How to install Wb 2.77 on Windows Vista / Windows 7

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Red Ant, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    I bet Mac is getting the BLUE ERRORS:
    So, he has to download and inject the 'All In One' pack thingie.
  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Well what happened was I installed this game as instructed according to redants translation of badmads german instructions, and I was able to get the main arena map. I selected f2, a red field, as a field to take off from, and I noticed that the planes that I had to select from were both gold and red planes, ie beaufighter and zero, etc.. this was the first problem I noticed. also I noticed the host message was telling me "plane not available". Yes I was getting blue misc bin messages. If I tried to take off in a plane, the game would crash and go to the desktop. game over totally.

    Anyway, I noticed that when I hit the / button, the radio bar didn't come up, so that told me that maybe I needed to try this vista 32 patch fix thingy again, so I did. rebooted and man oh man did I get error messages galore. I couldnt even get to the little login/ip address screen. It just blew up bad and I closed a bunch of eroor message windows, you know the ones that say error XVIDD665567DVVV10111WWDRT 00001 and stupid stuff.

    I do however, remember seeing a message that said "ERROR 6". I closed that too, cuz I thought in my warped mind that it was stupid. I reckon Buddy Rich would have closed it too.

    P.S. Had an interesting little conversation with "reuben" on ch 100. I asked him if he got the cock jpegs I emailed him, and he basically answered in the affirmative. I will let him explain.

    God please kill me and Jay fast.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  3. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    [will be edited until it is perfect]

    To install and configure Freehost Warbirds with the FHLauncher 1.68b on Win7

    1] Install wb277r3full.exe
    >>>Warbirds path c:\iEntertainment Network\WarBirds

    2] All_in_One.rar
    >>>Warbirds path c:\iEntertainment Network\WarBirds

    3] FHInstall_168.exe
    >>>Warbirds Path c:\iEntertainment Network\WarBirds

    4] Control panel
    >>>\System\Advanced System Settings\Performance\Settings
    >>>Slide open combo boxes checkbox is unticked.

    5] Install

    6] RUN FHInstall_168.exe
    >>>Add new IP Address from

    Freehost warbirds windows 7 32 bit Compatibility:

    fhlauncher; administrator
    warbirds; windows 98/ME
    warbirds3d; windows 98/ME

    Freehost warbirds windows 7 64 bit Compatibility:
    fhlauncher; administrator and windows 98/Me
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  4. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    DZIVDZAN Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2004
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  6. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    OK... after much mediation and prayer I reconsidered and made yet another

    attempt at loading FHWB into my Home Vista computer....

    I read and re-read the instructions and amazingly it seemed to work!

    After three crashes trying to find the keyboard controls for offline play I went back a did some reading on how change to mouse control.

    I did note that the keyboard controls responded; rudder, throttle and POV !

    So there was keyboard functioning.

    Now here is the strange part:

    After the third try, I shut down the game to go to the other set-up menu.

    I took a look at the keyboard and joystick options, made no changes and restarted the game.

    TOTAL DISASTER. The game took almost two minutes to start, very very slowly, blank screen, engine starting sound, small blank boxes appearing,finally I got to the hangar and the cursor froze as I moved it just a few inches.

    Well I went over all the procedures and cannot see anything 'wrong'.

    The strange thing is that it worked and now does not. I checked anti virus and firewall but I did not go online, just started "practice offline".

    I got 3D mode, I set the windows 98/me compatibility modes.

    I don't know..... :dunno:

    Anybody got any ideas?

    FYI : this is a 1.7ghz computer with 2 gig ram... so it can't be too slow...???
  7. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
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    Did you bring up "Task Manager" to see what is using the most memory resources?
  8. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Yes, it was WB ! The majority of the computer.

    I had shut down all other programs in the background.

    It was around 50% of memory and something like 70% of cpu use !!!!

    I got the feeling the computer was running several copies of the program.
  9. TS
    Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Well, there is no need to rely on a feeling regarding the number of instances of a program your computer is running. If your computer was running multiple copies of WB at once, task manager would have listed it more than once in the 'Processes' tab.
  10. TS
    Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Nah, I remember running WB on my old PII 400 MHz without any problems, so it's definitely not too slow.

    I wish I could say something more useful but maybe your computer has just one of those driver / hardware configurations that don't play nice with this game. :-\

    Do you have another machine that you could use for WB?
  11. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Unfortunately all I have right now are computers with no 3D drivers so all I can do is play in 2D. and that just sucks. IBM laptops with no upgradable drivers or video cards.

    Yes, the Task manager showed two copies running once.

    But then after a clean reboot and no other applications running the game still locked-up.

    The strangest thing was that it worked 3 times perfectly, no delays, fast start-up, smooth graphics and controls. It was just the perfect game as it was in the days of slower computers.

    Makes me wonder if Microsoft Vista doesn't want me to have too much fun without them getting a piece of the action. Fascist Bastards !:D

    I'm checking my anti virus and firewall too. There's a game mode but I listed WBFH in the exceptions list and it shouldn't affect the offline play.

    I'm not sure if I want to upgrade to Windows 7 now.

    Of course only in 32 bit mode, myself.

    Although I read that Win7 Ultimate has the optional "run in XP compatible mode as" an add-on I am wondering if that would help.

    Anybody tried that?
  12. Balto

    Balto New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Hello all! I've got windows 7 home and tried installing it on there (Warbirds277) but even that won't run.

    Says "Unable to execute...setup.exe/sms"

    From reading the instructions the install seemed like a pretty straight forward thing. Am I missing something?
  13. Asmumy

    Asmumy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    After doing all antred's instructions, mine error when i try to enter online arena:

    You Need to Install WarBirds 277R3 build 2
  14. Asmumy

    Asmumy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    Err nevermind... I unchecked compatibility mode and it's ok now.
  15. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Just got it working on my new 64-bit Windows 7 box :) Took me about 45 minutes. i7-2600 @ 3.4 with 1GB GPU, 8GB RAM :)

    Soundtrack for this operation: Syncrhonicity II.

    Biggest problem I had was, earlier (last year) I had backed up an older version of FHL to my external disk, and I installed that first by accident. Then I removed all and began anew, and all went better after that.

  16. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Is the music choice because it is from the same era as WB2?
    See you all in another universe, I don't use MSWindows anymore.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  17. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    My Olde Friend, isn't this the WB Freehost forum? What are you doing with your PC or laptop, writing non-styled plain ASCII text documents?

    BTW -- Solaris? From Soracle ;)
  18. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    All day I work in Enterprise Linux and other "serious" systems, so I know a bit about it. But when I come home to play games, gotta go in my Win for games. It's just a fact :)
  19. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I went through hell trying to get this game to work on my win7 64bit machine. I finally got it to work, thanks to redants instructions...
    even with his instructions I had problems with the all in one .rar file and had to work around it..
    Imagine if someone came here to this game for the first time and tried to get this game working on a win7 64 bit machine, if they didnt have these instructions they would be screwed, I have no doubt there are a lot of people who would play this game but can't get it working because they don't know how. Entire squads have disappeard. winter is coming and I want to play again, cuz it will be colder soon, how are the numbers in the arena? how many people playing these days? I stopped playing altogether months ago cuz each time i logged on there was only 1,2,3 players. Is it better now as far as the number of players goes?

    Boa asked me to translate Badmad's German instructions for installing Wb 2.77 under Windows Vista / 7 into English, so here it is.

    NOTE: Since the original instructions were written by Badmad and I'm merely the translator, 'I', 'me' and 'my' obviously refer to him, not to me.

    Download wb277r3full.exe and from this location.

    First install wb277r3full.exe, then

    I've bundled up the following bug fixes / addons into one coherent all-in-one package:
    Vista / Win 7 keyboard fix
    all available cockpits (640x480 and 1024x768)
    Wbmed3 Terrain (Map)

    Available from this location

    Unzip All_in_One.rar into a directory of your choice and then copy the entire content into C:\iEntertainment Network\Warbirds\. You will be prompted for whether to overwrite any existing files. Respond with "Yes"!

    The following step is necessary to avoid a CTD (crash to desktop) when switching planes.
    Go to Control panel--->System--->Advanced System Settings and, under Performance, click Settings. Scroll all the way down and make sure the Slide open combo boxes checkbox is unticked. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking "Apply".

    Click the Go Online Symbol in FreeHost Launcher. This should bring up a small window. In that window, click
    Using Ip, which in turn brings up another window. Go to Add Ip and enter the following IP address: Confirm by clicking Ok.

    Next click Options. Under WarBirds Video Mod, switch from 2D to 3D, then press Ok.

    Double-click the WarBirds (Direct 3D) icon in your iEntertainment Network directory. This opens the Warbirds start window. Press Setup, go to Video and change your screen resolution to 1024x768 if you wish to use the HIres Cockpits. You will have to download wbart3support.exe from this location and install it if you want to use HIres Cockpits.

    Right-click the warbirds(2d) or the wbd3d icon and select Properties. Make sure the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" checkbox is ticked and select "Windows 98 / Windows ME" from the dropdown menu. Click "Apply" to confirm your changes.

    Now fill the Name and Password text edits to your heart's content. If the nick you specified isn't taken yet, you will find yourself in the Warbirds game lobby a few seconds later.

    Once there, you'll find the following arenas
    Old Wbmed Arena - this is the main arena
    Ta Old Wbmed Arena - this is the training arena

    You are now (hopefully) ready to play. Enjoy.
  20. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    I come to this forum and like the group here. And I am sure another platform will be supported some day soon and another AC game that is more compatible with my hardware/OS combination too.
    FReehost is not, as far as I know, locked in any contracts forcing them to use this or that platform.... Unlike software makers, who are pwned.
    Consoles are The Platform for kid stuff anyway.... PC gaming [IE, MS Gaming] is the way of the dodo.
    Something will come along. For now, I am flying around using X-Plane, which is compiled to be used in Linuxes as well as MS and Mac. Jeez, if I got a nice tax refund or something, I might get a mac someday. Just to see what it is like. I have only moved the mouse and stared at macs.
    Who said that?
    ASCI is a common denominator, which is okay.
    I see 28 font from the text box I am typing in here. 28. Same fonts you see on yours.... VBulletin....
    I think though, I am using unicode fonts or something like that in Nix. I can't remember.
    Much of my work is from inside a web browser and those are in NO way platform dependent, except for MS Explorer, which is a joke fonts support or not.
    I understand MS has [closed source] PUBLIC DOMAINED almost all of their proprietary fonts..........

    With a couple clicks, I installed ALL of those, from a single place. Hundreds of fonts. Your point?

    I am glad I have x-plane. It is enough while I wait for some MSsoftware that works in modern hardware without going obsolete for no reason other than someone flicking a switch from 10K Kms away.

    Damn I wish I had money for a mac. BSD power and security and most software made for MS will run on a mac....
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011