MC202 cocpit

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем gahis, 4 фев 2002.

  1. gahis

    gahis FH Sound Developer

    Wow, MC202 cocpit matches plane perfect, I must admit best in game ((alongside the pe2))

    BUT. in the la5fn, I can see an ammo counter in hi res 3d, glitch, or normal????? if someone could take a screen shot of counter, and circle it, id be happy

    Gahris out
  2. tipiss

    tipiss Well-Known Member

    Probably it's because your radio bar is over it, or the ammo counter is under it :znaika:
  3. dyer

    dyer Well-Known Member

    In the La5-FN, you have to look check at your right (num pad 9) to see your ammo counter. It took me some time to find it, but it's there.

  4. mekh--

    mekh-- Well-Known Member

    The 202 cockpit is excellent, but the compass isn't quite right. If you point it towards 0 you're actually going 345 or so by showdata
  5. --ph--

    --ph-- FH Webmaster

    Where have you get it? Have you downloaded it from the FH web site? It should be fixed there.

    Please, don't use alternative data sources.
  6. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    i got mc202 last night, and it was wrong compass still. i got it from one of the 2 mirrors at FH site.

    indeed there is a 15 degree deviation.
  7. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Gonna see Macchi 640x480 soon? pleeeeeze?