Old strange Russian singer...re-dubbed.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -ALW-, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  2. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    That is just too Freakin' weird.

    I can't tell if that guy is a mental retard or just some space alien......

    There is something not right with that humanoid.
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    That's a RE-DUB, loose. As in "not what he actually sings in the real video". :p
  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Ha ha ha... yes I know that Red.

    I found the original video.

    I am talking about the guys appearance. It is weird to me.

    He doesn't seem Human.:dunno:
  5. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    That's the appearance of communism/socialism I think you are seeing. ;)
  6. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I think the guy looks, acts, gestures like any talking head of that time. When was that? 1975? He doesn't look or act any stoopider than any other talking head singing and gesturing in 1975. Televison and popular art is just as retarded as it was back in the day, circa 1975.
    If you were in a Big Chain Grocery Store [in 1975 OR 2011], the music that plays endlessly, never ending, from little ubiquitous loudspeakers in every corner, is no different. They even play that shit in the crapper!
    Meaningless, just more clutter, more distraction. A cacaphony. Nonsense.

    I read somewhere, something the singer/composer argued. The composer said the lyrics are maeningless, futile, just words hanging, waiting to be clutched, used in a composition, a symphonic work.
    The composer and the lyricist had that debate. The son of the who sang it said it was performed the trolala song to show his rival that the tune stood. It was valid, had value. That it was a nice tune. Important in it's way, stood alone, apart, as a nice tune, and apparently, many people found themselve wistling that happy, simple tune without thinking about it, same you would if you had just gone to the crapper to sit with your book for five minutes, pinched your loaf and then left the crapper, now wistling a simple happy tune.
    Nobody would ask, "Hey, what is that great tune you are wistling?"
    Nobody would care.

    I wistled a tune for a while, after having watched some youtube over the weekend. I was whistling while I worked, it was Monday. I like to whislte while I work.
    I was whistling the Horst Wessel Leid.
    A guy told me to stop it. I did. I remembered what they tune was and I didn't consider that some others might recognize it as a tune from a different time, a different age, and that it was more than just a tune.

    Trolala SOng:
    Someone wrote those notes and made a tune, the tune is, you gotta admit it, happy. Like pap. Pap is happy spoonfed to babies also.
    Blah blah.

    I bet the same shit was played in loudspeakers in Za Camp too, you remember Za Camps?
    Zosse Campss are stiil dare, ja! You liff in one, schtupiTT

    Himy Goldstein, Holocost Surviver:
    Oh that song, why is that song INSIDE MY HEAD! Get it out! GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD. They played that song for months at a time in Za Camps. I hated it.
    I still do.
    But I cannot get it OUT OF MY HEAD!

    [they found Himey, after his neighbours noticed the smell from his apartment...]
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Yeah yeah yeah. Hez....

    I know. BUT he just looks weird. To me. All I'm sayin'.

    You know, like when you'd walk into a crowded bus and you take a look around.

    There are a few seats and you've got to decide who you're going to sit next.

    Well there are certain types, certain looks that you just feel the vibe and know you will not sit next to that person.

    It's sort of like that.

    Some vibes are just bad; could be menacing bad or could be crazy bad.

    This one is some kind of crazy bad.

    Maybe bad is too strong a word. negative vibe may be better.

    I'm sure you've had them too.

    Some examples:

    I was driving on the freeway one night in not a too good area.

    I get the sudden and terrible urge to go away, just GO.

    I stand on the gas and blast out at 90+mph for a while, just a few seconds it seemed until the urge went away.

    The freeway was mostly devoid of cars that late at night.

    I look in the rear view mirror just in time to see a car taking-off at high speed from the on-ramp and charging straight into the guard rail all the way over in the center divider, just where I was driving. I see the headlight spiral left over right over left as it bounced off the guard rail and tumbling one headlight very dull and still circling the other. and finally coming to a stop with only one light on now.

    From then on anytime I get that feeling, I get down and take cover!

    Another story:

    Little old lady in WW2 in a big city in France. she is walking back from the store and the air raid sirens start screaming. She is walking across an overhead walk way of some dozen railways. She makes it across but still has three blocks to go to her apartment.

    A shopkeeper sees the old lady that just crossed the tracks and yells-out to her to come down to the basement of his building's bomb shelter that she will never make it in time to her place before the bombs start dropping.

    She continues to walk and says: "No no.. I'll die in my own home, thank you."

    She makes it to her place and after the all-clear sounds the family goes out doors.

    That building where the shopkeeper was in shambles.

    A time delay bomb made it all the way to the basement before exploding.

    Took-out all the people and a lot of the building.

    That little old lady made it through two world wars and a couple of revolutions.
  8. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Wow, interesting stuff looseleaf
  9. Krok-

    Krok- Well-Known Member

  10. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    ну постебались - и хватит.


    нормальный чувак. в отличие от современной R@B шушеры голос хоть был.
  11. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    It looks like he will get some money from his works now. He is a hit on the youtube. I am happy for him. I have done a little reading about him, his life and work and he seems to be a nice honest and hard working artist and he is remembered for his work and his charm and is loved by friends, family and the Russian Family Of Peoples and nations.
    His son says he wasn't payed very well...
    His son says he wishes people would send him love and even a little money would be really nice too!
    His son says he deserves it and more.
    I agree, this is a good story. A nice man. A great man...
    God bless him.

    I don't know what he is saying, but just LOOK AT HIM. Listen to the tone of his voice! Look at those eyes! His smile! His hand gestures.
    No wonder Russia loves him.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  12. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

  13. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

  14. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

  15. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

  16. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    I don't, I hate vodka, but I've tasted some russian vodka. Do you like russian vodka? Is it good? Does it give a good feeling for you? Stanisla-ja or va or what?
  17. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    You mean "Stolichnaja", don't you? After all, there's a lot of other brends now.
    You hate russian vodka?! Very very strange... Are you really from Finland, Jacobe? :dunno:
  18. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    where are you from? :D
  19. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    I'm a Russian from Ukraine. ;)
    At Soviet times ppl from Finland used to visit Leningrad (St. Petersburg nowdays). Their love for Russian vodka was so much, that coming back home they usually were delivered like logs of wood. :alc:

    btw, why do you call the Russian singer "Mr. TrOlOlO"? :D
    Асtually, he sings "trA-lA-lA". :D
    No way to the trolls war-cry. :UU:
  20. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    It's more like ho ho ho hoooo la la la la la laaaaa yeeeeeeeee nah nah nah nah nah naaaaah yeeyeeyeeeyeeyeeyee low low low low low low low low looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.

    Nothing talented in that presentation. What makes it funny to watch is that there is something to watch. The guy looks like he's high on some kind of drugs and thinks he's singing and can't think of any words to say. That's pretty much why he didn't make much income by exercising his vocal chords. I mean, really now....

    ho ho ho hoooo la la la la la laaaaa yeeeeeeeee nah nah nah nah nah naaaaah yeeyeeyeeeyeeyeeyee low low low low low low low low looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ??? :confused:

    lol. :shuffle: