no planes on 911?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Mcloud, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Cabron

    Cabron Well-Known Member

    In previous administrations, the military was the hole we poured money down.

    It has shifted to banking being the hole we (as a country) pour money down.

    The difference is that we actually got something for our money (employment, jobs, and hardware) before while pouring money down the banking hole now nets us nothing tangible.
  2. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Corporate welfare is still the end result.

    What America has to do is invest in American citizens and not corporations.

    When all Americans have health care, education safe food and drinking water then will we really prosper.

    Remember the GI bill after WW2.
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    What is "education safe food"? Is that a burger that still tastes good even after you've found out what's in it? :D
  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Hahahahha !!!!!!!!!

    Ever see that old movie "Soylent Green" ?
  5. Cabron

    Cabron Well-Known Member

    Yes...corporate welfare it is.....but we used to get something in return, however small, when the defense contractors were the beneficiary.

    With banking now the reciepient, we get nothing at all in exchange for the dollars poured into the hole.
  6. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, but that is PURE BULLSHIT.

    Talk to some real economist. Military spending is the most expensive and returns NOTHING positive to the people.

    Spending excesses, bribery,corruption, pollution and wasted resources for overpriced tools for killing.

    Whenever a military base closes the economy jumps up and the quality of Life increases.

    The US military is the greatest pork barrel waste in the world.

    They could take half of the top brass out and cut the budget by half and get a far better end product.

    The GAO stated the defense department could not account for HALF the money they got for the Iraq war during the Bush Admin:

    They were getting FOUR BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH and they could not find out where TWO BILLION WERE GOING !!!!! LOSING TWO BILLION A MONTH.

  7. Cabron

    Cabron Well-Known Member

    But we get some return.....however small.

    We get no return when money is poured into the banks.

    The question to ask is what point in the military process is that money lost.

    I will venture a bet it happens at the banking stage.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  8. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Yes, we do get some return, and I'd say it's more valuable than what we get from investments in other bureaucracies. We get national security and stuff, true.

    For example, the unemployment rate at the historically gaint base near here is a full percent lower than the nation-wide average, almost two (2) points lower than the state-wide average. There's plenty of activity there, and businesses to support it. Retail outfits, restaurants, cars dealerships, pawn shops, massage parlors, etc.

    But we need to stop sending guys over to play pop-up targets for tribesmen, IMHO. Something's gone wrong.
  9. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing as National Security when 20% of Americans are in jail.

    There is no national security when 30% of high school graduates are illiterate.

    There is no national security when 60% of Americans have no health care.

    There is no national security when 12% of Americans have no job.

    There is no national security when 90% of ALL media is owned by 6 corporations.

    There is no national security when the Supreme Court rules that corporations can give UNLIMITED funding to any political campaign.

    There is no national security when FOREIGN CORPORATIONS AND LOBBYIST can fund with no limit their political agenda over the interests of the American people.

    There is no national security when 60% of the bee population is killed by American chemical corporations and no one goes to jail.

    There is national security when one corporation OWNS patents on crops and owns 80% of all crops in USA and Canada.

    There is no national security when the Pentagon cannot account for TWO BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH FROM THE START OF THE IRAQ WAR and no one is fired, taken to jail or hanged for treason.

    There is no national security when some idiot claims "I support the troops" and then reduces combat pay, allows the soldiers' absentee votes to be lost and/or not counted and pays-off sub contractors for war materiel and allows those very same troops to go into combat without flak jackets, body armor
    or armored Hum Vees.

    When and if Americans wake-up the price of rope will go very high indeed...

  10. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    20% of Americans (here the term may be considered to refer to North Americans with US citizenship) in jail? No, and certainly not in prison. One of every five?

    This figure I can believe. In fact, I'd argue that functional illiteracy rates are higher. This is the constituency that brought us the current administration, one might argue.

    What? Even the percentage of those without insurance coverage is likely below 20%. Without insurance, one can enter nearly all US hospitals (primarily private businesses partially funded by the feds) and receive treatment, regardless of insurance coverage, regardless of legal status.

    Such an insane figure wasn't offered even during the so-called health care debates of earlier this year, man!

    As some pundits on the right say, "get a government job." That's the admin's solution.

    Who knows (I don't), but I'd suspect these media support the current admin.

    Yeah, and corporations are comprised of individuals, and will be on record as having contributed. Good thing those prominent Ds are rejecting wealth, rejecting contributions from the corporate world, and choosing to all live like St. Francis.

    Good thing no foreign govs. had anything to do with the recent unpleasantness in Arizona. See you at the clinton wedding.


    They should cease helping feed the world, immediately...

    True, we should fire and prosecute a lot of persons and outfits for waste, even treason. Hanging should be reserved for traitors, though.

    Sure, it's true. There are outright crooks who would be crooks in any era, under any circumstances, regardless of the administration.

    A good friend of mine was arguing before the last election: "Those who really support the troops would not put them in harm's way without reason!" Somehow he's quieted down.

    Great, we're headed towards another civil war (that is, one within the continental USA).
  11. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

  12. Likaantidoq

    Likaantidoq Banned

    no planes on 911

    I was walking home from school today and heard a jet engine. Being a total freaking plane nut I looked up to see what it was, if I could identify it, and to my surprise I saw an A-10.

    Ive never seen A-10s flying here before I live in Aurora, Colorado, about 5 miles from Buckly AFB, and wasnt aware of any A-10s being stationed at Buckley Last I knew it was all F-16s. Are there any? Or was it maybe making a pit-stop or something. It was flying pretty low, which makes me thing it had just taken off it was flying West, and there was only one, if that makes any difference.

    A few days ago I also saw some fighters I didnt recognize, there were three of them. I thought they maybe looked like F-22s, but I wasnt sure..

    Does anybody know what planes are currently stationed at Buckley AFB?

    Theres an Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, but I think Im rather far North to have seen any planes flying from there.
  13. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Plane hits building, nose comes out other side undamaged then disappears, lol.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  14. Jack Baldwin

    Jack Baldwin Banned

    Whomever Cloud turned his footage over to, added a black blob. Clifton, did not hear nor see a plane. It would have been coming from his left. Clifton, debunks all video fakery shown on 911. Advance to 2:00 for his real-time account. He says it over and over and over and over. He didn't see a plane because there was no plane to see. The blob cannot be seen south of where it magically appeared. He was about a mile east of the towers and slightly north.

    "I just caught the second explosion on videotape...No, a bomb, I saw it, no plane hit nothin', the building exploded from the other tower floors down."

  15. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member