Our civilization might collapse becuase of thses guys.

Тема в разделе "Off Topic International", создана пользователем hezey, 28 май 2010.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Man some people are retards:

    Feeling Clinically Depressed?
    All worn out from your Persistent Argumentative Authority Coupled With Defiance Disorder Syndrome Pattern [part 4]?
    Difficulty coping while Chronic Narcissistic Ridgebacked Flailing Disorder?
    Bipolar with Hyperactive Tendancies and COmpulsive habitual Disorderlay CLassrom Disruption Syndrom?
    Eyes hurting from looking at this?
    Get over it, you fucking wussies.

    Never mind your fuckin sister :
    "But, Hezey, she has a Chemical Imballance" *
    Never mind your sister Part 2

    Some more

    from http://www.humanrights4all.org/pg008.html
    "...The psychiatrist has an ever-growing list of invented “mental disorders”, each with a corresponding psychiatric drug to prescribe. For a medical doctor to legally prescribe a drug, there has to be a recognised physical condition, a valid disease or illness with actual physical symptoms. But all the psychiatrist needs is his books: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classification of Diseases, Section on Mental Disorders (ICD-10). Basing his diagnoses thereon, he asserts that his drug is addressing a “chemical imbalance”, despite the consensus among many medical professionals that no scientific evidence exists to prove that “mental disorders” are “brain-based diseases” or that a chemical imbalance causes any of it...."
    IOW there is nothing in Psych Disease Paradigm medically testable, no pathology, not autopsy proofs, no biological proofs, nothing. IT IS ALL OPINIONS.
    No duplicable results, nothing but The Book as a tome pointed to with much flailing display of posture, pomp and propaganda [salemanship] to prove itself of use. Like a religious guy using his torah to prove the validity of his torah. There is a Latin term for that, help me LL....
    It is said therefore: proof... or something.


    This movement [yes, we are out here by the hundreds of millions and some of us are pissed off] is not /was not started by a Hollywood Church, it is fuckin real. Anti Psychiatry People [me too] agree with some views of that Hollywood Church:
    that does not refute or negate our arguments aginst Big Brother's Mental Health Wizards Scheming [to 'make us all better'].
    Stop repeating catchwords from NBC et al and the rest of the Propoganda / advertizing media, the BS from Drug Merchants [Eli Lilly, Squib et al]. This racket makes 11/9, Pearl Harbor, Havana Harbour, Danzig Choridor etc [ad nausioum], as if acted out by rank amateurs.

    Don't start arguing hack kneed cliche nor televised advertising slogans, I challenge you all to read the fuckin article [and the DSM-IV] and then read even more and too, look at the Psychetruth Site, some of it is wing-nut, like weight loss and stuff, but some is narly and scarey too, Brave New World/1984/Or this. [haha, just kidding there, that one with the nice girl] There is a world-wide conspiracy in plain site, it is plain to anyone with eyes to see what is happening among the MacDupes, a 6 billion member 'consumer group' [some of them may be you, most of them may be you... ask your doctor if Intelligence is right for you...].
    A conspiracy and if we don't get off our arses pretty quickly and do something about this coming New World Order we are gonna get ass-fucked in a way NO SCI FI WRITER DREAMT OF, except PK Dick maybe...

    *See my signature below.

    Oh, BTW, Who is that US Congressman who is, among other things, campaigning against Big Pharma re Psychiatric Industry and their considerable Fraud??? Come on, one of you guys loves him all to pieces, who is he? I can't remember... GOP I think... errrrr.......
    OH, Yeah, sorry, it is a guy name of Ron Paul. Fuck, if only I were a Yankee, that guy could convince me to vote for The Man instead of The Party. I like that guys views, he seems to give a fuck.
    I wish we had some like him Up In Canada, eh?
    Последнее редактирование: 28 май 2010
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
    Our civilization is going to collapse because of neuroses and people who are fucked in the head? My friend, fucked up people and neuroses are the very foundation of this civilization. :p

    I don't really know what I'm trying to say with that but it sounds profound and cool.

    P.S. I believe you're thinking of ALW?
  3. Ziomek

    Ziomek Well-Known Member

    26 янв 2004
    They make money of non existing ilnesses ,

    those ilnesses only exists in psychologists minds so they can make money.

    Greedy bastards.
  4. Impulse

    Impulse Banned

    19 май 2010
    I thought he just got a diagnosis that he disagrees with.
  5. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    You were using irony?
    I am ranting about Psychiatric Diagnostic Fraud that is worldwide, a bunch of fraudsters flailing their books and screaming the books are their proof.
    They are thriving and enriched while drugging tens [I would wager probably more like hundreds] of millions of people. Children, Elders, Mothers, Workers, anyone without enough POWER to evade their Higher Authority's control mechanisms... [Higher Authority = police, hospitallors, educators, administrators, Employers, Medical Doctors, Nato, CIA, NKVD, Pol Pot and his gang etc]. You cannot "Pass" the tests they do on you because 1) you will have to do it again every year, forver. YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE.
    and 2) You may already be addicted to one form or another of re-cooked Ephidrine, Morphine, or Coca Extract [most of the Physch drugs, about 99% or them are made from these things, with a bit of sugar or some acetic acid [so they can be sold for five more years before patent expires - hence, Methadone, Sudo-ephedrine, MDA, MDMA, SSRI, Ritolen etc. Can you say, Crystal Meth? Can you say Heroine? Oxyconton? Paxil? Effexor? Fuck near ever single day-time 'cough medicine' - is loaded with SudoEphidrine [Christal Meth minus some sort of iodine salts, easy to get back into the shit, meth labs do it all the time]. Ephidrine is also used as a base for Organophosphate Insecticides. Yep. Crystal Meth is sold by Drug COmpanies AND Pesticide Manufacturers. Nice eh? I wonder if I can go smoke some rat poison or bug spary? Sorry, but, um, yep, I could, all I need is a place to cook.
    Questionairre results are used to determine chemical imballances and what chemicals will be put into a human body. NASTY SHIT TOO. OPIATES, Amphetamines, Barbituates, Coca and a couple others I can't remember. ALl remixed again and again and sold as mirracles for the 'mentally ill.'
    The tests aren't anything but questionnaires fed into a machine [or even just asked by the shrink and he sits there looking like a fucking smarty-pants] and, like Florida Voting, those results are bogus.
    Now there are world wide measures in place and there will be further empowering of those shamans, they are in government and law enforcement and justice sytems and armed forces and schools and hospitals and CHURCHES. Yes, go to a Salvation Army Bastion, try to ask for a stay there, they have a Psychiatrist in EVERY SINGLE SALVATION ARMY BASTION and they will NOT let a person in unless he or she is questioned by a Psychiatrist or Psychiatrist Nurse. Money CHangers In The Temple. I might go do something about that if I feel like being crucified...
    Psych Fraudsters spawning BY THE THOUSANDS and increasing, lately, at an exponential rate....
    These Powerful people would place nearly everyone [except themselves and Our Great Leaders] into one category or another of /Mental disorders' There is NO escaping the DSM-V - it is already OTW, and will appear at a Medical Book Store near you very soon. You should read it. It is MUCH MUCH BIGGER than the last one and the one before, see? The DSM grows!! Amazing!
    DSM-IV [and soon 5] Is a completely and entirely subjective compilation of opinions. NO FACTS.
    Subjective. IT IS.
    That is no way to practice science, in fact, it is not science. It is faith, belief, SUBJECTIVE.
    NO, people do not collapse because of neurosis, they collapse because they head off and collapse. People always are collapsing. Sticking a label or a definition on a thing is NOT A PROOF OF THAT THING.

    I know the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist, please don't make the mistake of trifling with a Psychiatrist OR a Psychologist who answer yes when you ask:
    Do you hold to the Theory Of Biological Psychiatry?
    Instead, find a friend or get a dog. MUCH better than SSRIs.
  6. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Nope. I won't have anything to do with those guys.
    I am like the old Hindu Swami
    And that is really an obstacle, as poverty [of which I have] is a 'frequent indicator of underlying mental illness' [from DSM-IV]
    SO I have to continue to help myself, as I refuse any truck or trade with Psyche. Soon, you will run into one or more of them and you are gonna get it in your balls, sweety.
    Ever had a nice twice a week ECT party? Oooh, lots of fun after a dozen or two. Mmmmm. But you cannot get one without a prescription [unless you get in a workplace accident involving lots of voltage or your skull is fractured by a police batton], same effect, but it IS MORE SCIENTIFIC!! YES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    no, not hahahaha

    Oh, and lobotomies are a lot of fun. So is Hydrotherapy, eugenics, medically induced comma, REM-free sleep!! Restraints!!!!! Hot and cold water enemas.....
    You should try them all!
    Make some jokes too, if you have enough of a brain left to be a smart ass.:mafia:
    Последнее редактирование: 28 май 2010
  7. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    A guy named Macloud speaks on Psychiatry

    Medical Doctors [sry caps] who go on to practice Psychiatry are invariably the Lowest 10 Percent in grade averages in Medical Schools worldwide. Yep, I said worldwide. This means, like the guy in the video says, they are shitty at what they do so they take the easy way to make lots of money [isn't that why they went to university in the first place? FOR BIG MONEY...].
    No Psychiatrist is supposed to give you advice. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO and NOT ALLOWED TO.
    ALL they can do is to ask you questions listed in a questionnaire, yep. The same one everywhere. AND they write a prescription [I think there are a few flavours of them, but they all serve the same purpose]. Think not? Have you seen different? Sorry, but I beg to differ, you are wrong.
    Psychologists make their money giving advice, Psychiatrists hand you a Prescription. Again, that is all they are allowed to do.
    Just drugs and and brutal medical intervention like labotomies, ECT, constraint, enclosure in locked cells, court ordered injections [approved by the very Psych you thought you could trust...] and etc. Oh, and the Opiates, the Ephedrin based, the Coca based drugs too... which is pretty much all of the psych drugs.
    Speed, Coke and Herione.

    Yes, I am ranting, but you knew that when you came in to read this, right?
    DON'T tell me I am paranoid. I am not paranoid, I know that becuase I didn't get that result from the many many many times I was diagnosed by Psychiatrists and their pimps, Psychologists. I was told I had ADD, ADHD, OCD, Manic Deppression, Depression, Multi-something Mood Disorder, Panic Attack, anxiety, and Onset Symptoms Of A Probable Spontaneous Combustion.
    All guess, all wrong, so far from wrong and, did I say, all guesses. Never a blood test, never a biopsy, never anything science based, only poll results.
    Последнее редактирование: 28 май 2010
  8. fuckster

    fuckster Member

    16 янв 2010
    Yes, Biles, i agree with you, doctors can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
    But the opposite happened with my son, Mcloud. You know him well, he's a bit different and the doctors said, when he was 21 years old, he had this chemical hormonal condition that made him lose his mind once a month for a few days. I asked the doctor for a treatment, like drugs or something. No need, said the good doctor, your son is perfect the way he is, he might be mad for a few days every month, but otherwise he's a great person, I shall make him happy and he will make me happy. And the good doctor Thomas married my son and as a wedding present bought him a breast implant. No need to remove the dick, he said, I shall enjoy him the way Lord made him.
    You see, my son was so happy his body grew a second pair of nipples on the breast implants. Thanks God for that, because we did pray for it!
  9. thug

    thug Well-Known Member

    2 ноя 2002
    Ridgeback Flailing Disorder

    So let me get this straight. Pharm companies are evil because they make people believe they need drugs?

    Sounds like anybody selling anything to me. You need a car? Take this big one, the one that seat 9 adults and has 4 flat-screen TVs. Don't forget the GPS. Aint nothing worse than 8 bitching, back-seat drivers call you a fuckstick for getting lost. Buy the GPS. You need the GPS. Take it, you know you want it, my kids use them--takes the edge off.

    So I take it illegal drugs are okay because nobody "educated" is pushing them? Those are self-inflicted, so, okay, right? But there is a profit. A big one.

    The person who takes drugs prescribed by psychiatrist is the same person who made an appointment with a psychiatrist because they have the nerve to believe that their problems are so profoundly more difficult to handle than the rest of the world.

    Either that or they took a shit on the sidewalk, in broad daylight, singing The Itsby Bitsy Spider. This guy needs to be on meds, behind razor wire, away from my kids. Sorry, that's just how it has to be, they aren't allowed to be themselves around me.

    And Ron Paul's an asshole. Just because he has half a clue on one issue doesn't make him deserving of a public office.

    BTW your Ridgeback Flailing Disorder is catchy. Funny stuff.
  10. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    Thug is idiot.


    The person behind nickname Thug in this warbidsinternational forum

    is GREAT!

    good guy
  11. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Re: Ridgeback Flailing Disorder

    Rgr that thug. Looks like he's packing jahbulon up the ass as of late. Too bad they got to him. Now he's just another fucking conformist goof towing the Owl worshipper party line.

    WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
    SD: Worshipful Master.
    WM: Will you be off or from?
    SD: From.
    WM: From what and to what?
    SD: From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass-grip of a Master Mason.
    WM: Pass. What is that?
    SD: The pass-grip of a Master Mason.
    WM: Has it a name?
    SD: It has.
    WM: Will you give it to me?
    SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
    WM: How will you dispose of it?
    SD: Letter or syllable it.
    WM: Syllable it and begin.
    SD: You begin.
    WM: Begin you.
    SD: Tu
    WM: bal
    SD: cain
    WM: Tubalcain, my Brother, is the name of this grip.


    Ron Paul speaking at Georgetown (jesuit) University..compasses and acacia leaves all over the place of course, naturally. Yes Weishaupt was a jesuit.
    Последнее редактирование: 29 май 2010
  12. Funtom

    Funtom Well-Known Member

    27 апр 2008
    Dear Exec,
    pls ban Mcloud, do it for my health :D :D :D

    спасибо :)
  13. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    This is cool. I dreamt up a threat topic that is provoking intelligent, ironic, thoughtful and, hehe, sarcastic response, all of which I approve of heartily!!!! Each of us who speaks cannot usually have access to The Millions, and most of us don't want to be scrutinized by those millions. But communities are different, we can argue with respect. Argue is not fight. It is wonderful.
    I love the second set of nipples allegory. THAT IS GREAT. I LAUGHED SO HARD I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS.
    Mac? Well, I guess I will have to go off-topic in his next 4 star thread....
    Beware, the Ides Of March
    I must admit, the man is secure, he is satisfied with his own being, his 'self' if you will. The guy impresses me especially because he does not seem to have descended into any obvious [at least in public] state of mental-caseness. The guy is admirable in the same way a Waffen* SS trooper would be, after seeing all the shit he saw and still managing to keep his shit together [and then, later, up in the sixties, serving three terms in The Bund....AMAZING!]
    Honours to him and honours to you, thuggie!
    Thanks for the tip about the GOP guy, whatsisname.
    Maybe he would look better if he was represented by the Rhinoserous Party [or Parti Rhinocéros en Francie ]*

    *For LL
    *Thuggy: Waffen SS weren't criminals, and the ones that were were hanged when the UN caught up with them. They were tough guys doing a job and trying to get through it and they were very very good at it. [Just so you don't get the idea I was trying to insult you]
    Next time we meet, please recall my kindness and consideration toward yourself by me when you are putting on those surgical gloves. I prefer the minty lube. Thanks. I will send some, so you can keep it for me.. where do you work again? What is your home address? Oh, never mind, I can find out from CPIC.


    Последнее редактирование: 31 май 2010
  14. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Someone said Ron Paul, think it was thuggy...was he off topic at that point? we were talking about civilization collapsin cuz of "thses" guys (your words 8iles) RP is one of "them". Not as off topic as you might think. I will shut up now. I am still learnin how other peoples brains work.

    Good job everyone! (MC gives everyone a dog biscuit) positive reinforcement. Keep talking about civilization collapsin!!

    By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. - Weishaupt

    OT: Hezey if I want to go off topic I could very easily make mention of my cock. Think about it.

    Exec, pls don't ban me. Rus and Kanadians are friends. If Mcloud is banned, freehost will dissappear ;)
    Последнее редактирование: 29 май 2010
  15. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Ya just did too. Silly hillbilly!
    Sorry, this is gonna ramble. I am distracted. I am in discomfort, see?:help:
    I hurt myself early this morning during a bedtime prostate massage...:joystick:

    Mac: No problem man. Have some fun. I see a tie between owl worshipers and Psych also. World domination and all that. I don't think you were way off topic, I am just teasing you.


    There is too much subjectivity in a field purporting to be a scientific endeavor, pretending objectivity, using words many don't even know the definition for, words like 'condition,' 'syndrome,' 'disorder,' 'precondition'.....
    and You won't see too many medical diseases [if any....] in any of the [500???] numbered items and the thousands of subsections and associated subsections of subsections. That is because there is no link between brain and mind that can be found using scientific method established and encoded centuries ago and held as essential to forward movement in The Real World.
    No proof of any physical links between those four elements put together and called Psyche. Those four are themselves a dream within a dream dreamed by the spellbound dreamer. [sykee, not sike...], Psyche = thought, mind, life and soul or something like that......
    Or in an autopsy. Or a biopsy. Or a scientifically valid and duplicable conclusion. IE: There is no such thing as Mental Illness. Not in the objective world of science and those fuckers know it, that is why the DSM doesn't use the term 'Brain Disease' to classify 'mental illness'. [instructions from Lawyers - who are nessesary to further the spread of this bullshit] Instead they hedge their bets using doubletalk: Mental Disorder. They haven't found mental illness [or disorders] after biopsy or autopsy [etiology]. Chemical Imbalance is not about balancing the normal ratio of Opiates to, say, dopamine in the brain, as opiates/dopamines aren't part of a human biology, so why claim to be balancing it with something that is foreign???? If your potatoes are not cooked properly is it because the cook has a mental disorder?
    What the fuck is a chemical balance or imbalance anyway, is this double-talk perhaps? Gobbledygook? Flash and bang?; like a carnival yeller who sells something for ten bucks that isn't worth a pinch of coon shit.
    And let me clear something up before someone is stupid.... A brain injury is not a mental illness [mental illness is not defined in proper dictionaries because the editors don't know what to make of the term, again, it is in the minds of the beholders].
    There is no provable, testable and duplicable link between corpus and spiritus. And a silly fucking colour image of a brain changing colours is NOT a tangible or real thing, it is a little colour picture of some wriggly pretty colours and will, like a Rorschach image mean many things to many eyes of many dreamers. It takes a slick yeller to get that ten bucks....
    There is too much credence given to unsupported, unsupportable suppositions [no facts needed, eh?].
    Psychiatry lives in a dream created by the dreamers [some would call that 'spellbound'] and pushed on The People [also spellbound by advertising and unending propaganda and wacky-flaky popular 'science'] .
    Psychiatrists are cock-in-ass with authority they have no moral right to be anywhere near. They take turns licking the shit off the others' cocks [there you go Mac. Got the munchies now?].
    Последнее редактирование: 30 май 2010
  16. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    "...Responsibility and control are "mind" functions of the inner personality. These need to be acknowledged, encouraged, and developed through a true understanding of what these are. When they are, people are happier and society is more sane and stable. Modern psychiatry has completely erased these factors from the human equation. Their solution to everything is drugs and shock. In fact, their approach attacks the idea of personal responsibility and control as solutions. The only time you will here the terms responsibility and control out of their mouths is when it involves "responsibility to take your medication" and "controlling your urges to refuse to undergo psychiatric treatment". In fact, they have even created a "mental disease" for those people not wanting to go along with their stupid system and methods - it's called "V15.81 Noncompliance With Treatment". How convenient! And they call this "science". . .."

    The young woman in the picture in the avatar.....
    Is there anything wrong with her? How would you know. What do you know about her? What does anyone know? What is 'know.' My granny told me nobody knows anything, they only believe this or that and this or that can change as they progress and learn and change. Would you pith her? Why the fuck would you pith her? Jesus Fucking Christ Almighty! [sorry, My God]
    The young woman in the avatar?:
    Well, I don't think there is anything wrong with her. She is unique, an individual and should not be categorized and sub-categorized. Her life would have been a hell of a lot happier if she had lived in a society where women who have a cock aren't pre-judged. BY ANYONE.
    I am fucking with Mac a bit here using the work 'cock' as much as I can get away with [see how long that lasts, eh?]....
    That said, at least, in the context I am writing, a cock mentioned is On Topic.

    Princess Chris!
    Weird and she flails a bit, but she is normal [yes, I know, she is raised in the USA which is a nut-bar entity]. Hard to escape getting pegged as a nut-case and a looming danger that that person will be pithed
    Последнее редактирование: 30 май 2010
  17. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
  18. thug

    thug Well-Known Member

    2 ноя 2002
    I like rants. Well, some rants anyway. This thread is a good one.

    I know you weren't insulting, it's all good. Besides, I've been called a nazi before ...........

    The main thing you learn from dealing with people all day, especially the so-called dangerous ones, is that everyone wants the same thing. They want to be happy. Judging by your other thread, the picture one, you seem happy there in Surrey. That's good stuff.

    It takes a lot for me to feel insulted these days:

    Take jacobe for example. He's basically a monkey in the zoo throwing feces. Which is an easy fix. Just stop feeding the monkeys.
  19. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    No food? No shit.

    I am happy! Not every second, nobody is. But every day is good and I am happy every day... even raining and cold like it has been here in BC, Canada's wet coast [pun intended] for weeks and weeks, shit, no, wait.......... months.
    Weather is shitty for hobos.
  20. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Do you like the rating system for threats in this forum? Click it. Go ahead and click it. If you do that, I will forever...
    No, sry.
    Anyway, vote !!!!!
    I am not gonna flail my cock and balls from the back door view, like the young woman in the avatar. I am not a publicity whore from youtube like she is.....
    Fuck, I am glad I am not, but I like high ratings for a good thread in a BBSs...... among the few thrills I get...

    Thuggie, you make up some good threads worthy of stars too. I am still haunted by the....
    no, never mind.

    [Pork n beens n HOTHOT sausages for breakfast. Mnnnnn]

    Neglecting healthy diet advice syndrome coupled with rank, muffled, and secretly gleeful public flatulence tendencies and statistically deduced likelihood of liquid stools.
    Recommended SSRuIs and Merck branded trycycline to this patient upon failure to gain compliance with previous medication instructions. Anticipate complete control of his thoughts within 3 months
    Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo (ethinyl estradiol/norgestimate)
    Merck Duloxetine Alifacninimum (penial nostradug overranskip)

    If compliance not attained his doctor recommends section 28 housing in a controlled environment until compliance attained. This doctor is willing to testify in hopes of keeping Hezey stable and well behaved.