Old strange Russian singer...re-dubbed.....

Тема в разделе "Off Topic International", создана пользователем -ALW-, 2 мар 2011.

  1. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    He was a professional musician of some sort. He lived in the Soviet Union, where most peple didn't get very good money.
    I read about him. His son said that he had a little debate with another guy, a composer. The composer said something about the words meaning nothing, that the tune was everything. The singer wanted to show, um, that, um, words meant nothing but tone meant lots. That song was shit without a voice doing something...... anything. The did it. If you were off a distance and not paying any attention at all to the words, then all you would hear was the tune, and the voice would be part of the tune, they would harmonize, or something like that.
    Uh, I don't know what I am trying to say.
    I have heard a thousands songs that I didn't know more than a few of the words of.

    I don't remember what the point was. I bet he and his composer buddy were piss tanks.
  2. noisul2008

    noisul2008 Banned

    дай слова списать, ALW! :super: