1.60 is great, but one question...

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by babek-, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    Why the Mc 205 V was added?? Less than 300 of these planes were built during WW2. And it would be fair if Red should also get access to this plane because it fought (in its very few numbers) on both sides during the war.

    But back to the Mc205:

    1st - it is another fighter for Gold and I dont think that Gold was in desperate need for a plane like this. (On the other hand it is great that the ki44 was added, because this is an untypical japanese fghter which could climb very well instead of the typical turn-fighters. And 1300 of this plane were build and used in many fights against US bombers.)

    2nd - The graphic of the Mc202 was used and got a new color - nice.

    But 3rd: Only 262 of this plane were built and it was not an important plane in WW2.

    On the other side Gold still has not a good carrierborn torpedobomber.

    Gold has to use the obsolate and very slow B5N although the B6N (which looks very similiar to the B5N) was used by the Imperial Japanese Navy soon after the entry of Japan in WW2 as the standard CV torpedobomber. Also more B6N were built and used than B5N. (Ok - only slightly more - if I am right 1400 : 1300 but as you can see much more than 1000 planes).

    So here the question:
    When it was possible to use the Mc202 airframe to add the Mc205 to the game - why it is so difficult to make the same with the B5N / B6N and give gold a CV-based torp-bomber which is 100 k/h faster than the older variant.

    So please consider adding such a plane in next update 2005 (or in 2 weeks :) ) instead adding exotic planes which were only built in few numbers during WW2.

    And to avoid any misunderstanding:
    I am very happy with the new launcher.
    I love the Ju87 with 20mm guns (I never knew that such a nice plane existed).
    I am more than happy that the ki44 is now available, which is a very interesting plane.
    And I can also live with the existance of another italian plane which I never would use in battle :)
    All of the FH-team do a great job.

    But please also consider the adding of the B6N. Thx :)
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2004
  2. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2002
    Queensland's Southern Capital
    I have one too.....

    Although it is good that troop loads have been increased in both transports and there is now an option for bombs in both, how the hell do you target bombs. I mean, its not like you can dive-bomb in a transport.

    regards, Oz
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    visual difference between veltro and folgore....
    spinner, radiators, retractable tail wheel.
    white stripe on folgore's nose is wider than stripe of veltro (or visa versa?)

    differences are absolutely minimal.

    as for tenzan, tenzan has more differences from val.
    but i will try to promote tenzan to 1.62 :)
  4. Ziomek

    Ziomek Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    1.61 and 1.62 coming soon? wow............. two weeks = 1.70 ? :D
  5. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    Why the Mc 205 V was added??
    Its a good add for golds in the period it comes in.
    Still reds got more types of planes in that time so reds cant complain about lack of machines to fly, dont cry.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2004
  6. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    I agree: Nakajima B6N Tenzan has many differences compared with Aichi D3A Val.

    But the differences to B5N Nate are not so many. :)

    And again: My main argument for asking for the B6N is that I want to get away from these G4Mґs starting from CV.

    The main advantage of the B6N compared with B5N is that it is 100 km/h faster (and the B5N is SLOW !!!).

    The bombloads are the same.

    I agree that B6N doesnt look 100% like the B5N - but they are very similiar. So it wouldnt be such a complicated job like making a new flightmodel-graphic when someone tries to modify the graohic of the B5N to the B6N.

    But thx that you help to promote this plane :)
  7. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    I havent seen the new RPS - so I dont know when this plane comes in.
    But is this italian plane with the copy of the Daimler-Benz-engine better than a Bf109 in boom&zoom or better than the ki61c in turn-fightings ?

    On the other hand: After the Mc205 was now added, others can come with the argument that their suggested new planes were produced in higher numbers than this plane during WW2.

    Like the Mitsubishi Raiden/Jack or other planes.

    That was the point which disturbed me somewhat. Until the Mc205 we had the rule "1000 planes of this type must have been built during WW2". Now a plane was added which was only used in few numbers.
  8. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    actually it is me who insisted on veltro.
    at least i think so :shuffle:

    i want to extend italian presence in the game.

    no question raiden must and should be modelled in 1.61/1.62
    as well as toryu

    and of course datel's models.

    as for 1000 rule, it is basic principle that could be passed around with gameplay and balance issues. but it is very hard to make thru "1000 rule". i spent one year or more for folgore, about year for 109traeger and deck-shiden :rolleyes:

    ju88siegfrid and 190anton6 otw ;)
    me keeps bumping my head agains the door of the fh-staff ;)
  9. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    ???? You also want to add the Raiden ?

    Exec - stop to be so nice.

    When I suggested in the past a new plane you normally opposed the idea and wrote that I have to send sources of datas, then I searched and brought these, then you found another problem and so on.

    That was great fun.

    And now ?

    Now - you obviously changed your tactic and agree that we need to bring in planes like the Raiden ?

    Hell - now I dont Know what to say or to write.

    Life could be so boring...
  10. dankes

    dankes Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2001

    I can be wrong, but I think that the guy produced Ki-44 model is working on this bird now. The main obstacle for bringing certain plane to FH is the 3d artwork, so there's no wonder that j2m can be implemented soon when b6n can't
  11. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    yes, graphics of raiden and toryu is a problems that i cannot solve.
    (i made tiffie draw-complying from richi's raw p-40 morphing.
    for me it is as hard as photocorrection pixel by pixel in paintbrush)
    but when models are started or finished, i say that planes on the way.

    i won't say that i'm one of those who decide what models are to be started.
    i am... one of those.

    and afaik raiden and toryu are in progress.

    name those planes as fh-staff interest.

    but... have anyone performance data of toryu? and roll, accel of raiden and shoki? :shuffle:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2004
  12. paolix

    paolix Member

    Mar 3, 2003
    I thanks -exec- for the mc205 in this game.
    I am one of the few Italian player (of regia aeronautica of course).
    I report a possible incorrect data for this plane :
    From test in MA i found max speed 560kmh
    From varoious link it result :
    Max speed 642Km/h or 399Miles/h at 7200mt
    Above 8000mt the plane has an heavy decrement of performance
    There is there some links :

    http://www.museoscienza.org/aereo/mc205.html (good site with good techinical design , all in italian :( )
    http://www.aeronautica.difesa.it/CSA/CBR/6Stormo/Web102/MC205.asp (this site is of Italian's Aeronautica)
    http://ruffini.freeweb.net/Documenti/Storia/205vsSpit.pdf (all in italian sorry , this is the report of 2 actions between macchi and spits and macchi vs b24 and spits, i can traslate it , only give me 2 weeks :)) )

    On more the mc205 was considerated faster than Spit9, in my test in MA i found it not faster than spit5

    i don't know the actual RPS , historical is june 1943 but it can be delayed for game balancing.

    Thank a lot for the attenction
  13. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
  14. Prometeo

    Prometeo Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2002
    Wrong, Babek: Veltro never fought on allied side.
    You already wrote this a couple years ago and I gave you a pretty exhaustive reply.
    Hit "search" and check yourself.
    Moreover, besides the numbers, it played a key role in the defense of italian skies from 1943 till the end of the war, shooting down a huge number of american planes even if outnumbered 10:1 to 100:1 or worse all the time. Pacific theatre in 1945 for a japanese pilot was a joke compared to what our pilots have been facing for almost 2 years.
    The small number is also justified by the small time it remained in production (1,5 years) and the relatively small area it had to defend (northern italy only), neverhteless a key strategical area of the european war theatre (the path Churchill was thinking to use to go to Germany).
    Last but not least, it was a beautiful and well performing plane, which defenetly deserves to appear in a game where 50+ a/cs are modelled.
    Also consider that 205 differs from 202 much less than 109k from 109e, therefore the usage of a different label for it should not make you forget that it's just an improved version of the Folgore. This mean you can parform this operation: 202#+205#=20X macchi serie # (not considering the 200, which was different plane) ;)
    Even if I'm not playing FH any more, I'm glad it has finally been introduced.
    Also I must say I'm surprised to see the KI27 modelled, when CR32 and 42 were available: produced in huge numbers, considered as one of the best biplane fighters built during the whole WWII: defenetly a challenge (or nightmare, depending on modelling ;) ) for the I153s.

    Best regards

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2004
  15. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    1st: Mc205 at the side of Allies or not ?

    Look at this side:


    You will find this photo
    which shows Mc205 with the green-white-red insignia of the non fascist italian planes and also the following text:

    "Italy disunited. The MC 205 of the co-belligerent Air Force which fought on the same side as the Allies (from Veltro, 1942-1981) (da: "Veltro, 1942-1981") "

    So I concluded that the Mc205 indeed fighted for Allies.

    2nd: If we put in every plane which played an improtant role for a specific nation during WW2, we should put in planes like:

    Hawk 75 for Finland
    PZL 11 or PZL 23 for Poland
    Bloch MB 151 or Dewoitine D520 (Hey - we have not a single French plane :) )
    Commonwealth Wirraway or Boomerang for Australia

    and so on.

    Instead of the Mc205 it would be better that planes like SM79 would be added (more than 1200 built)

    3rd: The Ki27 was one of the most succesful japanese fighters. The ki27 shot down more than 1000 enemy planes - mostly in the air wars in china.

    4th: You are right - the planes really look nice and are beautiful like italian cars.
  16. -cbfs-

    -cbfs- Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2003
    Where the flowers bloom like madness in the spri-i
    From memory, I think it said something like 66 Veltros fought for Allies.

    Another thing... Why is the Ki-44 model replacing the Ki-43 model? Offline it gives me a green Ki-44 as a Ki-43, wtf?
  17. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
    Hm, must check.
  18. muf-lo

    muf-lo Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2003
    Me? LAN
    Macchi MC205 saw combat with Cobelligerant Air force too mixed with MC202. Since they shared the same airframe (small differences) it was easy to swap engine and transform a 202 into a 205 and viceversa, if needed. If I recall correctly they fought as jabo and fighter cover for P-39N or Q against Germans in Yugoslavia, often with the cowling guns removed and that space filled with a fuel tank to extend range.
    They were also the backbone of the RSI air force in the Axis and tryed to defend northern Italy from Americans bombing raids, helped by few 109G and Fiat G55. It was a competitive fighter for what it could do being always outnumbered by Americans fighters. Macchi series of fighter were really the backbone of Italian air force for the whole WWII so I think this is a welcome plane if this sim care something about air war of Second World War.
    Thank you FH developers! :)
  19. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    And here another source:


    Only around 270 Veltro's were built, most of which were after the 1943 Armastice. The Veltro saw very limited service with the Reggia Aeronautica mainly thanks to the slow production rate of the Italian war industry and many of those that did were in Luftwaffe colours anyway. Most were actually used by the co-belligerent air force formed to fight against the Luftwaffe and the Veltro was also used as Italy's frontline fighter after the war ended.

  20. Snakeye

    Snakeye Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2001
    It could be fun having a plane available for both sides :) Quite a novelty in FH :)

    Of course I'd never want to share all planes with the gold side, like it is in AH ;)