Me 410 B

Тема в разделе "Game bugs", создана пользователем airfax, 25 июн 2003.

  1. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    I don't know is this already under work, but I hac most peculiar time with Me 410 b last night. I tried to choose it from "select"->"planes", but I was thrown instantly to windows. Happened five times more, until I cried for help :p . Funny part is, that everything worked fine, before I got to "select" page. PAM, back to windows for airfax....

    After I changed plane with dot command, everything worked allright :confused:

    410b didn't work either in TA....

    I use Win98Se in my grinder which could ( with sarkastic look in face) be called "a computer"...

    airfax/karma :flyer: :turret:
  2. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Known bug with 410 and win98.

    use .plane XXX to change plane.
  3. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Damn, thats fast

    Will do, thank you :@prayer:
    airfax/karma :joystick: :flyer: :turret: