rule suggestion

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by tigrou, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member


    I've fun in new rule FH, but i think it miss something about navigation.
    IT's about map: offline, i'had a personal rule,not see radar cross map in flight,
    just a printed map near me. It makes the flight more planified, with a better SA.
    it would be good to try it online.radar map available in tower, a "nude map" in flight with an option,can zoom on the secteur we want.

    another thing, weather begins to be very sunny at home, time spend on PC reduces proportinnaly. :cool:
  2. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    porte ici codes origines de front-end.
  3. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

  4. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    je veux dire que c'est un fonction programmee en fron-end.
  5. vh-dao

    vh-dao Well-Known Member

    I only speak two langauges, english and BAD english!!! Could you please post the english translation to your message.

    What I THINK -exec- is saying is that it would require changes to the Warbirds code to change the map and that they have no control over that code.
  6. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    vh-dao, looks like you don't need it to be translated :D
  7. vh-dao

    vh-dao Well-Known Member

    I've got a lucky guess, that and a lot of computer knowledge!!!