Scots-Irish RULE!

Тема в разделе "Off Topic International", создана пользователем hezey, 8 авг 2014.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Cape Bretten Island is the best place to be!
    There are four 'nations of people' who largely carved a country here; CANADA
    First nations [which are many nations, apologies to anyone needing an apology]
    French [they breed like rats, is that 'building a nation? According to les habitants it is]
    And the winner is:
    cots/Irish AKA
    the Kelts

  2. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Ontario, Canada
  3. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    8 янв 2010
    British Columbia, Canada
    Interesting but the author assumes some things and you know what assuming does.
    My excellent knowledge of everything isn't so excellent, but here is some of what I remember from my reading in days past [not TV]
    The English channel and the Heligoland and uh Jutland [Juteland] wasn't a big bad old ocean water back then, it was low lying land and marshes Netherlands sits on what was once a prairie. Oh, I cannot recall if it was 6 thousand years or 10, but there was a time and not long ago, geologically, that England wasn't an island. It was around the time the Mediterranean was dry land, ahem.
    It is now known that the aria called the lower Rhine was high and dry and then slowly began turning mushy and there was an exodus from those places, and it was nasty.
    Yes, people from what is now Spain or Portugal emigrated, but too, so did other distinct groups of people, Jutes and Northmen and there is a Turkic genome group found in the British isles. There were Neolithic man who sailed in little boats that had no keel. Oh a load of invasions happen over millennia in what is now the group of [now] islands called Britain.
    Bagpipes in Normandy, or uh, Brittany in France too. And a few other cultures love them, oh, they won't be all of them exactly the same, each culture has their own musical tastes. Uh, and before the bagpipes, there were various was of forcing air through too. Even foot powered bellows, so a piper wouldn't be able to make music unless he had a helper. The bag was a innovation allowed a piper to march while playing. Oh, I bet there were lots of methods to force air through the pipes.
    Последнее редактирование: 12 авг 2014
  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    11 янв 2006