Concept of Schwerpunkt applied in [some] games/gaming

Тема в разделе "Off Topic International", создана пользователем hezey, 2 ноя 2015.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I am a Ingress Fanatic. I am going nuts enjoying it. It is perfectly made for me. Never mind, I won't describe the game, you can find out all about it, wiki etc.

    I am applying the concept of Schwerpunkt in this game.
    In many games, that concept is hard to turn into action. It remains theory. In INgress Game the rules about war, as seen by strategists in Prussia, in the 19th century, which were coded as a thing called Schwerpunkt, are wonderfully applcable to the game Ingress.

    I am in forums with other 'gamers.' And most of them play Ingress [well, I am in forums ABOUT INgress, so it is reasonable]...
    NOT one person I have used the compound word Schwerpunkt has ever heard of it, or for that matter, what the Yanks call Focus and Point in their strategy planning.
    THAT IS Schwerpukt Spear and Point.

    ANYWAY, I am using Schwerpunkt stratgey in my game play and I AM FUCKING AWESOME and it is si simple, such a simple thing. NOT easy, no.
    Schwerpunkt concept is simple.

    [Is the picture here, in the text or below, wait, I try]


    IN the picture are, four Schwerpunkten. WHo made those?
    I did.
    They are linked by lines, they are green, see them? Never mind the lines that connect them, although that is part of the play of the game. What I am showing you, are the four Jumping-Off Points that I like to use, in my town, when I am playing. Each of those four are, schweren
    Where is the punkt or the punkten [sorry German prefixes suffixes and that sorts of thing, but you get it, right?]
    punkt is the target, or [yanks call it] a focus. It is not visible and shouldn't, your enemy should NOT know your goals, but they can sure as hell see your base, they know you HAVE potential. but do NOT know how much, or where it is to be directed.
    YES, I said Schwerpunkt was simple, that doesn't mean it is easy or will not evolve into more complex stragey, but then, planners apply schwerpunkt to those changes and simplify them, according to commanders in the field, they are told a goal to meet and not ordered how to get there or what to do, they are COMMANDERS and already know what to do, but need orders so they can properly apply force once they HAVE A PLAN. Never mind, may books are writ about it. It is liquid, it is malleable, it changes according to events later [no plan survives contact with the enemy]

    Military Strategy is a lot of that to make things into a plan, or on a higher level, a doctrine.
    Like, here is one from Stun Tsu: Never attack strength. THAT is doctrine
    Hit your enemy where he ain't [same thing but that is how the yanks say it] [Jackson]
    An enemy on the march is no threat if he is marching to the wrong place. [Bonaparte]
    Applying a sledghammer to swat a flie is JUST WRONG [okay, I made that up]
    ANYWAY, I am fucking awsome in Ingress Play, for all sorts of reasons, most important of them is time to play, I have LOTS of time.
    Последнее редактирование: 2 ноя 2015
  2. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I am NOT the only green player here, BUT I am THE guy in the area near that green C, and I AM the only green player right inside the down-town part of this tiny tiny city [it is, really a town, but called a city because it has it's own engineering department, and stuff, for taxes... only 30, 000 here.
    SO, yes, I rule in town.
    Opposition players get infuriated wondering why they are depleted of their strength here, it is because I am on the ball, and gone out to fix things five minutes [maybe ten] after the opposition has gotten tired, and driven away [lazy fat bastards, Americans are].
    They get home, switch from their android to the strategy map they have at home and go, WHOA, what the fuck?
    They do not understand what Interior Lines means.
    So, this begs the question, what sort of education do American get in school?
    I am American, but NOT a USA-ian I am Canadian, but we also expect magical hamburgers to drop into our TOO-BIG cars

    GET OUT OF THAT CAR, and you might be able to beat me in this game.Oh, uh, if you were born here and know where the river is, and those gullies and ravines and ditches.............

    I am almost a 'level 11'
    Active players above level 10 are apprximatley 2% of players.
    Uh, what does that mean? It means, when I come out to play, things change near me. It sounds cool in earphones, but I am out-and-about and I don't like headphones when outdoors [they are tools for people who want to test Charles Darwin's theories].

    Uh, in this game, the mighty get it in the teeth too. JUST LIKE REAL LIFE.

    I am mighty now, as a player.
    See the picture? Before I started play six months ago, that area was blue, all blue. It is thought to be 'the way things are around these parts' I thought, hey, I can change that status quo.......
    And I have.
    See the map now? See some blue? Yes, there is some. Opponents get badly damaged when they take me on, as a player, and they then have to recharge, that is why the map is NOT covered in blue, because the local opposition is exhausted. Now they are regaining strength. How many gang up on me?
    Why don't they just stomp me?
    Because I realize a map is NOT a flat surface made of paper, it is, actually, a depiction of EARTH, with ravines, canyons, mud, swamps. highways, rivers....... one way roads, fences.
    I know how to read a map, I know how to judge terrain. I know how to use terrain in a battle. A pretend battle, I am sure I would have a nervous breakdown in a REAL BATTLE. Or a heart attack.
    This game is played by GOING OUTSIDE.
    This town is on three sides of compass surround by a muddy hill, riddled with ravines, gullies and treacherous terrain, not fit for auto-mobiles, but fine for infantry.
    Canadians are lazy, just like Yanks they expect a hamburger to come out of a slot for them, so they don't have to get their bellies out of their cars.
    7 Army, moved into Stalingrad with Mech Inf and Mech Vehicles. They made a fatl mistake. In my town are terrain VERY VERY similar to Stalingrad, any of you know about that fight?
    I call this town, Stalingradville [it is called Langley]
    Opposing players drive in, then drive out. IF they dismount, tey are incompetant as infantry. I am infantry, in an urban environment. IF you know ANYTHING about tactics and strategy you know that mech is NO GOOD in a city.
    See the map? I am in lower left of that C shaped thing. ALL roads radiate OUT from me. THAT is interior lines. Opponents do NOT [they call me cheat] understand how a man on foot can defend his [mine] chosen area. I am in Stallingradville. the good roads lead to me, the shitty roads are for the opposition and mostly lead into the fortress, but not around, exept for that ring road, which is NOT in the city, is too far away..... and is anterior lines anyway,
    The muddy hill on three sides, is like the banks of the Volga. Where Soviet troops held the reverse slop. NO ONE I PLAY AGAINST OR WITH understands. IS EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD A RETARD???????
    No, but certainly MANY people in Canada and USA are fucking retards, those are my teem mates AND my opponents.
    POORLY educated. And even proud of it.
    Jeezuz fuck.

    If I was playing in Europe, my opponents would crush me, because in Europe, MANY people do not use a car, and do NOT expect hamburgers to hop into their soft little hands.

    Последнее редактирование: 2 ноя 2015
  3. Barbarafum

    Barbarafum New Member

    Concept of Schwerpunkt applied in some games/gaming

    ...PC only. I dont have a PS2 or Xbox or whatnot.

    Doesnt have to be fancy, just fun. Flash games count, also. Cool emulation stuff also works.

  4. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Re: Concept of Schwerpunkt applied in some games/gaming

    GPS based game, like GeoChache
    Need a handheld, I-Thing or Android, with GPS spoofing disabled. Oh, wifi is good, but not good enough. Best to have some satellite communications [I cannot have beer any-more, I had to choose: Either beer, or the game, I can't afford both]

    See what the strategy I use developes into after applied?

    Lookie at the picture, that is after I sortied, using radial lines out from my four bases, or Schweren. Notice I have cut off a highway? That highway is usually used by the opposing team, but I don't like it, so I Schwerpunkt through it.

