Useless Torps in Ju 88

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by dochiq, Apr 29, 2003.

  1. dochiq

    dochiq Well-Known Member


    what about the torpedoes in Ju 88? U can kill escorts with them, but against the cv they are useless. I just tested ist:
    The enemy cv was near F17, already without escorts. I took a Ju 88 with torps an attacked. Due to the reduced ack i could aim quite perfectly. Torps launched and they were running. There were no cons, so i could watch there way towards cv and they both hit. I saw the explosions. But there were no messages "cv capacity" etc.., speed was not reduced and after rtb there were 2 more missed torps in my score.

    So please correct this, it sucks!

  2. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    It's not the hull that takes damage, but some struts in the CV (such as acks). So if your torp hitted far from this struts they will receive no damage from the blast, therefore no damage to cv.

    Yes it sucks :(
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    there's some FE synchronysation bug. some people keep watching alone mirage DD or CA that don't allow you to harm CV.

    admins are working on it.
  4. dochiq

    dochiq Well-Known Member

    Ok, that's what I wanted to hear ;)

  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    and when those who see that ship destroy it, cv become sinkable. :dunno:
  6. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    If this is the cause of the cv bug, I hope it is fixed soon.....It may well be that the only ppl who can see the phantom ship are on the side that owns the cv.

    And god knows, they are not going to drop bombs on it.

    regards, Oz
  7. zxszxs

    zxszxs Banned

    i've been flaming about this issue for 2++ years now.
    no use.

    so relax, buddy, and imagine what yr torpedoes would do if they worked :D