guest

    I really like that danm crazy maneuvers turn to red / blackout, even flatspins. This things never happens and never will in FHL. It's necessary change FM, and I can't believe this will be changed.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2004
  17. daedal

    daedal Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2001
    Ok stick-jerkers have enough. How about mouse-jerkers like me?

    I often do nasty and quick manoeuvres when no chances left. I don't really care whether I produce any warps or not. I've seen 190's doing their best to out warproll my Spit but their rapid banks and rolls were very fluent on my screen because my connection was good.

    I don't care about other people's connection. If in good connection conditions I could see scared 190 pilot who did everything with his rolling ability and still his flight was smooth, it means that there is nothing wrong in maneuvering like that. How on earth will I know how my opponent's connection is? I just don't care. If he experiences warprolls he may continue or log-off. Bitching is not an option.

    Shame on all ppl who offend others because of warps.

    Yours warpfully,
  18. big-jo

    big-jo Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2002
    have u heard to talk about a evasive maneouvre called "jink"?? i dont think so

    i do it if im slow and very low....no chance
  19. big-jo

    big-jo Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2002
    Last edited: May 31, 2004
  20. Allsop

    Allsop Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2004
    U.S.A. Washington State
    oh yes big-jo you sound like you can do anything worth while....NOT! I dont care if someone makes a quick manvoover, or even a sudden one, but when they continually just rip in mad directions causing their plane to be non responsive....thats cheap, becuase in any real situation, you would not recover, youd probably black out permanityly from g's and youd just fall to the ground, but this is not so much in FH, but know I know the man that brags about his "jink" that no one knows about is a little "jink" in the pants and the head.