Global warming sectarians, welcome to a thematic symposium

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Vadim Maksimenko, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    to Ekaterinburg. I hope you all die there and the world really becomes cleaner.
  2. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    Apart from the obvious flame rant, you perfectly well know that the info you provided is completely useless.

    There is a temperature of -2*C in my city right now.
    From this info, can you tell what it was last year at this time? Last decade?
    Is it getting colder? Or warmer? Is the change significant?
    Didn't think so.

    If you post a rant at least use enough curse words so we know it's just your frustration talking. Don't try to make it factual and spend 1 minute posting it.
  3. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    If the temperature drops below -30°C, it's time to turn on the heating.

  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    needs more anti-freeze.
  5. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2009
  6. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    It is not a flame rant. It is an kind advice: if you have problems with climate changes in your country, kill your country's economy ;) Period.

    And, by the way, Poland is nearly the only country in Europe that ends this year with positive balance. It should be attacked as Iraq as the fastest growing CO2 producer in Europe! :) Why not? -- As you say, all means will do ;)

    I hope, the allmighty people didn't explode all supernovas in the universe.

    Single volcano eruption produces the emission equivalent to 3 years of human civilization activity. Now see that:
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2009
  7. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    You see? Already better :)
    Still not squirl level, but will do I guess ;)
  8. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    "-90 - time for hockey champ!"/ol'joke/
  9. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    too cold for ping-pong, exec :shuffle:
  10. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006

    Yes, Al Gore is an idiot. I think he means well, but he is being led down the path that his handlers have made for him as all politicians are.

    Global warming is a reality and it would be nice if Humanity does something in terms of conserving resources.
    Certainly those special interest corporations and "owl worshipers" are going to play-up this situation to their benefit to consolidate more money and power.

    However the reality is that it is more than just global warming.

    It is Solar System Warming. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, the Sun, the earth are all rising in temperature.

    It's part of a temperature cycle. Ice Ages come and go.

    The solution is NOT buying and selling "green house gas credits".

    Humanity is screwing-up the environment and most likely we will pollute and poison ourselves before we do some "permanent" damage to the planet.

    The ice caps will melt, the oceans will rise and things will be just like they were maybe 10,000 maybe 24,000 years ago.

    Start buying that beach-front property now!!!

  11. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Vadim, how sure are you that the proponents of the man-made-climate-change theory are wrong? Sure enough to bet your life on it? Or that of everybody else, for that matter?
  12. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    A scenario: Country A is very rich and has a huge economy, causing lots of pollution. Country B is rather poor and has not much of an economy. The pollution created by country A contributes to global climate change that adversely affects the living conditions in country B. The people of country B are alarmed!

    Killing the economy of country B would help to remedy this situation exactly HOW?
  13. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Fewer complaints......
  14. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Dear Red Ant, climate changes do occur, but we, the people, can do nothing about it. Just things happen: the sun rises, the night comes, the Earth rotates.

    The Earth warming is a direct consequence of rising Sun activity, nothing more. And with a lag of 600-700 years CO2 part in the atmosphere is rising BECAUSE of warming, not otherwise.

    If you want to reduce CO2 concentration, you should cool down the Sun ;) There is absolutely no other way. And if you manage to cool down the Sun, you may enjoy the results only 600-700 years later.

    This is the law of nature, not religious anti-CO2 gibberish :)

    Very Short Conclusion

    1. Correlation between CO2 and global temperatures is clear – but only in some part of the world's climatic history – and the attribution of "cause and effect" was done backwards: temperatures seem to drive CO2 levels, and not the opposite as the IPCC and the "warmers" claim.

    2. Correlation between solar cycles and temperatures on Earth have been proved beyond any doubt.

    3. The trend toward warming is driven by another cause, and not by atmospheric CO2 levels, since carbon dioxide levels rose uniformely during 30 years between the years 1947-1977, mean global temperatures went their own course, totally ignoring carbon dioxide levels.

    4. All this nonsense of man-made global warming through CO2 emissions are based in a huge amount of unknowns, ambiguities and uncertainties found in the so called General Circulation Models (GCM), an issue too well known as to be treated here. However, if you have an inquiring mind, or still have some doubts about their validity and usefulness, please read the excellent scientific paper by Dr. Willie Soon, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood W. Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondriatev, and Eric Postmentier, “Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: unknowns and uncertainties,”.
  15. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Sorry, Red Ant, but pollution produces pollution. It DOES! NOT! AFFECT! CLIMATE! IN! ANY! WAY! :)

    If you don't like pollutuion, fight pollution, but do not call women witches because they have pussies or cannot be drowned in the river. Isn't correlated ;)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2009
  16. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    I suspect it is so, but personally I'm not willing to bet on this one, because if we're wrong it may very well mean that we've put the survival of the human race in doubt.
    There are an awful lot of supposedly smart scientists who are very adamant about man-made climate change being a very real threat to our long-term survival, just as there are many who say it's all a bunch of crock.

    I dare say that neither I nor you have enough of a clue to say with absolute certainty who's right and who's wrong. We just listen to / read their arguments and then go with what seems the most reasonable to our laymen brains.
    Do you understand that if the worriers are right and we do nothing about it, we go extinct? Maybe, just maybe, in this particular case, it's better to do the safe thing and act quickly ... just in case?
  17. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    I think we are subject to climate change.
    Couple hundred million years ago there was a big fuckin string of volcanoes that roared for a million years CONTINUOUSLY, what I mean is there were constant eruptions over time span of million years when ever day there was magma being tossed up. NOT GOOD FOR LIFE. No kidding. There are rocks in Siberia or someplace that are old volcano activity and is evidence of it being a long drawn process, it was a pimple only it was bursting magma instead of lymph... not hundreds or thousands of years of it, but millions of years this went on.

    Before that period of time, the time of fire and acid, there was some other period, a sweet time, full of life. Vast forests and waters, plains, lakes. LIFE EVERYWHERE. This is around the time of the end of dinosaurs and how they were breeding other forms of crawlers on the planet.
    Then came and happened a big, million year long magma pimple. Actually, it was a whole bunch of pimples, like a pox.
    Where there was a lot of life on this plant and around a couple hundred million years ago, most life died around the time of the fire... The record is in the rocs. It is some of the stuff we take out of the rocks and we burn that stuff. Coal and oil and other black carbon based chemicals. Biochemicals.
    Those layers of goo that are under us, seething in slow motion over billions of years.....
    AND TO
    The sun and His moods.

    Yep. Climate change is reality. Yep. But the salesmen selling the theories to us, their schemes and ideas, their arrogance thinking they can plan on scales so vast as to make us like one celled animals, a multitude of points.

    I went nice and close to death and then after, when becoming alive again, I came to realize that all of us are being The being. I am no busier and no more important than a cell moving from one place to another to do something, to eat, to reproduce, to laugh. I am just as important. I am it, it is me. We are life. This globe is a being.
    And we dodge it's pimples and we move about like cells tending a host.
    You with a microscope cannot fathom the joys of the cell examined beneath you, moving about minding it's business, living and eating and reproducing and dieing before your eyes, in minutes.
    You discount it, consider it of no individual importance or of little importance as an individual life, at least.
    You eat organisms, ending their lives. You make war against them and hope to eliminate them [diphtheria, yellow fever polio]. If we can eliminate organisms, if we can make them extinct over a period of time measured in years....
    Years is an awful long time if you were considering time in the same scale from the viewpoint of a one celled animal. It only lives for a small period of time before spawning/ending.
    Do you consider the extinct microorganism?
    We got things happening around us and we don't ken even a bit of it.
    We are insignificant and we cannot fathom the work of the cosmos, not on any scale that means anything in The Grand Scheme. humans? Where were they 250 million years ago? Where were humans 10 million years ago?
    Where is the record?
    We are temporal and temporary, a flash, each of us, in darkness.


    Vonnegut called us yeast.

    Lalalala life goes on

    Another story for someone else to make up:
    Recent Ice Ages, only a few thousands of years ago. Hardly a significant space in time when talking about climate, as opposed to weather.....
    Athabaskan Ocean. When was that? Not too long ago. Humans walked around when the ice cap was so huge. Athabasca lake drained somewhere, it drained quickly and fucked up the climate for who knows how long? Anyone know? Lack Athabasca is accepted as fact. It was ice before it was water, due to a cold spell. That is called an Ice Age.
    The event of it warming up thawing, turning into a big lake and then draining into the arctic or the Atlantic or Pacific isn't recorded by us but are pointed to by the record in the rocks. It did happen. Go for a walk and look for waterways that are dry now, they are fuckin everywhere on earth.
    And the frigid waters in the huge lake Athabasca drained, in a torrent, to cool the world's oceans. Etc etc etc. Oh, Caspian, black and the plains above them. That was a big fuckin ice caps and the also had to melt and flow at the end of the last ice age.....
    It wasn't too long ago. All the animals and plants we see now, we saw then, when we were hunters and gathers.
    Al Gore will mean as little in the scheme of things as the little one celled animal threatening and gesturing and talking tough to an elephant.
    Cedar Forests in North Africa and the area of eastern Mediterranean. It is written, not just record of rocks, humans were busy writing down shit about the forests in coastal north Africa and the middle east and up and in... there are fucking fossil trees in Arizona... Cedars and fir and hemlocks. Not just tiny hardy scrubby shit, like junipers, but forest trees.
    All Gore is a snake oil salesman. Did you know there are legit uses for snake oil? Same way there are legit uses for shitty Hollywood films and Hitler lies and coca cola marketing.

    Still dumb
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  18. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    coming from a commie musor, this should comfort everybody lol

    loved the !'s
  19. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    maybe he thinks he's william shatner, Where. Every. Word. Is. Its. Own. Sentence.

  20. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    :D LOL, my respect for Shatner has just doubled ... tripled even.