Can we igonre certain user in here like we can i arena.

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by ronin, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    GL baksheesh!

  2. skycpt

    skycpt Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    I block images from none but exceptions using firefox. You have to use a plugin for that functionality though. Sorry that its off topic ronin. :)
  3. skycpt

    skycpt Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    @ Roland - HOURS in photo shop???? You using a 286 with your ass sitting on your mouse and your feet on the keyboard?

    That photo would have taken 3 minutes maybe. And thats just because there are soo many fonts to choose from.
  4. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003
    its a timesaver
  5. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Take a deep breath and do not waste your Ki !

    Remember your own quotation and do not fall into the trap of becoming the monster that you are trying to overcome....
  6. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    You don't mind if I call him "Shopcat" ?

    I think Shopcat is such a cool name, better than Bakeesh.... IMHO.
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Welll...... that photo of "Dub-yah" I find VERY offensive.... put Shopcat's photo back up!!!!!!

    That close-up was SO COOL !!!!!!
  8. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    Right on punkass! That was exactly my intention. :D
    See,. if you had ignore feature you will be able to ignore all this.
    Now get your chocolate milk and go to bead.
  9. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    no problems bro :D
  10. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    So most of you think that there is no reason for ignore function?
    Ok lets have funn then :D

    You have been warned :dura:
  11. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    With love to all rednecks RN that collect buds from streets.

    MANY die too late, and some die too early. Yet strange sounds the precept: "Die at the right time!
    To be sure, how could he who never lives at the right time ever die at the right time? If only he had never been born!- Thus do I advise the superfluous.
    But even the superfluous make a show of their death, and even the hollowest nut wants to be cracked.
    All regard dying as a great matter: but as yet death is not a festival. People have not yet learned to inaugurate the finest festivals.
    I teach you the death which consummates, and becomes a spur and promise to the living.
    He who consummates his life, then dies triumphant, surrounded by those who hope and promise.
    Thus should one learn to die; and there should be no festival at which one who dies in this way does not consecrate the oaths of the living!
    Thus to die is best; the next best, however, is to die in battle, and squander a great soul.
    But equally hateful to vanquished and victor, is the grinning death which steals nigh like a thief,- and yet comes as master.
    My death I praise to you, the voluntary death, which comes to me because I want it.
    And when shall I want it?- He that has a goal and an heir, wants death at the right time for the goal and the heir.
    And from reverence for the goal and heir, he will hang no more withered wreaths in the sanctuary of life.
    I will not imitate the rope-makers: they lengthen out their cord and always walk backward.
    And many grow too old for their truths and triumphs; a toothless mouth no longer has the right to every truth.
    And whoever wants fame must take leave of honor and practice the difficult art of- leaving at the right time.
    One must stop being eaten when one tastes best: those who want to be long loved know this.
    There are sour apples, no doubt, whose lot is to wait until the last day of autumn: and at once they become ripe, yellow, and shrivelled.
    In some the heart ages first, and in others the spirit. And some are hoary in youth, but those who are young latest keep young longer.
    To many men life is a failure; a poison-worm gnaws at their heart. Then at least let their dying be a success.
    Many never become sweet; they rot even in the summer. Cowardice holds them fast to their branches.
    Far too many live, and far too long do they hang on their branches. If only a storm would come and shake all that is rotten and worm-eaten from the tree!
    If only there were preachers of quick death! They would be the right storms and shakers of the trees of life! But I hear only the slow death preached, and patience with all that is "earthly."
    Ah! you preach patience with what is earthly? It is the earthly that has too much patience with you, you blasphemers!
    Too early died that Hebrew whom the preachers of slow death honor: and it is a calamity to many that he died too early.
    As yet he knew only tears, and the melancholy of the Hebrews, and hatred of the good and just- the Hebrew Jesus: then he was seized with longing for death.
    If only he had remained in the wilderness, far from the good the just! Perhaps then he would have learned to live and love the earth- and laughter also!
    Believe me, my brothers! He died too early; he himself would have recanted his doctrine had he reached my age! He was noble enough to recant!
    But he was still immature. The youth loves immaturely, and he also hates immaturely both man and earth. His soul and the wings of his spirit are still confined and awkward.
    But in man there is more of the child than in the youth, and less melancholy: he better understands life and death.
    Free for death, and free in death; a sacred Nosayer, when there is no longer time for Yes: thus he understands death and life.
    That your dying be no reproach to man and the earth, my friends: that I ask of the honey of your soul.
    In your dying, your spirit and your virtue shall still shine like an sunset around the earth: otherwise your dying has gone badly.
    Thus I will die myself, that you, my friends, may love the earth more for my sake; and earth will I again become, to have rest in her that bore me.
    I like best of all to see you, my friends, throw the golden ball! And so I tarry a little while on the earth- pardon me for it!

    But of coarse you understand all this wihtout any drugs in your system.
  12. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003

    Attached Files:

  13. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    adj : affectedly genteel
    1 person likes this.
  14. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    Other than the fact that you hate me with passion ( feelings are mutual )... remember DP, tell me why the fuck you are so aginst my "ignore" suggestion.
    Or you are just one of those who have this forum as everything in their miserable lifes.

    Take life Brad.
  15. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    @ron: try to use the following....

    go to RG's public profile. there should be an option "ignore user blahblahblah" below the user avatar, at the right side. Work from there...

    Worked with you....

    1 person likes this.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
  17. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Do you think Archie Bunker was Carol O'conner? he wasn't. Mr O'conner was NOT like Archie.*
    Biles isn't Brad and isn't like him.
    No, really.

    Let's get a couple things straight:
    I don't hate you. I don't even dislike you. I LIKE YOU.
    You are softspoken and polite and seem a good father to your offspring.
    Your opinions are well thought, you have picked up a certain amount of zen.
    I think Biles rankles you.
    I am not against your ignore suggestion. I wish I could ignore a few here also. A note: I won't ignore you. I like your posts.
    I will make the following promise to you:
    I will refrain from directly insulting you and will try to NOT indirectly insult you.
    I AM SORRY I HAVE PISSED YOU OFF such that you seem to have shed the grace you wear like a mantle.

    Don't lose your cool!

    You are one of the people here I consider worthy.

    From Brad

    *Archie meets his daughter's boyfriend
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2007
  18. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    biles is broz
  19. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    OH GOD NO!
  20. RolandGarros

    RolandGarros Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2003

    Attached Files: