New to FH

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Rick00, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Howdy all.

    Allow me to preface this by saying how awesome it is to see WB2.77 alive and kicking. When I was a teenager, I spent many hours in WB/DOA with my father - one could say it defined those years.

    Great job!

    About the only thing that makes me really furrow my brow is otto. The radar max height, I can certainly see how that would give the oft-maligned bomber role quite a boost, and I rather like automatic gunners being on. In it's current state, the gunners are extremely deadly.

    It should be obvious that I'm not a huge fan of this. Instead of being 'that new guy' and demanding a change to something I'm still new to, could someone explain why it was decided to make otto so deadly? I have an open mind here, so don't expect flames. :p
  2. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Use gold planes, no deadly otto there.


    P.S.: Are you gandhi?
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Welcome aboard.

    Bomber pilots did much complaining about being easy meat, that's why. :) Personally I think they should be. If you do a raid, you either bring an adequate escort or you lose your bombers.
  4. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Back in The Old Days, there were sometimes enough players that some players would come along and do escort.
    Then, as now, if there aren't enough players, the fighter pilot players would go and dogfight or jabo.
    Or they would do whatever they liked......
    Now, there might be more players coming in. I hope that is true. And maybe there will be some who want to fly buffs and then the devs will make yet another change.

    Freehost did not die!!!!!! He changed...
    We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better...stronger...faster.

  5. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Absolutely. Enough privileges for buff whiners. :nono: :deal:
  6. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Yeah, during WWII there would often be half a dozen fighters on one buff to bring it down as well. Not because it was so fiercely gunned but, because the buffs were tough, like the B25 and B17s. I find it easier to bring down a Ju88 than a zeke these days too which is BS. These "ottos" (uber automatic computer laser aimed pk gunners) are way too lethal.

    Glad you're onboard rick, and will enjoy more dogfights! <S> :duel:
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  7. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Those were the days, in Air Warrior for me. Hundreds of volunteers for gunners and escort fighters. Long gone days.
  8. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004

    I think you will find, in time, which buffs to take to hostile enviroment and which to use when you expect no opposition. (hints. LI2, PE8, B24 if you sway to line otto, are survivable buffs. B5N, SM, early B25 are not, unless you really want to)

    Then luck play in as well, but... some buff's can't stay alive, period, while other buffs might take dual (or more) fighter effort to down.
    Sometimes it feels as otto should do more, and sometimes otto is ridicously accurate and deadly.
    If you plan an attack at a buff, you down him.
    If you haste deadon his 6 and it's a buff with decent reargunner, you're toasted.
  9. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Thanks for the welcome everyone!

    Had a blast dueling with ALW last night - rekindled my love for the P-38, and learned to respect the 109G-2.

    Getting back into the groove of things - it's been awhile since I've flown.

    It was pretty apparent to me that this awesome freehost does not get enough attention. I mean, I found it completely by accident. My buddy used to play WB offline to get his jollies, and we both realized that we could go H2H. Some internet searching later, and here I am, happier than ever. Although my buddy cannot get the WB277r3.exe to execute on his XP machine... poor guy.

    Last night also saw me flying a li to cap a field. Shooting down a marauding F4F with my top gun was effortless. Just hopped into external view and always kept my top towards him - I could pretty much out-turn the guy, and when he did burn through a turn faster than me, it didn't matter - the otto had him the entire time. Took less than 30 seconds, by my reckoning, to bring him down.

    Coalt, co-energy, li>F4F. This is, imho, wrong. The other day, A B-25 flew over me, traveling the other way, slightly diagonal to my course. Our combined speed must have been close to 700mph. I was D6 away. The gunner tagged me enough times that I lost the wing due to G-stress a few seconds later. huh?

    I'm receptive to a good answer why it should be this way. Drop one, and if it makes sense, I'll be onboard.
    Citing not enough numbers to bring escort doesn't hold water to my understanding. WBs and AH both had - and still have - the same problem, and otto wasn't the answer due to the fact that if there aren't enough people to escort, there aren't enough people to properly buffhunt.
    I'm not married to the idea that otto is too powerful - but I do feel it's frustrating to be murdered by otto without a clear reason why it should be that way.

    I like otto. I think he should just be terrible. The edge, the bonus, should always go to a human in the gunnery seat, shooting back. We should never find ourselves in a situation where a computer does a better job playing our game than we do. But still, I like otto. I like the fact that _something_ shoots while you're bombing, and getting con reports.

    The way it is, the only thing that could make me ragequit is otto, and the overall crass attitudes. Everything else is pretty close to perfect - or at least good enough to make hearts pop over my head.
  10. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Hmm, that's odd. It really should work fine on XP. Maybe he should join the forum and ask for help. What kind of error(s) is he getting?
  11. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Welcome Rick00.

    Ottos are a weird thing. Sometimes they save your life and are heroes sometimes they just can't hit anything and are useless.

    I remember there are parameters one can adjust. I can't remember.

    However adjusting those parameters can mean life or death sometimes.

    you may not have been around when it was discovered there was a "cheat" bug guys had been taking advantage of for some time:

    the 110 otto could be "tricked" into making the tail gunner a 30mm cannon.

    That explained the devastation and one-shot kills of these lone 110s looking for suckers flying up to them.


  12. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    aha! that's a really good question! :D so?
  13. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    I'm assuming that is a pilot. No, I am not ghandi, but according to visola, I am higgins.
  14. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    You are not Higgins 'cause I don't see any river of tears.
    My personal tip is you're one of the Wysloa's kids :) What a clever bastard he is!
  15. Gaze

    Gaze Active Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    WOrks fine on XP i have XP. Need to turn off transition effects in display properties tho. Right click desktop. display , properties, effects. uncheck transitions box. This was the only issue i saw with XP. It would dump you to desktop when you tried to select a plane. You could fly the F6f only.
    Wlecome to Freehost !! It is FREE so there are some anomaly,s. Random DM for example!! ANd the biggest anomaly is higgns , no matter what you can not make him happy!!! Oh wait never die never get shot and ALWAYS land , wheels down , taxi to the hanger you might do it but............... LOL!!!!
  16. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    1: Heard back from my buddy that had trouble installing WB via WB277r3.exe. The error he's getting is 'installer.exe did not install correctly, and may not be able to uninstall" or some garbage. Think it might be his windows installer.

    -edit- Nevermind, he gets an UnInstaller Setup Failed to Initalize error. Didn't know what else to do, so had him run windows installer cleanup. Did nothing. Sounds like a permissions issue, but he insists he's running on admin account.

    2: Not sure if I'm doing this right, but how does the track viewer work? Most times I try to run it, it seems to hang. Sometimes, it makes it to the front screen. If I hit go online, it shows 'track arena', but I cannot get into that without iEN bitching. Any hints?
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  17. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    track player is broken in this version
    seeking for repair
  18. sufi

    sufi Active Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    I use older version of FHLauncher as Trackplayer...
    First Start is always tricky, you need to close wbd3d.exe first launch via Taskmanager.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  19. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    "...Think it might be his windows installer..."
    Nah. The problem is he is conflicting his Borland Installer with his Flash Installer and it is discombubulating the Freehost installer from the Warbirds installer.
    Tell you friend to get an account in this forum so he can explain what you mean by what is happening in his PC. Or is it a Mac? If he is using a mac, he will have to bind his Leopard to a IPod via Parelels.
    Or contact Commodore. Or is it amiga?

    Don't get pissed off at me, if you are new here, or if your buddy is new and not here, but new, or something, then you will know, or should know or do know that I am a
  20. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Just ended up zipping him a standalone install. Hey, it works.