Armistice/Veterans Day 11th November 11:00

Тема в разделе "Warbirds General Discussion", создана пользователем Vyctym, 13 ноя 2004.

  1. TS

    Vyctym Member

    7 ноя 2004
    Hi All,
    I don't know if you guys all do this in the many countries represented in the arena, but in the uk we commemerate all the soldiers airmen and sailors who have given their lives over the years by having a 2 minute silence at 11:00 on the 11th November every year and at the same time on the Sunday nearest (tomorrow).
    I'll be on parade at the local church service at the time this year but it would be really nice if there could be a 2 minute cease-fire at that time for everyone to remember the young guys of all sides who had to do for real what we get to play at now.
    Just a thought,
    Regards to all and thanks for listening/reading.
    Последнее редактирование: 13 ноя 2004
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