How to install Wb 2.77 on Windows Vista / Windows 7

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Red Ant, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Boa asked me to translate Badmad's German instructions for installing Wb 2.77 under Windows Vista / 7 into English, so here it is.

    NOTE: Since the original instructions were written by Badmad and I'm merely the translator, 'I', 'me' and 'my' obviously refer to him, not to me. :)

    Download wb277r3full.exe and from this location.

    First install wb277r3full.exe, then

    I've bundled up the following bug fixes / addons into one coherent all-in-one package:
    Vista / Win 7 keyboard fix
    all available cockpits (640x480 and 1024x768)
    Wbmed3 Terrain (Map)

    Available from this location

    Unzip All_in_One.rar into a directory of your choice and then copy the entire content into C:\iEntertainment Network\Warbirds\. You will be prompted for whether to overwrite any existing files. Respond with "Yes"!

    The following step is necessary to avoid a CTD (crash to desktop) when switching planes.
    Go to Control panel--->System--->Advanced System Settings and, under Performance, click Settings. Scroll all the way down and make sure the Slide open combo boxes checkbox is unticked. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking "Apply".

    Click the Go Online Symbol in FreeHost Launcher. This should bring up a small window. In that window, click
    Using Ip, which in turn brings up another window. Go to Add Ip and enter the following IP address: Confirm by clicking Ok.

    Next click Options. Under WarBirds Video Mod, switch from 2D to 3D, then press Ok.

    Double-click the WarBirds (Direct 3D) icon in your iEntertainment Network directory. This opens the Warbirds start window. Press Setup, go to Video and change your screen resolution to 1024x768 if you wish to use the HIres Cockpits. You will have to download wbart3support.exe from this location and install it if you want to use HIres Cockpits.

    Right-click the warbirds(2d) or the wbd3d icon and select Properties. Make sure the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" checkbox is ticked and select "Windows 98 / Windows ME" from the dropdown menu. Click "Apply" to confirm your changes.

    Now fill the Name and Password text edits to your heart's content. If the nick you specified isn't taken yet, you will find yourself in the Warbirds game lobby a few seconds later.

    Once there, you'll find the following arenas
    Old Wbmed Arena - this is the main arena
    Ta Old Wbmed Arena - this is the training arena

    You are now (hopefully) ready to play. Enjoy.

    NOTE: In the German original, Badmad posted his contact info and offered to assist anyone who's having trouble with these instructions.
    Icq: 382538962

    I do not know whether he speaks English, but I suspect that he probably does.

    If you find any grammar / spelling mistakes in this post, you can keep them. :D
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    ADDENDUM: In the German forum, there's a post by one guy ( ) who actually succeeded in getting Warbirds to run on Windows 7, using the instructions above, but he claims he did have to diverge from Badmad's instructions on 2 points:

    • Install location: C:\iEntertainment Network, not C:\Games\Warbirds or C:\Program files (x86)\Warbirds
    • Compatibility mode: deactivated

    He thinks that whether or not you have to use compatibility mode may depend on the configuration of your particular system (CPU, graphics processor, mainboard, etc.).

    EDIT: It has just been pointed out to me that doggun has already said the same thing on the international sub forum, in English:

    P.S. I can personally confirm that these instructions work (well, they did for me). I just flew my first WB2 sortie on Windows 7 (64). The game crashes on leaving the arena, but who cares as long as it's stable otherwise. :)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  3. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
  4. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Well done, Ant, you'll be a great brother-in-law :)
  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    excellent! :super:
    that's the way we intended: people help each other. not only few "admins" men.
  6. Badmad

    Badmad Active Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    Good Work, my english is to bad to translate!
  7. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    If we could get more of those talented folks in here it would take some work load off of you admins. :D
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    okay redant I tried to install this game again, but I have a problem, I can't extract or uncompress this "all-in-one" rar will just have to install all the cockpits manually, and the maps, and can you give a link to this win7/vista keyboard patch?

    also, with regards to step 1 and 2 of your original post, when i run the wbfull.exe program, I get a default installation directory of c:\ientertainment\warbirds. This is what I should use? or do I have to change it?

    Also I noticed that when I run the fhinstall.exe, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeHost Launcher......I must change this to c:\ientertainment network? or c:\ientertainment network\warbirds?
    still not totally sure about this directory stuff..

    redant, a present for your troubles, (go through, check off the appropriate boxes, klein or gros, things get very interesting after the hund exercise ;-D)
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  9. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
  10. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Exec already posted a link to a tool capable of unpacking .rar files (personally, I prefer 7Zip ;) -> ).

    As for the installation directories. I just used whatever default locations the installers suggested; worked fine for me.
  11. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Windows XP Pro SP3. Big deal. In the other windows I have:
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WINDOWS7 ULTIMATE 64BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IN IN IN IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I bashed away on this fucker for a coon's age.

    I have backed up the tree:
    C:\iEntertainment Network\Warbirds
    C:\Program FIles (x86)\FreeHost Launcher
    Virgin Install State.

    I am somewhat familiar with the fact MS allows apps to install shit all over the place and too, leave it lying around all over the hard drive, even AFTER uninstalling. I would like to know what I have to back-up? Oh sure, I can uninstall and re-install - I WOULD RATHER NOT!!!
    I would rather just, after wrecking the install I have, to deleted the tree structure above...
    Where the fuck are the REAL keyboard config and JOY config? And other user files that are, I KNOW, stashed away to fuck up my next attempt at a re-do.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  12. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    MCloud ,

    as Biles said use C:\iEntertainment Network\Warbirds
    C:\Program FIles (x86)\FreeHost Launcher.

    Then download this

    Go to warbirds folder on your pc , find files warbirds.exe and wbd3d.exe,
    delete them. Use 2 files from my rar link to copy into warbirds folder instead of those you just deleted. User33.dll file copy to location C:/windows/system32.
    Try to run warbirds. If you get any problem, go to warbirds folder again, find wbd3d.exe, right click on it, option " use compatibility mode for win98/me".
    Try again.
  13. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Redant, please post a link to the vista/win 7 keyboard fix, there is a 1 in 2000 chance that the fix you are talking about is different from the autopatcher thingy fix that someone else posted, and that's all I need a 1 in 2000 chance to get a different POS on my computer and the next thing ya know all my gorilla cock pictures i've been saving since win95 came out are missing.

    while you're at it could you please give links or 3 files instead of 1 rar thing please. I don't like this .RAR shit. I just like normal files. Like why is the fhinstall in a winzip format anyway? is it really necessary the file after you unzip it increase in size by 1 byte or something, big deal, lol.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  14. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Keyboard fix is in it. Vista enabled in it:

    I think rar is normal for a lot of people who don't have a fast internet. I think compressing a file and making it a zip et al means it is not an exe file on arival OR intransit. You know, like, uh, have you ever had trouble starting an exe file because you are ROOT and exe is an executable AND MS, even though they are idiots and their users are usually idiots, they click on exe files AS ROOT USER and fuck their machine up. You don't like being kept from stupid click reflex? SOrry.
    Get WinRar. Get Winzip. Winrar is better. If you want exe files, go download limewire and download some nice virii.
    [Fuck, I thought you managed to install and get it all working. I was harried and waisted by some varmint calling himself 'icanuk'.... Thought it might have been you]
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  15. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Can someone post a link to this FUCKING vista windows 7 keyboard fix???
    I tried this rar thing, very unclear if it worked at all. I copied the terrain and cockpits but I have no idea about this piece of shit keyboard fix..I didn't see any program to run regarding the keyboard fix..

    maybe one day everyone will stop fucking around and make 1 single file that actually works, so we (ie anyone in the world) can run it and be playing in a short period of time instead of going through 25 steps. It's ridiculous.

    uhh anyways, good job redant with the instructions, I appreciate the effort friom you and everybody else but I swear to God the process involved in just getting this game to work at all is pissing me off for 3 weeks.
  16. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    okay folks, I tried to play this game, and when I tried to select a plane I got some messages in blue that blah blah blah misc.bin

    I saw 3 players online


    thats what I saw about 3 weeks ago when I tried to get online, 3 players.

    I remember it used to 50 players online each time I played back in 2003-2006

    wb sux.

    bb all.
  17. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    There are some working on that automated process. In two weeks, they will stop arguing about who has the best method, agree on methods and post those in CAPS in the forums here.
    OT: I have been waiting for 7 years to make X-Plane work on a Linux... I would much rather use that flight sim than any other.

    Oh BTW, if you have win7 64, I could easily send you complete directory tree of this fucking game and some simple instructions allowing you to merge yours with the one I could provide, but you are scared I might bring on a psychotic episode, so I cannot help you. Maybe some genious here who you are NOT paranoid about will offer you a modified directory structure and you could do as I suggest? You alread HAVE a tree in your C:\ right?
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  18. boa

    boa Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Yep, he has that one. Higgns already told him to contact you , Hez, because he is having same problem as you had. Problem is , he is quitter. He tried once to fix problem while he was on-line, and left. Fuck. I hate quitters.
    I hate when someone leaves because of something like this.
    Quit because you dont like game.
    Quit because you dont like people.
    Quit because you found woman.
    Quit because you got kid.
    But for God's sake , dont quit just because you couldnt make the game to run.
    Try again. And again. And again.And again.
    Be a man, make it work , then fly one sortie just so everyone could see you flying on win-7 , then land. Exit flight, say BB on channel 100, press Quit , and never turn back. Just not like this. You cannot wait for roster to improves when every player thinks like you . First ros then I come back. I come back my ass. Some players would return when they see Mcloud on . Thats how this system works. This game is so ruined, no one normal with life would spend his free hours playing it. So people play it for other players. For fun with friends. Fuck. Im having one of my own psychotic episodes right now , cause I love this Mcloud. And now I hate him too. At the same time. Fucking quitter.
  19. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    I have had two strokes in my brain and awoke to discover the whole computer scene had changed. I had to learn to fucking read. It was easy, though. But learning to make a [poor man's] Unix wasn't easy. I HAVE HAD TWO STROKES IN FRONTAL BRAIN RIGHT AND LEFT. I made it back. Now I can play, using Win7, which is a fuckin baby OS. A baby, as in waaaaa, baby. I would tag along like a puppy and [virtual] die for that chicken shit old fart IF HE GOT THE FUCKING GAME TO WORK IN HIS WIN764
  20. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    Good ole' rudeboy, confusing as ever. %)