
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by Jacobe, Nov 21, 2010.


Do you smoke?

  1. Yes, and I think I won't quit.

  2. No, and I will not ever start.

  3. Yes, but I hope I'll someday will be able to quit.

  4. xxx

  1. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Yeah, especially when you smell their reeking stench and rank breath carried in the smoke they spew. It's just plain nasty. I worked with people who smoked and do now but, don't allow them to do so in my truck, ever. If they do, I let them know about it. Another thing about smokers is the trash they leave behind. Not just the butts which never biodegrade, but they tend to be more often litter bugs. They ruin car, home, and other product values. I remember going to look at a car with my brother and as soon as we got in the car, we got out. The smell was awful. I just don't get it. What these coughin' nails do do their health and vocal chords is horrible. In the one place I worked, it was mainly women that smoked. And some of them sounded like squeaky frogs or men's voice when they talked. A few of them would hack and cough in the morning before starting work. One lady in particular would go to the bathroom several times a day to hack and cough her lungs out. Sounded like someone dying with pneumonia. She quit smoking a few years later but, I think the damage was already done. This other lady, we could hardly tell what she was saying because she had some operation on her throat and she sounded awful. When the lady that was always hacking, choking, and wheezing quit, a couple of the women quit smoking as well because it scared them to see what this woman looked and sounded like after years of smoking. Sad, sad choice to make in life. :dunno:

    The one lady who quit was spending over $300 a month on those cancer sticks. The one place I worked at, they would have a meeting in the morning, and then the others would go outside to smoke (non-smoking building). This was after the break. I got fed up with seeing that and went outside the same time they did. Some of my managers saw this and gave me some looks but said nothing, seeing what was going on. I thought, well, you're having your cancer break, I'll have my fresh air break. :D I don't think it's right to pay people for smoking on the job. They should be deducted for that waste of time. It's not like going to the bathroom or getting a drink of water, cigarettes aren't necessary at all.

    On a last note, after I was newly born, I lost one of my lungs, coughing overnight because of some smokers in a room nearby. The hole in my lung healed but, I still cannot be in the same area with smokers, it burns my eyes, makes me nauseated, etc.

    Bad for your health, the costs of wasted money, smells bad. Why do it?
  2. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  3. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

  4. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    A world famous lung surgeon from New York says that if you can keep it down to 3 cigarettes a day you wll never have to worry about dying of lung cancer or throat cancer etc. caused from smoking.

    The problem is keeping it down to 3 a day..

    and also it is very difficult to find a decent cigarette these have to buy 100% organic natural Indian smokes because the regular ones you buy at the store are treated with fire retardants.
  5. hezey

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Not a retort for mac's post above, just more of my own point, and I don't think it is nothing to do with the issue of smoking, I am ranting about smoking also.
    I got three automobiles right outside my front [basement suite] window and another right next to my bedroom in the automobile garage, kept in there so it doen't get rain or snow on it... I have to breath that fuckin thing's exchalations when it's fumes seep through the fuckin walls. I would not dare ask them to GO SMOKE THOSE THINGS SOMEWHERE ELSE. I cannot have a cigarette in my rented place because the owners of those four automobiles don't like the SMELL OF MY CIGARETTES. I even get looks when I am outside having a puff by the street in front of the house... My cigarettes are a big stinky risk, yep. Oh yep. I know it is bad to have a smoke, I don't smoke in peoples' noses. BUT PEOPLE RUN THEIR AUTOMOBILES RIGHT NEXT TO MY NOSE. THEY MAY NOT SMELL AS BAD AS A CIGARETTE [actually they do], BUT THEY MAIM PEOPLE, THEY ARE WRECKING THE PLANET, THEIR PATHS TAKE UP TENS OF MILLIONS OF HECTARES OF VALUABLE LAND THAT COULD BE USED FOR GREENING THIS FUCKIN DYING PLANET. THE PLANET IS DYING FROM SMOKING TOO MUCH.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  6. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    You should have known me when I worked with big tobacco, as a contractor for certain things :) You would have hated me even more! I had to visit the headquarters and, I must admit, I got a lot of free cigarettes in those days. I mean, cartons from the headquarters. Ground zero, so to speak.

    Kinda like this :)

    Damn, now I'm thinking about it.

    Want a smoke? :)

    BTW, it was all relatively innocent stuff, didn't mean to make it sound so dramatic :shuffle:

    Was that a good movie or what? Man, remember seeing that on laser disc.

    And please, please use quality headphones at all times :)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Actually they are loaded with fire accelerants. Real tobacco is naturally self extinguishing.

    Another chemical they add to all cigs is a binder that keeps the nicotine bound to blood cells and other human cells as they KNOW the more nicotine stays in the body the greater the addiction.

    The human body naturally tries to dispel the nicotine and the bastards WANT to keep you addicted.

    The crazy part is that their lobbyists made this legal !
  8. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    classic "Canadian" government propagada

    I like the part that says:
    “Taxation of tobacco is an effective policy for preventing and reducing cigarette consumption,” the study’s authors wrote.

    What they don't tell you is that they don't have the right to tax indian smokes. LOL.
    but the title is probably the best BS of all: "37% of smokers buying illegal cigarettes.. (they aren't illegal and the government knows it.)
    A poorly thought-out crackdown is destined to “fail at the end of the day” because it wouldn’t have the backing of the community, he added.



    P.S. I smoked from age 17 to 35. I quit by putting two extra strength patches on every morning at the same time.. 1 on each arm (package clearly states never use more than 1 patch at a time). Also I would chew full strength nicorette gum 4mgx6 pieces 12 hours per day. (Package clearly states only 1 piece to be chewed at a time) Yes I would chew 6 pieces of full strength nicorette and wear 2 patches at the same time. Both instructions for the patch and for the gum say this should never be done.

    Works perfect. quit no problem. 7 years without smoking.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  9. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    Don't know about that, but this year all packed tobaccos here in Finland have to have 2 stripes in it's paper to stop it burning when not SUCKING the 'nail for your own coffin'.

    Could you give some reference to find that info you're referring to, please.I'm interested.
  10. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    That's great man.but I don't like the idea of glueing patches on to my skinny body, nor chewing gum, chewing gum accelerates the fart factor.

    Nicotine cap / beanie / toque would be ok for me.


    Reuben tobacco free? ;)
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    I've quit using patches (the quitting 4 years ago) as well.
    Some methods were just not quite for me (got terrible hiccups from all those tablets and chewing gums).

    If I were to try quitting again, I'd prefer patches anyway (although they result in slight skin burns).
  12. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Frog !!! STOP with the patches if your skin in reacting that way !!!!!!

    Better you quit cold turkey; jump in the sauna once a day for 30 minutes.. with a blond or red head woman.. ok brunette will do too....

    After two weeks you won't even remember what a cigarette was like....

  13. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Quitting cold turkey I've heard is the best way. Patches and pills just keep another side company rich. :deal: