Covid19 is bullshit

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Mcloud, May 2, 2021.

  1. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  3. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  4. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    That Yankee Babbleman is a skinny armed loudmouth. I’ll try to spend a minimum or no time at all for that guy or his ilk.
    Can you send us some gorilla paedophilia or something?
    -frog- likes this.
  5. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003

    BTW - I wonder how many of you got the jab already?
    I mean the "less vaccinated nations" - I am well aware that most Yanks, Canucks and Britons are already "jabbed" - but here, in Poland, the rate has only hit 35% now (and that's for the first dose) - and we are one of the leaders, compared to other EU states.

    Got mine (single dose) last Saturday.
  6. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Hezzey, glad to see that you haven't changed a bit, LOL.
  7. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Hi, Frog. Speaking as as a certified Yank, and recognizing that we aren't much loved the world over, I hesitate to report on my vaccination status. Fuck, well the hesitation has ended: I am lucky enough to have been fully vaccinated (meaning two jabs/shots of the Moderna vaccine). But it wasn't easy for me to get the shots. I had to drive for hours to reach the vax facility. My experience is apparently unusual; a pretty girl -- she had long, fake eyelashes and a casual but sexy posture and voice (ahem) -- at the local supermarket told me that she travelled only about 100 meters by foot to get her shots.

    What's been really surprising to me is how bad Japan's vaccination program has been going. They're pretty efficient about most things (except for making new Japanese babies).
    looseleaf likes this.
  8. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Bullshit- we (at least our freaking govt) luv you long time ;)

    Got the Johnson and Johnson stuff, so there was just one jab - had to queue fot this for over 2 hours in rain, cause that's was a "national May-day vaccination program". Otherwise I would have to accept to wait till July for the second dose of the Astra Zeneca preparation (after getting one last week).
    The thing is - it already paid off.
    My mother in law, who was caring for my youngest, didn't want to get vaccinated ("cause there're risks involved, you know").
    She fell sick last week, but only decided to go to test herself yesterday.
    We (me and Frau) are both vaccinated, so we weren't quarantined (at least at first), but both of the kids were.
    My wife's allergic to pollen, currently experiences an exacerbation, so she had an appointment with GP scheduled.
    But - once the GP heard that my best part's mother is positive - she sent her straight for testing instead.

    Now my wife, with running nose and nothing else to complain about, is officially quarantined too - at least till she gets a "-" in her test.

    Now guess who's the sole person in the family, who does not have to show up in the window, when the patrol car is around to check those subjected to quarantine?
    I know I can still transmit it, so I wear an FP2 mask now, but still - ain't that silly?
  9. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Understood ;)

    I hope everyone will be fine (even your mother-in-law; there are so many jokes in all cultures about this subject). Nice to hear that you've got a growing family! We still wear masks when shopping, but honestly I don't know anyone who has had Covid. Hopefully you have some good reading material and work to keep you occupied until you're free again. Zoom sucks...
  10. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Quarantine time!
    Wife's results came in at 10PM local time (2 hours ago).
    She's positive, so I guess that even the fact that I was vaccinated won't matter anymore and we'll all get quarantined.

    At least that lawn will be brought back to order...
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Well - I can but hope fot the sanity of our govt... no quarantine for me (cause I'm vaccinated) - I'm isolating myself at home, at least to what extent I can manage, instead.
    Wife (positive) is locked at home till the 22nd.
    The kids are locked till the 28th.
    Gonna drive the kids to the test noon-ish, just to shorten their quarantine (if they test negative).

    As long as I'm OK no one is complaining about me sleeping with a CoViD positive person... weird, ain't that?
    OldUncles likes this.
  12. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  13. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    You and you wife are young (compared to an old fart like myself), so you will all be fine. My grandmother's little brother died during the so-called Spanish flu epidemic after WW1. This epidemic doesn't compare to that, IMHO.
  14. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I'm sorry to hear it. How is she?
    Was her vaccination recent?
  15. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    There are many doctors who say masks are useless, in many countries. Here, that opinion is especially popular among dentists.
    But they're seen as not exactly doctors...
    I have two dentist friends that I've started to avoid because of ideas like that. I wouldn't go to their abattoirs either.
    I'm sure the next civil wars will be about mask wearing.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    So, here the vaccination is going very slowly. In the recent weeks it accelerated a bit due to vaccination events (vaccination marathons they call it). Vaccination as an experience. Exactly what was missing from the life of the corporate office clerks. Vaccinate in your car, vaccinate on the bike, vaccinate on a Sunday, make it a big event. Like vaccination at the end of a fucking long horrible year was the most boring routine.
    It seems to work tho, I hear more and more people saying they will get it, many now have family who got it, it became normal somehow.
    Waiting for the kids' vaccination, hopefully this summer.

    I got the AZ one, some time ago. 8 weeks gap between doses, the largest one. I'm still wearing the mask everywhere. Can't trust nobody. Especially not the fucking populist politicians who decided it's ok not to wear masks outside anymore and cancelled the lockdown. Testing has been reduced, let's pump back the economy, thank you for your lobby, you're welcome.
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Or some sweeet goatbang.

    I shook hands to buy some goats. Three, to be precise, each with two offspring.
    All of the offspring, except one, are bucks. So there's going to be a bit of a tragedy at some point, but then rural life is filled with death. Weeding included.
  18. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Uncles, my conviction is everyone in the world has at least once wished they were americans. I'm not being ironic, but I do find it funny.
    To be rich and easy going like those people on tv, who wouldn't want that.
  19. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Vaccinations have hit 50% rate for first dose here, we no longer have to wear our masks outside, they've opened the pubs Friday night.
    We're doing well, but both kids are also positive, so we're grounded (or actually they're grounded) till Sunday... I, as a vaccinated person, am free as a bird.
    I am isolating myself anyway, so I only leave home to go cycling (alone), walk the dog, and shop once in 2 or 3 days.
    The less contact I have with others, having 3 positive cases at home, the better for those others.

    Apart from increasing my beer intake to excessive levels (I no longer have to drive anywhere), and reversing my sleeping patterns I did not notice anything worrying in my case - I work remotely, with efficiency similar to that of "normal conditions".
  20. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    That's an interesting comment, Vasco! I understand it. My family comes from Europe, of course, and fairly recently. Luckily my father worked hard and he gave my family a good life. But when I was a child, I remember being in the burned ruins of my grandparent's house -- all was lost, it was a shitty apartment, and a fire had destroyed the place. As a stupid child visiting the burned apartment, I told my grandfather that I needed to take a piss, and when he handed me a coffee can, I didn't understand ;) He was a WW1 veteran, of course. And I was used to indoor toilets only (later I learned about outdoor toilets in many ways). So maybe I had a wealthier youth than some, but I knew my origins.

    When I saw my grandmother washing clothes in her bath tub I didn't understand ;) My family needed to convince her to use a washing machine. Well, I never washed my clothes in a bath tub (yet), but I've washed them in my kitchen sink and in rivers. Don't use a clothes dryer now -- all clothes dry in the air.

    Personally, I don't need many modern conveniences. Obviously this means that I now live alone, lol.