Please explain ... (rant inside)

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Red Ant, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    but that would be cheating, wouldn't it?
    I wouldn't like that...
  2. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    You are damn wrong :) Letez is being hated in russian community as well :) And the mentioned reason is the smallest of why. He is just a piece of pig crap as a person if his posts in the forum are being written not by a hired fuckhead, but him :)

    Self kill problem can be settled in two ways:

    1. If a human player hits someone (even with 1x7.62), acks and bombs inflict damage, but never score a kill.

    2. Anyone, who dies by own bombs having damage by human player, gets automatic server-side translation of any ping into a lethal PK until he dies that miserable way 100 times.

    3. I am sure, Aike has no time and/or opportunity to implement either of algorithms...
    1 person likes this.
  3. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Hello chickens!

    You still cry?

    Dont cry, dont sit in toilet - better go to arena, and make me PK...

  4. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Cc... Kommunizmus and totalitarismus must die... :D
  5. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    I bet it's your biggest satisfaction in life, to ruin other people's job. I can imagine you.... ugly, introverted.... the classical crap guy.
    Pretty sad looser
  6. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Nice mental masturbation, Broz...

    FU :)
    2 people like this.
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  8. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  10. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Because no body with the power to do something about it cares or it's those persons who are in power doing it themselves.
    They're responsible anyways.

    What's the use of complaining?
  11. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    I complain because I'm still naive enough to hope that maybe just maybe something will be done to solve the problem eventually.
  12. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Red Ant, problem ONLY in your own head... Many players wth normal head not have ANY problem wth my selfkill... Mb you too young?
  13. Lesiu

    Lesiu Well-Known Member

    Letez, we do have a problem.
  14. -letez

    -letez Banned

    What is a problem?

    Can i help?
  15. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    You could help by explaining your motives. Why do you self-kill?
  16. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    you could help by self-killing in RL...
  17. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    what a rough boy :D
  18. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    but not a "rudeboy" !!!

  19. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    WRONG! Many MORE players have a problem with YOU and your "style" of play.

    Maybe YOU too young or not understand how to PLAY with other people?

    Come on, PLAY the GAME. Join-in on the FUN.

    In plain English:

    Stop fucking with people who follow the generally accepted rules of engagement.
  20. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Sorry, my english too little...

    Я легко могу объяснить тебе свой мотив. Я это делал уже 1000 раз.

    Первый раз я сделал селф-килл после того, как был безосновательно обвинён в селфкилле и, затем, немедленно кикнут игроком Redbull, который имел возможность это сделать, но не имел права. Я атаковал в пике на ju88 последнюю цель на f12, у меня на 6 был red fighter Redbull. Мои бомбы не попали в цель, а убили меня. Redbull не получил kill. Он позволил себе противозаконные действия. Трек имеется здесь на форуме. После этого началось время selfkill. Я применяю selfkill для ментального поражения противника на голдовских самолётах - easy kill. Я теперь применяю selfkill для demoralisation of enemy. Это хорошо действует, когда ros= 1 gold / 3-5 red. Я применяю selfkill тогда, когда обнаруживаю .attach letez, для того, чтобы у cheater не было стимула делать то же ещё раз.

    Я применяю selfkill и call "make PK" для того, чтобы fighter использовал свои патроны и это сохранит жизнь другим участникам атаки.

    Я знаю, что многие некоторые игроки применяют нечестную игру и модифицированую flight model. Например - существует, кажется, польский сайт, на котором за небольшую плату предлагают для WBFH что-то вроде прозрачных cocpit или программу, которая делает противнику PK...

    Ты играешь честно, Red Ant?

    Кстати, когда я играю за Reds - у меня не возникает необходимость в использования selfkill как оружия...

    Как ты думаешь, почему?
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2008