Here is the fool spy

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем allpay, 21 мар 2008.

  1. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    who is demian as when in WB?
  2. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    18 фев 2003
    funny or not, im just humble being
    you know
    like a... fly
    so think of me like i was the fly
    and you know what flies do? theyre always flyin around crap
  3. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    18 фев 2003
    lets sumamrize:
    fly straight
    lightly armed planes

    give the man a chance for fucks sake!
  4. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    3 окт 2004
    Check Republic
    I tried it today, I was alone in hated (by me) La5, flew straight almost all time and i had 12 kills in 4 sorties, dunno what's wrong :dunno:

    I'll try selfkill before I'll start my plane's engine next time, it will be enough for Demian I hope. And if not, I'll install tetris, I don't want to be bad for anyone :(
    Последнее редактирование: 23 мар 2008
  5. bot

    bot Well-Known Member

    29 фев 2008
    Bunktown MO
    Is a 4 vs 1 right or wrong in your mind? (and i don't mean 2vs1 with 2 for high cover.....i mean all 4 invloved in killing a con.)

    Seems tatically wrong for a squad of to commit the entire group to the same enemy plane but in FH you can get away with it as long as you are within arms reach of your acks and some squads make a living doing just that, (vcaf/302). FH has this odd gang/group/squad mentality, all feel justified as long as they see somone else do selfkilling etc....are we all sheep? Hell there is even a gang mentality in this forum, and don't even try to deny it.

    I think voleg is wrong for what he does and I don't respect his flying(constant hos) but don't over look the everyday "tactics" that squads employ, they are equally damaging to the play in the arena. So I agree with demian in that turks cheating as revenge is just as bad as the original cheat, so they ought to take the high ground next time and just report it.
  6. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    3 окт 2004
    Check Republic
    It's wrong of course because somebody MUST be higher, watching around and be ready for help if needed. I think that this is normal in VCAF. Yes, sometimes are emotion strong but it's not so often :)
  7. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    18 фев 2003
    you mean you are so annoyed that acks wont let you freely vulch just anyone you can meet over enemy airfield on lowest alt? :D

    how about fighting someone with some energy, on tougher position?
    naaah, thats boring right? they "run", they "vulch" you then instead right?
    and never fight as knights would fight
    i.e. turn with faster but heavier planes with you just beacause you took lighter plane and you WANT them to play as YOU would like

    and they never fight 1/1 eh? always gangbanging?
    so what it is tactically correct to eliminate all threats as fast as possible? better whine about it
    if all 4 of em are in the fight, nobody covers - prove them wrong, show them why should they cover and attack them from high
    dont just demand the tactic that is needles in fh reality
    create the reality and force them to imply that tactic
    not with your mouth but with your actions

    from my experience, if you attack twice times from high, third time they will wait for you high, they are too ambitious to let you harvest them like wheat
    but you have to force them to fly right tactic, otherwise theyll use tactic that works for dweebs
    Последнее редактирование: 24 мар 2008
  8. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    5 янв 2005
    swanca would bust your ass with both hands up his ass and playing with his tongue on the mouse, so quit searching for excuses and learn to fly a bit, like I'm doing nowadays ;)
  9. -varga

    -varga Member

    12 мар 2007
    He is a selfkiller!
  10. bot

    bot Well-Known Member

    29 фев 2008
    Bunktown MO
    Your missing the point, I said nothing about fighting "in" acks or forcing others to fight at a disadvantage, i'm saying people just hang in their acks and jump all over whatever shows up, I call these people bottom feeders.

    I'll be more specific, I'm talking about 4 guys flying at their field high over their own acks(gold vcaf), lets just say a p39 comes along and drops a bomb on the field then drags a few cons(co-alt) away from the acks to have a little fight...........he drags them in a direction so as not to be interuppted by other reds.........he thinks 10 miles west of the field is good enough so he turns to fight the 2 co-alt golds on his tail. The fight gets lower and lower as many do with him, and then 2 more planes show up(from the same squad) and join the fight. So now it's a 4vs1 with all 4 actively dogfighting with him and no chance of other reds to come to his aid because of the location, he surprise. He says "nice gangbang" on channel 100 and joe vcaf says something like "fuck you, you are stupid for flying alone"...... this is the gang mentality I'm talking about...................ahh yes I remember that day well................tell me what is the point of that? Do they think that scored a great victory that day??

    They did nothing noble, the entire squad that was "gaurding the base" followed a plane that had already dropped it's bomb and had long fight far away from the field they were "protecting" that doesn't make sense in any situation, they just want to kill kill kill

    My point is, there is damaging gameplay outside the realms of "cheating"

    Don't lecture me on flying spuint, I understand the theories of "virtual" dogfighting very well, advantage/disadvantage etc............. why would you bait me like that? I'm not here to disrepect anyone, you shouldn't be either.
  11. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
    That happens to me sometimes, and I hate it every time but to be honest, I think it's 100% legitimate, whether you like it or not. I suppose the only solution is to have a wingman yourself (I rarely, if ever, do so I usually pay with my virtual life).
    1 человеку нравится это.
  12. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    18 фев 2003
    relax bot, im not here to offend anyone, well... maybe except those who ask for it :D
    and i know i may sound arrogant, sometimes in purpose, but believe it or not im not trying to play the guy who knows everything best (its obvious anyway i do :D)
    nah, really, im just giving my opinion and its up to you if you consider it or not
    its just that i heard those words from you in arena, taunting those who have no choice but keeping advantage, bnzooming in heavier planes, or finishing opponents as fast as possible with numerous advantage
    it may be boring, frustrating, not sporty, but it is natural in main arena where keeping aerial superiority is key to everything
    im pretty sure you would agree on this with me
    thats why whining is the most annoying thing i see on arena, not dweebery, not jackals, but whining and ppl who tell you how you should play

    about this situation you described
    when i go attack enemy field, accept fight with some opponents and then die when more oppoents jump in i only blame myself
    because it wasnt tactically correct or sensible
    if you blame those two high cons who jumped in later, in my opinion you are wrong
    if those two who you fought in the first place wasted too much time on you, that might mean you were too big threat
    so it could be good decision to help two squad mates struggling with you, not only saving them, but saving more time to prepare for more enemies
    everything varies on situation in arena and tactics should be applied to this situation

    i know arena is full of dweebery, its annoying
    but i dont blame them if their tacting is working, im trying to be smarter and show them their tactic (it may be stupid, but its still a tactic) is wrong, with better or worse result
  13. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Hey bot, need some cheese?
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
  14. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  15. bot

    bot Well-Known Member

    29 фев 2008
    Bunktown MO
    what's with this guy?

    Are all your posts just bunkum, pathetic, junior-high insults?

    Why don't you put some thought into your comments and agree/disagree instead of mindlessly trying to piss off the other members of the community...........
  16. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    1 дек 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Re: what's with this guy?

    You're doing a good job yourself without my help. [​IMG]