Please explain ... (rant inside)

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Red Ant, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Pls, dont make erection on me...


  2. -letez

    -letez Banned

    You want me on "stupid red side"?:shuffle:
  3. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Кстати, каждый раз, когда ты или кто-нибудь другой обвиняет другого человека в selfkill - ты делаешь его selfkiller. Потому, что ты можешь ошибаться. Меня этот тезис не касается.
  4. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Can anyone translate letez' post please?
  5. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    :D !!!!!!!
  6. bot

    bot Well-Known Member

    Letez said something like.......... "I hate my Father and I'm ashamed that I'm a 43 year old, 350lb, bald, ugly geek who lives in my Mother's basment," but my Russian is a little rusty, I could be wrong.
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    I don't want you AT ALL.

    I would like you to play with honor and dignity.

    Play. it's only a GAME. Play the GAME.

    Play on any side, any squad that will have you.

    Stop fucking around.

    You must realize that there are players better than you and you are better than some players.

    You are not a better player by cheating your opponent of their kill. Nor will you ever become a better player.

    The person who shot you down KNOWS the truth, YOU know the truth. The other players KNOW the truth. and no amount of denial will erase that fact.

    What good are the score pages if everyone knows the truth?
    Do you believe your own lies?

    Come on and join-in on the FUN of it.

    Make the word "OOPS!" something that everyone can laugh with you about.
    1 person likes this.
  8. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Sorry my penis's to little ;) (just kiddin- the rest will be translated well)

    I can easily explain my motives to you. I have already done this for a thousand times.
    I did self-kill for the first time when I was accused of it and immediately kicked by player Redbull, who had the privileges to do this, but had no rights to do it. I dive bombed in Ju88 last targets on f12, with redbull flying a red fighter on my 6. My bombs missed the target, but managed to kill me. Redbull did not get the kill. He allowed himself unlawfull administration. The track is somwhere in forum. The time of selfkilling started for me from now on. I use selfkilling as a method of psychological warfare against those who think that a gold plane is an easy kill. I now use selfkilling to demoralise the enemy. It works great with ros= 1 gold / 3-4 red. Once I reveal someone using .attach letez I use selfkilling against them, to discourage the cheater from doing that again.
    I use selfkill and call for others to pk me, in order to get the enemy fighters to use all of their ammo on me, thus posing no threat to my fellow players anymore.
    I know, that there're a number of some players who use dishonest means of play and modified FM. There's, for example, a polish site, which for a small fee offer the player transparent cockpits or programs which allow the player to inflict instant PK.
    Do you play often Red Ant?
    By the way- just look when I play reds, the need to selfkill reapears when the weapons...

    Why do you think it is so?

    Translator's own comment to all of that crap:
    That person's sick, unskilled and blames everyone else (especially Polish cheaters) for it's lack of basic survival skills.
    Was he one of the non-russian speaking members of the community, he would have flown out of the game long time ago.
    I remember letez selfkilling even before redbul kicked him out... so his excuses are lame as my coffee is due to writing that stupid translation.
    I did translate the whole faithfully, almost word after word, to enable the non-russian speaking part of the community to see for themselves, what a self-assured, stupid and respectless piece of a twat he is.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
    2 people like this.
  9. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    lol what a bullshit :D

    :director: btw: i am in polish sq. now, i want transparent cockipts and program for pks too!
  10. Lesiu

    Lesiu Well-Known Member

    In other words, letez thinks that red side has an unfair advantage. And, heey, everyone is cheating? Yeah, right.

    Have you ever played whole red tod, letez? No? Try, it is soo easy.
    For small fee I'm also offering you auto-bail script, and of course alt-f4 script, when you get damage, it could be handy.

    Zero, the hero.
  11. FranzAugust

    FranzAugust Well-Known Member

    You damn polish cheaters. I'm on his side!
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    letez is right, but the debate about selfkillin's effectiveness is a lot more complex. take japs for example, they demoralised their enemy so bad with the kamikaze actions, the americans decided to drop the atomic bomb coz of expectin to many losses if invadin japan

    the germans, on the other hand, lost the war coz of their morality. they banned hitler from the squad, due to selfkillin, so they lost.
  13. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    which sq?
  14. casper1

    casper1 Well-Known Member

    Ahhhhh, the long,tiresome issue of selfkilling. The solution is the responsability of FH admin. Would it be impossable to change this game so a player could not get killed by his own bombs? Ie,, friendly fire.
    The simple fact is, if it is possable to do it,, someone will.
    1 person likes this.
  15. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    for gods sake is it so hard to log-in, type .ban -letez, and log-out?

    geez sometimes I really really wonder what in the name of god makes me still play on this god forsaken server...
  16. fatale

    fatale Well-Known Member

    302 :eek:
  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    lol good to know :D
  18. -letez

    -letez Banned

    Yes, Lesiu. As pillau.

    Cc... Its was easy... But stupid... No needed any brain...
  19. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    lol so you became frantisek after all :D wrong squad tho :D
  20. -letez

    -letez Banned
