Please explain ... (rant inside)

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Red Ant, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    why is letez still not banned from this game? He repeatedly self-kills and openly admits that he does this solely to deny you the kill. I know the admins are generally pretty damned liberal, and one pretty much has to burn down a village, slaughter the men, rape the women and sell the children into slavery to get banned here, but seriously now ... the attitude displayed by letez is the most openly disrespectful I have yet witnessed in an online game. Take the following case: letez chases possum, sprays a lot ... 30 mm tracers all over the place ... I come up from behind and put a few 20 mm and 12 mm in an unsuspecting letez. Letez breaks immediately and starts running. Not in the direction of the next gold field, mind you ... that would be too far and he'd never make it. He runs straight into the red acks of F1 ... and he doesn't even pretend to attack a ground target, he just pulls up over F1 and gets pulverized by our acks.

    I asked him WTF he thinks he's doing, why self-kill? And he goes

    Strangely, letez did not find that applying liberal amounts of 30 mm rounds to my low and slow P-38 at F4 while a 190 was also having a go at me was too easy. Confronted with this fact, letez replies: "if you want kill me - make PK".

    For Pete's sake, why is this considered tolerable behavior by the admins? To deny players of their kills solely to frustrate them, based on his own personal judgement that killing him was somehow "too easy" and you therefore do not deserve to get a kill ...

    Oh yeah, one last word to Roland + ghandi: If you would kindly like to enrich this thread with one of your infinitely resourceful comments, please by all means feel free to keep it to yourself.
  2. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Check Republic
    It's not only about letez, f.e. orosco or most of turks made it too ...
    why are not they banned? Saw you somebody of admins in last half of year here? :rolleyes:
    I have 2 tracks where orosco and zeybek made selfkills 3 times in one my sortie. And? ...

    Selfkiller thinks that his penis will be longer with every next selfkill, but f.e. Letez made more selfkills than he wanted at the beginning, his penis is too long for women/men/animals now so he is logically frustrated. And that's the reason why he makes new and new selfkills. I think that i see Letez's long penis in Czech rep. "in natura" soon, because his brain is totally without blood- all blood is in his big cock now and player without brain makes selfkills ... never ending story :shuffle:

    btw: ReadAnt: if i'll see Letez's cock in my country, i'll give echo to you, you are too close :D
  3. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    lol, images hack

    this comes up on 2nd page of google image search "letez"

  4. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    This game is Fuckin unbelievable. Few min ago i heard something i never heard before. Some reds became "FAGS" because they capped F30. Now is not good capping near fields because bunch of quakers want to furball!
    Dave said that to guys who play for reds this whole tod, and he was gold himself only few hours ago. So,what is the deal here ? :mad:

    p.s. I remember one great mind who was flying for golds,saw letez going to cap some field in ju-52,he switched to red side,took off and killed that bastard. Next time i see him selfkilling, i'll go myself to gold side,attach and
    tell his position on channel 100. Fuck him.
  5. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Check Republic
    it was because this map is fucking bad and all wanted reset...
  6. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    I think he was joking, demian.
  7. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    my motto from now on
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Yes redant I must concur, perfectly good threads have been ruined by Gandhi and Roland. Roland is not so bad..he's just a little quick to speak..Gandhi seems to think his avatar is cool, or that anyone here would find it amusing even..

    Uhh anyway...there's not much you can do against self killing...I a have done so myself on occasion..when I was convinced that the only way someone could have known where I was was by doing the old "switch sides, .attach to someone, exit, come back, switch sides and then return to destroy the aircraft in question.." But that doesn't seem to be the case for you and letez...there's never gonna be a solution for people running to acks to get killed to deny an opposing player a kill. it's this kind of stuff that makes you focus on bombing missions and stuff..any dogfights can end in a player self bombing or suiciding into the acks, etc..

    ADMINS: IT HAS BEEN SAID BEFORE: 30mm is too strong. :director: :help:

    I have hit a ju52 from d6-d7 with RED P-39 3x37mm and the only damage was 1 engine killed. 1 gold 30mm destroys entire wing of b24 or b17. 1 gold 30mm is more powerful than 3 red 37mm. it's bullshit.

    oh fatale are you drinking the same booze as mcloud these days? you have the same brain disease? what is all this talk about cocks? And where did you get that picture of exec for your avatar?

  9. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    The circumstances under which a kill is a kill should be the same for everyone. In WWII these criteria were quite strict. Here they are too.

    There's no reason for any one player, to try and make the game follow his own rules. Contrary, he should follow the game's rules.

    If letezz judges he should only be killed by a pk, rather than also f.ex. when he ditches in enemy territory... he should see consequences of that.

    In the end, what he does, is a more and more common form of entertainment for the low; it's griefplay.

  10. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    Sad to say: Letez is Russian. So are the Admins. Thus, no action will be taken, as has happened for the last years. But shhh, some of us were banned for saying it too loud...
  11. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Protest with your feet: I stopped flying this joke a long while back.
    There are a lot of excellent programs out there for the cheap, with good multiplayer communities.
  12. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Well name a few and help take us out of this misery!
  13. Tzebra

    Tzebra Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    It really depends on what you like. A small few are:
    Orbiter (not multi but hours of fun)
    ArmA (many hacks, but a lot of updates, and banning of idiots is rapid; admins are starting to share ban list now, which is aiding in the thinning out of the idiot herd at a rapid pace)
    EVE Online (Very excellent)
    IEN WB / AH
    Falcon 4 / OF / AF (excellent multi community)

    Again this is a small few. It does not take any great skill to find better, simply walk into any bathroom and look at the toliet-paper roll; that's better than FH any day of the week and more useful! :cheers:
  14. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Re: lol, images hack

  15. deadmeat

    deadmeat Banned

    Nov 11, 2006
    Bermuda Triangle
    I have mentioned in an other thread (wont check it back, aint gonna piss myself on some dead bored losers like those mentioned by Ant too) the worst thing in this, as Kurt Cobain had sang a while back: "I feel stupid and contagious". Stupidity is contagious, one idiot creates a hundred. As losers see selfkilling is the only way to piss off better pilots, they will do to have some false victory on him and feel to be the winner a bit.

    Just came from another thread which was discussing on Pandora's Box - well, this is a perfect example for a Pandora's Box.

    And finally, here goes some well known scenes of our newest movie. No further comments are neccessary I guess. These guys are not doing it only on purpose, they fucking enjoy it. They dont feel guilty at all. Why they should, when they dont have to expect any punishment? This is chaos, total anarchy, monkeys out of the zoo without their keeper.

    (In case of their squaddies try to harass me I'll screenshot them all and post them here as well, cuz usually when one of them is caught upon something the others try to defend him, no matter what he did - as I said, Pandora's Box, which should be stopped at least now if it's not too late at all)


  16. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    well you can't teach a monkey to eat with knife and fork...
    well actually you can, but unfortunately we're not dealing with monkeys here...
  17. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Check Republic
  18. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    I got the exact same comment. :p
  19. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    damn, I think I might have made mine too elaborate, and hard to understand
    I didn't get bad rep for it :/
  20. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    I can give you some if you ask nicely for it