in the case you were wondering about me

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Mcloud, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Stay safe, you old bastard!
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have just eaten a REALLY good 12 oz Sirloin steak dinner and ALL the fixings, and a [I cannot remember the name brand... It has no brand name, the company, the restaurant buys the stuff by the keg and it doesn't have a brand name... REALLY tasty. Pilsner.

    Today, just an hour ago, I was eating all that.
    I have NOT attended a restaurant in a YEAR AND A HALF!!!!!! [Because all humans were asked to be careful and I was ... BUT now the Quarantine is lifted, or at least much of it is....
    SO I went to MY FAVOURITE greasy-spoon joint!!!!!!!!!!

    I still have some left-overs, will eat them in a few hours or maybe will tomorrow....

    mcgru- and OldUncles like this.
  3. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    I hear ya. Hereabouts there is no requirement to mask for the vaccinated (most of us have the Pfizer or Moderna jabs). It's strange. I have a mask when I go out to shop or to eat in a restaurant, but the last week or so I'm beginning to feel silly if I wear a mask. Like you, I've enjoyed WONDERFUL food in several cities now, and no masks in sight. It's almost normal again. Going to have dinner with some ladies this week and we won't be masked, praise be!
  4. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I will wear one sometimes, I am also immunised by [I forgot which one, it is written here, on a letter somewhere, I will get the second one when another letter has told me to! Big Brother hasn't forgotten me! [Here, in MY LAND, we stand in line, mostly. WHEN the speakers blast Get out to there and get in a line!!!! If someone says, NO, I WON'T, The King's Man snips a punch hole 0 instead of 1] Okay, you will be part of the herd, okay, go over there, get in that line],
    IF everyone else is [maybe I forgot the written, ever-changing notices from Big Brother]. I do as I am told by The Boss, now-a-days.
    I think SOME of The King's Edicts are stupid or insane. BUT I obey most of them. I go to the correct line because I draw hate stares if I don't.......
    Hate stares are just the start.
    I have been ran out of town before, I know what that is like....

    Epidemic stuff is old news. JUST do as one is told, that is what my MUM says. China is not trying to bring us down. NOR are entitled [you know who they are, they are in all of our towns], damned rabble-rousers.
    We humans are all in this together, like all the other epidemics [and bacterial blooms and such stuff, um, Over-stressing agri-land..... NOT repairing erosion........ stuff like that.......... we have Endured].
    [BUT MUM!!!!]
    Empires have crashed because of Endemic Viruses......
    .My mum also says There are too many humans and we won't ALL die from this one, some will live and breed... BUT things will change.
    WE all know about The Dark Ages right?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  5. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    One thing that many people forget is that we all are mortal. For example, I assume that I will not be living in ten (10) years. I'm gonna croak soon, in other words. Just hope that I can get laid once or twice before then... What is NOR?
  6. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  7. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Ah, of course, but you typed:

    NOR are entitled [you know who they are, they are in all of our towns], damned rabble-rousers.

    Ah, but there's no subject in the sentence. Nor are who entitled? You meant to type "nor are they entitled."

    And I guess I thought that NOR looked liked an acronym of a group of some sort, and you were declaring them to be troublesome, like Northern Ontario Rebels or something. Sorry, sometimes my mind is very literal.

    But it would have made my day to learn that there was a group calling itself the Northern Ontario Rebels :) Not sure what they'd be rebellious about, but it might be cool.

    Anyway, it's July 4th here in the weird country below yours, and there's a lot of noise from fireworks and even firearms in the background. Seems like a lot more this year, but I guess that's because last year everyone and everything was locked down. The traditional Nathan's hot dog eating contest returned this year, so I guess that's something:
  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    In my land flags are going to half mast all over the place there are statues of historical notables being spray-painted and toppled there are monolithic Catholic churches being burned to the ground.
    You pay attention to any news from Canada you will of heard about our reawakening and yellow press screaming at us that everyone should feel guilty for it and that it is time to topple some statues and stuff like that….

    I guess next year Ottawa is going to change names of a few more towns and universities replace all the old statues of mostly British notables from the past with something else….

    I understand that aboriginal people all over the world are getting riled up about the past and I understand fully I don’t like it there’s nothing I can do about it….
  9. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Cancel Canada?
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  10. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Yeah there are lots of monuments and monolithic things that are being toppled. Not just in Canada I think it is happening among mankind.
    The so-called cancel culture is real they are among us for good or ill.
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    One of my Canuck friends wrote me, that it is now considered offensive to wave the Canuck flag on one of the national holidays (the National Indigenous Peoples Day that you celebrate instaead of the old good Slavic Kupala Night during the summer solstice).

    That's sick.
    A national holiday without a national flag?
    We wave them during all our national holidays.
    Even on May 1st, the Workers' Day - which is an international holiday.
  12. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    When I was little boy Canada USED to celebrate May Day but it stopped and I don't know why and there were NO headlines in the yellow news. I might not have been interested and just missed the news, I was a little guy.

    Also did you know that Canada's Greatest WW1 fighter pilot, was called Billy Bishop and apparently he was disgraced and I am sad. John A MacDonald, the Father Of Canada is NO LONGER either... He may be or perhaps HAS been taken off our money. He owned slaves or something.....
    IN MANY LANDS we, all humans, are enduring New-Think now.....
    I guess in many ways it is Now Or Never, it had to be done.
    I just HOPE that I can always find Poutine, which is [to this day] Canada's National Snack!!!!
  13. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Flags are nice,
    But they should come with safety instructions.
    For they've got many people killed,
    All over.
  14. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    A philosophy professor I had back in the 1980s was fond of the expression: "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." That's the problem with many of today's "woke" activists in the West; some of them cannot see things objectively, in an historical context. They simply see something from the past and they assume that it's bad -- because it's "old." They throw away the baby along with the bathwater. A calmer, more well considered approach is needed. But slow, reasoned thinking about history seems to be out of vogue.
  15. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Balance and some objectivity in all things -- that should be the goal (in my subjective utopia ;) But flags are mere symbols, as you suggest. There are several "evergreen" businesses and fields to work in. Honest work like garbage collection (not in Java programs), and philosophy, etc. Which among them provides the most value? Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference, IMHO.

    // Beware, drunken aside follows

    When I was a kid, about 14, I often went fishing with fellow students from my school. We had varied backgrounds, and our parents were sometimes wealthy, sometimes poor. Once we were fishing for flounder in the waters of the Atlantic, and someone asked all "what will you do after high school?" I was semi-surprised when one of my friends said that he would become a "garbage man," or sanitation worker. My first thought was why? You want to pick up garbage? But he explained that the "garbage men" had a good union in New York, so he would make a good salary and retire with a great pension. I wish I could talk to him now, because I bet he has a lot more money than I do, and I had a kind of "fancy" career compared to him. I'm not sure what message that conveys, but just saying.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    He was a very clever boy, I'm sure. When I was younger I had no idea about what was important in life. Not really sure I know for real even now, but I surely made some progress. It may sound banal or overused, but you can get your life fucked up and only realise when you look behind.
    I have friends who struggle careerwise, always thinking that's the best thing they could have done, burrowing in some shitty job only because it looked interesting at some point. Especially those with academic careers.
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