
Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -exec-, Aug 12, 2008.


Rolland Garros?

  1. forgettable jocular, let's ignore him

  2. inacceptable rude, inadequate, must be banned forever

  3. does not have a sense of tact, must be banned for a week

  4. exec is a woodpecker

  1. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    I do not "give a shit" about him either. Yes, we all can just ignore him like some do here.

    But this is not about us but more about just what kind of Forum this is.

    If the admins allow this kind of behavior, what does it say about them, about the people who will come to join here?

    What does it say about us? Maybe it's better to do what heartc did? Do we runaway for unacceptable offenses?
    Are we to allow ourselves to be debased and bullied into behavior that most people would not get away with in any other forums online or in person?
    Where does it stop?
  2. bazura

    bazura Well-Known Member

    Save a Roland Garros, do me instead.
  3. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    good one

    anyway banning for a week is the stupidest idea ever, after this you would start another poll within a day or two :D
    ban forever or dont ban at all
  4. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    since this is a one-off case and not at all an introduction of systematic rules against shit behaviour, in a typically eastern manner RollandGarros must be banned forever, his hands and head be savagelly cut off!

    thats my vote
  5. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    i become curious where do you come from?

    it is also very true here!
    it does not seem to be true about USA or UK for example, as big-jo just illustrated in this thread

    well, after i started mixing with young lawyers and journalists I learned that it is true in Bulgaria up to the moment when one decides to become an investigative journalist that sniffs around the business or links of Bulgaria's rich... then,
    1. he is visited in his flat "by the boys"
    2. if the ensuing stay in the hospital does not set him on the right path, his car is blown up with him inside
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    dunno franz, i think it mostly stands for "my answer is no and btw, the initiator of this poll is a fucking imbecile"
  7. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    hey I'd gladly vote for that instead of the woodpecker :D
  8. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Forget about RolandGarros. Behaviour in forum is a form of sexual sublimation for him, that's why for the others it looks kind of... annoying. Remember Diogene? One of his ways to get public attention was to wank off at the market square. Reminds anything?

    Don't take sex away from RolandGarros!
  9. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Roland ain't so bad...We need rollie...he's OK..He's smarter than he first appears..anyone who can add a little spice to a forum is basically OK.

    If he acts up put him in a room with tzebra for a couple of days..lmfao

  10. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    LOL. I'm sure he would want to circumcize the poor guy, in the name of "God made man in His likeness".
  11. thug

    thug Well-Known Member

    ass clown

    Roland garros is scum, he should be banned.

    There is no freedom of speech, I don't know what flygav is talking about, mabye on the internet there is a degree of freedom of speech, but face to face lol I think not.

    As much as exec pisses me off, with his usual complete avoidance of answering anyones questions, I'll give him some credit here, he's trying to be democratic, I agree that roland is irritating and it's time to say bye bye to him.
  12. Asmumy

    Asmumy Well-Known Member

  13. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    That pic never gonna load.
  14. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    pic was replaced by admins
  15. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    "Freedom of speech"????

    Flygv, sure in USA we have First Amendment. But that does not give one the "right" to go into a crowded theater and yell "Fire" when in fact there is no fire.

    Now if you go into a church and start yelling profanities and offensive statements, most likely they will ask you to leave and/or escort you out of the building. Same deal if you belong to any club or organization when you do not follow the rules.

    Some of the rules here are no commercial activity, no offensive behavior , no personal attacks, etc. go back a read the terms of agreement.

    It's time to start enforcing those rules.

    If exec does not in this case in light of what he did to that other guy in the Georgia war business, then he really is a woodpecker or worse.
  16. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Re: ass clown

    So if I find al or snakie irritating they should be banned?

    @snakie: f-land, when?
  17. thug

    thug Well-Known Member

    Re: ass clown

    I don't need to answer that......... al and "snakie" vs roland are two different animals, the former just need to grow up, the later is a blight in this forum.
  18. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Re: ass clown

    Finally, someone saying it like it is!

  19. phantom

    phantom Member

    He has consistently broken the rules of the forum.

    Time for someone from FH to take action.
  20. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    yup, ban thug and all his other nicks too :super: