Ну чего там в Европах

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mcgru-, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. sharky

    sharky Well-Known Member

    Гиена европы.
    mcgru- likes this.
  2. sharky

    sharky Well-Known Member

    Ну поэтому и подорвали, чтобы даже возможности не было. США каннибалит Европу в лучших традициях неоколониализма.
    mcgru- and Flk like this.
  3. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Of course Russia did it.
    To save Gazprom.
    Gazprom would be facing huge contractual penalties, for its failure to deliver the agreed volumes of gas.
    It could not deliver these amounts, because your beloved Putler declared an economic war on the European Union, and "shut the valve".
    Now Gazprom can play the "force majeure" card.

    I guess it was cheaper for them to blow those pipes, than to face tens of millions of Euros contractual penalties (per day!)

    But I do believe this calculation to be short-sighted anyway.
    You will be forced to pay enormous war compensations after you loose that war.
    So several billions of Euros of contractual penalties Gazprom thus avoided are just pennies.
    vasco likes this.
  4. sharky

    sharky Well-Known Member

    Только США и Польше выгодны аварии на СП-1 и СП-2. Для Газпрома взрывы на обеих ветках не нужны, потому что есть более доступный способ перекрыть поставку - просто закручиванием вентиля. А во вторых это дает Германии повод соскочить с договора "бери или плати" по форс-мажору. Так что и ежу понятно кому выгодно. Но для польских куколдов нет выбора, кого назначат, тот и виноват.

    P.S. не радуйся, США и твои трубы подорвет, потому что поляки должны сосать с проглотом у заокеанского сюзерена. Европа - очередная колония которую будут доить досуха.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
    mamali, mcgru-, Siddha and 1 other person like this.
  5. soomnvR

    soomnvR Well-Known Member

    Ты уже покинул колонию и отправился Родину спасать?
    Или - всё те же отговорки?;)
  6. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Why are you still living in EU, instead of pig paradise (ruZZIa)?
    You are being assfucked by the USA by doing so!
    Protect your asshole, get back to ruZZia ASAP!

    Poland does not benefit from accidents at NS-1 or NS-2 - it was never a party thereto.
    And all traces lead to ruZZia - if it were terrorists/USA/Poland/gremlins to be held responsible for these explosions they'd blew the unused, brand new, and more valuable NS-2 in the first place. Whoever blew it, blew NS-1 completely, leaving 1 line of NS-2 untouched.
    Let's see - who would profit from that?
    Well Gazprom would.
    It wouldn't have to pay the contractual penalties for NS-1, and it would have one line of NS-2 opened (with the throughput of both lines of NS-1)... if someone would believe your fucking conspiracy. But I guess even Germany is not that stupid. Not anymore.
  7. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    He benefits both worlds: a good life in the EU, while having a good russian stance as an "enemy of the West".
    I think they're all like that, Archer too and another guy, I forgot his name.
    Sharky's posts are especially disgusting.
  8. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    о, пшек сразу на личности)
    ну так и ему тем же по хлебалу тогда)
  9. Charge

    Charge Well-Known Member

    Ты уже забыл, как яблоки и клубнику закапывали пшеки? И это не было большой проблемой, ну подумаешь, кредиты не отдали, урожай не снят. Труд который туда вложен пропал зря, ну ок. Если вы такие, будете учиться на своих ошибках и повторно бегать по граблям. Если ума нет. А его как раз и не видно.
    -Shai- and Siddha like this.
  10. Siddha

    Siddha Well-Known Member

  11. Archer

    Archer Administrator Staff Member

  12. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    ой чо это с ним, болеет?
  13. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    кажется немцы начали что-то подозревать?
  14. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    теперь ни одна америкосовская посудина через Босфор не пройдёт :)
    правда, болгарские, румынские и руинские посудины ещё остаются...
  15. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Flk and mcgru- like this.
  16. Relict

    Relict Well-Known Member

    Путин коварен весь :)
    mcgru- likes this.
  17. soomnvR

    soomnvR Well-Known Member

  18. Relict

    Relict Well-Known Member

  19. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    mamali and Siddha like this.
  20. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    Не Банкиста :@popcorn: