bob debrief

Тема в разделе "Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions", создана пользователем tigrou, 20 ноя 2004.

  1. hardy

    hardy Well-Known Member

    25 сен 2002
    Saratov, Russia
    What kind of info we mess in briefing?
    And, you're welcome next time, of course :)
  2. -redw-

    -redw- Well-Known Member

    10 апр 2002
    i had no problems to follow the idea in the briefing - i understood my mission as ju87 pilot and the cooperation
    for me, there was some differences between briefing alt and alt described in the tactical limits and a small mistake in the tagets for the backup ju88 , but no really showstopper points

    the structure and form of the briefing was clearly arranged - this make a lot of work to create this (make tests in arena, screenshots, edit pictures, typing, ...) - i will say thx hardy :)
  3. Airwolf

    Airwolf New Member

    10 ноя 2004
    Unfortunately I was killed at first moments of fight by Kaja(pilot killed at D4 :( )

    close escort isn't good position to fight against spitfires, maybe if we have more space to fight, results will be better. But we have a lot of casualties and like a leader I'm at fault.

    after my dead Sonar was a leader, maybe he will say more.

    THX all
  4. kajacz

    kajacz New Member

    23 ноя 2004
    airwolf-it was lucky shot,i was trying to climb above ju88 and you sudenly appear in my gunsight :turret:
    but i also got PK,3X7mm :rolleyes:

    i think that ju88 escort was very poor,109 will be better choice to protect buffs i think,but 110s did their work very vell,because spits have to attack ONLY buffs,so 110s have nice shooting range...
    WTG all and tnx for really nice fight :super:
  5. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    25 июн 2001
    Czech Republic
    Short RAF CO debrief:

    After some troubles with late arrivals of pilots + missing one S/Ldr, the RAF has rolled with 5fighters less against the plan. Frog has substituted the 79 missing leader. Squadrons reached scetors for CAP succesfully.

    Firs contact with the enemy had the 79sq. Hoewer guys were surprised by leveled 109s which they supposed should be on lower level. This point most probably stunned the 79leader who didnt react accordantly. The 109s odds (13 against 7 Hurries) have been closing fast. A i have seen tracks - instead disengage, no matter to possible alt loose and later reforing far inland - 79sq have started enage enemies. But Hurries had to turn almost 180degrees right against to 109s and lost lot of their energy. 79Sq leader have tried use dragging cons N inland, but it was too late and also less speed for. In following combat all Hurries were anihilated, two 109s were shot down.

    The 610 has follwed CAP ahead of Trueleight coast. They met the group JU88+ 110s and have started intercept bombers. Good tactical opening contributed for succesful interception of bombers. In short time except one all bobmers had been falling down in flames. Escorting fighters were too far and late for succesful defence.
    Hoewer - the 610sq made tactical mistake than. Instead of withdraw inland and reforming for next action - fighters have started engage the escorting 110s. In following combat many Spits were uselessly lost by the accurate fire of the 110s MGs. If Spits have disengaged, result of the combat would be much better.

    The 303sq was assigned for the almost hardest job in briefing. They should made close defence of the F5/F1 airbases against enemy bombers. As i supposed - the 610sq Spits would be able only breakthe fighter escort and running buffs would have to stop the waiting 303rd. But when the 610 with good luck destroyed the bombers, for 303rd there was nothing to shoot down. So they have engaged remained 110s with variable results.
    I believe the 303 will take it out in next frames.

    The battle run was interesting for me no matter there were some particular issues in communication. Pilots ability for big formation flights and team feeling are improving i thing - and thats important.

    Thx for cooperation and see you in the next frame :)