P-38 vs Bf110 or Me410

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем -ALW-, 7 сен 2013.

  1. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    P-38 vs Bf110 or Me410: Which twin engined fighter is better?

    This is a question I've wanted to bring up for quite some time for debate for correcting modeling purposes. I've wondered what people think when combating a P-38 in WBFH with the 110 or 410. I know my opinion and results from research I conducted myself years ago. ;)

    Gandhi replied to Bullet's F6 vs Ki question so, I'm hoping I get a response here too.
  2. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    Noob in P38 will be able to take off. Noob in Me110 or 410 wont.
  3. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    i'd use 38 for duel against 110.
    considering 10 hvars, i'd even prefer 38 for strafing.

    110 is unmatched in 1939-1940, among potez 630, breguet 693, and g.1, i suppose. in 42 110 starts to fade out, but 210 fails to update zerstörer line.

    anyways, comparing 38 to 110 is like comparing p-51 to ki-61.

    as for 410. i really dunno. but i somehow feel that 38 could unconditionally win. no numbers about me at the moment.
  4. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member


    Lets test a bit P38 vs 110/410
  5. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Well, that isn't a "noob" plane. Otherwise, the skies would be filled with P-38s wouldn't it. :deal:

    Besides, the P-38 was far better designed than the 110 or 410. The P-38 designs as it progressed were hindered for other reasons. Otherwise, for example if the P-38K had been released, there would have been some real changes in the war, and changes here in WB. The Me262s would have been in trouble.
  6. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    What's your arena name? I'm not too worried about the 110 but, the 410 has had me scratching my head sometimes after I experience exceptional modeling for the 410. The P-38 as it is modeled right now has issues which didn't exist IRL such as abnormal single engine operation during normal flight, in maneuvers, (vid1, vid2, Dead Engine maneuver) but, I manage.

    It comes down to pilot skill and aircraft familiarity in WBFH so, a duel is fun but, not exactly fact but, results of WBFH modeling per "fairness whining". Performance stats are something completely different though: Rate Of Climb, Top Speed, Acceleration, Fuel Capacity performance changes, Throttle position vs speed indicated, etc. An example is a post I made one time regarding the performance of a P-38 in a video I illustrated to exec. One point made was fuel capacity of said aircraft performing maneuvers. Well, even though that P-38 in the video was obviously very maneuverable, the WBFH version of the P-38 could never replicate the stability and agility as of now. Airframes all the same by fact, the weight of fuel at a level of 5% in WBFH I could not replicate the maneuvers in the video. Watching pylon racing with the P-38 makes one realize things are not quite right in the modeling of the P-38.

    But, really, all this aside, I'm wondering what everyone else thinks and what information folks like gandhi has.
    Последнее редактирование: 12 сен 2013
  7. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    Did not say P38 is noob plane. It was at wb.de. But like most US planes it got fucked up on RU server. Or maybe brought a little bit closer to "real" flight characteristics.
  8. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    "Noob in P38 will be able to take off" I took that as saying that someone who is a "noob" or new inexperienced pilot won't have any trouble flying a P-38. :turret:

    Flight characteristics have not been what they should be on WBFH. Some planes that were historically correct were later changed into being un-flyable. These actions the WBFH team took to make these changes only caused problems. And we don't see the ones who whined and moaned here enjoying their "realistic" airplanes. And we don't have the regulars either. A lose - lose result. Many of us have accurate historical data but it falls on critical deaf ears. We only see criticism of the data presented. :shuffle: exec is the only one most active here.

    I just wish the aircraft here were modeled as historical, and not as whining lamer modeled.

    People need to realize WWII aircraft was not a nascar or formula 1 event. Every plane had strong points and weak points. A person just has to pick the aircraft that fits their liking, and use it. I chose the P-38 because nobody flew it and I wanted to find out why. Never really found out till I saw the skies full of wanna be aces flying spitfires and 109s/190s.

    Always fun to kick someones butt in their own plane which I never fly. :duel: ;)
    So, TA has been my home for a long while.

    Yep, where are those wonderful knowledgeable folks who accomplished ruining so many planes in WBFH. Where? I say it should be back to the drawing board, whatever version that was(1.62??). Delete a bunch of inaccurate and redundant planes that shouldn't be there, and put aircraft people will fly, make it fun, and enjoy ourselves. :D
  9. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    "Noob in P38 will be able to take off"
    counterrotating props :D

  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    lockheed "lightning mk i" hasn't ;)
  11. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Oh, so there is a Mk I lightning in the FH?
    I always wondered what sort of ride the Bf110, Me210 [maybe not] and Me410 would have been like with conter rotation. And Mossie. Never mind. Forget I wrote than, stay on topic, guys.
  12. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    just mentioned that it was mk i in history.
  13. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone else on earth did that, that plane was unique at that time, and counter-props were an asset, a BIG asset.
    I read it took an ADULT to fly them, they were so hi tech, but the Adults that fly them thought they were easy.
    Says a lot for the training USA pilots had.
  14. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    haven't flown here in 2 years or so, but I'll give my 2 cents worth..

    It all comes down to whether or not you want a game that is realistic in its flight models or if you want a game that has aircraft that are not realistic but are fun to fly and fight in. It's that old chicken or the egg type of question..or, in my case goat or gorilla or something like that..(slurrrp) :@drunk:

    Well from what I remember about freehost, the 110 was a great aircraft for destroying bombers with its over-powerful 30mm guns. the 30mm shells in this place hit like 40mm shells. (In real life it would take 3-4 hits in the same general area to bring down a buff. In all the years of playing warbirds, I can not ever remember surviving a single 30mm hit from any distance flying any red aircraft.) the 110 was capable of dogfighting almost about as well as anything the reds have, but would usually eventually get beat up by a spit or fm at a low alt dogfight. In reality the 110 was an aircraft that got shot down quite often and like the hurricane was an outdated, obsolete aircraft compared with other fighters at the time ie 109, spit.

    the p38? uhh as far as I can remember in warbirds this aircraft had a powerful dive and certain players knew how to fly this thing. Apparently it couldn't climb as steeply as other planes but its over climb rate and speed made it difficult to catch if anything tried to chase after it. I can remember trying to climb up after a p38 and I was flying I think ki84 or nik1 and after 10 minutes or so I couldn't catch it. I don't know if that is what happens in real life but again we must decide whether we are talking goat or gorilla cocks here.

    No idea about the 410 but from what I can remember it was similar to the 110 cuz it had guns in the nose and was great for chopping up buffs, no need for setting convergence, shoot at any distance. probably faster and and all that than a 110.

    PS does this game work?
    Последнее редактирование: 15 сен 2013
  15. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    That red haired beauty totally got me right!

    I agree in many points to that P38 lover. Thats close to the story how and why I started to fly 109.